Don't understand why Windows phones aren't more popular


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May 27, 2011
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At least there were no resuming screens. And it wasn't that much slower to load. It did demonstrate how slow it is to update information.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Everything is just slow on windows phone - even loading of information within apps, apart from starting up. There are lots of slow loading and reloading of information within apps especially with the Universal Facebook app. Using it on my 640XL is really a dreadful. Messenger is much worse - keeps reconnecting on every resume.

And yet still posting about it regularly lol.

The universal apps seems lot better and faster.

That's why I prefer posting here rather than in those those hardcore fan forums like 950 & 950 XL, and get labelled as troll the moment I post something negative about windows phone. They just can't take any disagreements.

Microsoft really need to encourage all devs to update their apps to Universal ones. However, are the devs going to be bothered? That's another issue I guess. LOL!
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Nov 12, 2012
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Quite honestly I have neither of these phones and can not test the veracity of what is reported in the YouTube video.

I can, however, see several ways in which the results could be skewed. For instance, the two devices show WiFi connection. How do we know it is the same WiFi network on each? How do we know it is not a WiFi network running on the 5 GHz portion of the Dual Channel which 950 XL may have issues with.

I'm not saying there is necessarily any hanky panky going on intentionally. But I have no way to verify a level playing field.

Make what you want of the video, but I say it may possibly be flawed. To ensure a level playing field I'd rather know both were showing the same cellular network and data speed connection.

Remember the golden rule: not everything on the internet is real.


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May 27, 2011
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Quite honestly I have neither of these phones and can not test the veracity of what is reported in the YouTube video.

I can, however, see several ways in which the results could be skewed. For instance, the two devices show WiFi connection. How do we know it is the same WiFi network on each? How do we know it is not a WiFi network running on the 5 GHz portion of the Dual Channel which 950 XL may have issues with.

I'm not saying there is necessarily any hanky panky going on intentionally. But I have no way to verify a level playing field.

Make what you want of the video, but I say it may possibly be flawed. To ensure a level playing field I'd rather know both were showing the same cellular network and data speed connection.

Remember the golden rule: not everything on the internet is real.

Well, you can choose not to believe the tests shown in the vids. But why will the maker of the videos playing dirty just to downplay windows phone? Does it benefit him at all? I highly doubt so.

Being an user of windows phone and Android and iPhone, I can vouch that apps on windows phone are much slower than on the Android and iOS. Perhaps the apps are not optimized or OS itself is bad (W10M). Take Facebook for a start - notifications are received so much slower than the Android / iOS version when the app is launched. Loading of news updates / comments are taking its own sweet time too. Facebook Messenger is another crap piece - always waiting for connections when switching in / out of the app. Flipboard - slow refresh / updates. Instagram BETA - bad, simply bad. I know one may say "Hey universal apps are working much better". But look, ain't facebook suppose to be universal app already? TubeCast is also an Universal app too but the loading time of videos is slower than on the official Google YouTube app.

So you see, apps are just not performing well on Windows phone. Maybe you think I'm dissing the platform here but what I said above are my personal experiences with this platform. The OS is slick, but not the apps for sure.


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Apr 28, 2015
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Well, you can choose not to believe the tests shown in the vids. But why will the maker of the videos playing dirty just to downplay windows phone? Does it benefit him at all? I highly doubt so.

Being an user of windows phone and Android and iPhone, I can vouch that apps on windows phone are much slower than on the Android and iOS. Perhaps the apps are not optimized or OS itself is bad (W10M). Take Facebook for a start - notifications are received so much slower than the Android / iOS version when the app is launched. Loading of news updates / comments are taking its own sweet time too. Facebook Messenger is another crap piece - always waiting for connections when switching in / out of the app. Flipboard - slow refresh / updates. Instagram BETA - bad, simply bad. I know one may say "Hey universal apps are working much better". But look, ain't facebook suppose to be universal app already? TubeCast is also an Universal app too but the loading time of videos is slower than on the official Google YouTube app.

So you see, apps are just not performing well on Windows phone. Maybe you think I'm dissing the platform here but what I said above are my personal experiences with this platform. The OS is slick, but not the apps for sure.

You see, the problem here is that you say it like your observations of apps being slow is an universal truth. It's not slow on my device.


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Nov 12, 2012
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Well, you can choose not to believe the tests shown in the vids. But why will the maker of the videos playing dirty just to downplay windows phone? Does it benefit him at all? I highly doubt so.

I doubt so as well. But there is still the consideration that some inadvertent error is present That is why I said the following things in my post.

...I'm not saying there is necessarily any hanky panky going on intentionally. But I have no way to verify a level playing field....

Make what you want of the video, but I say it may possibly be flawed. To ensure a level playing field I'd rather know both were showing the same cellular network and data speed connection.

Remember the golden rule: not everything on the internet is real.

I don't know what methods the reviewer used, and he doesn't care to show them. It's hardly scientific and thoughtful observers might take issue with lack of demonstrable controls used.

My point is, Bloggers and video Bloggers love to put out content. It doesn't necessarily have to follow that it is all properly fact checked. Much of the internet is surface only. Smart users dig beneath that to find some real facts.


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Jul 10, 2014
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The universal truth is WP OS is fast and solid, but most apps are just not built to optimization. So, make your own judgment and decision.


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You see, the problem here is that you say it like your observations of apps being slow is an universal truth. It's not slow on my device.

You think the apps are fast enough on your device because you have yet to compare it against other phones. You may say that you are not bother by other phones since you are using windows phone only. But hey, that's is indeed a drawback for people who are coming over from Android or iOS.

And is not just my observations alone, there are tons of vids showing the same thing as well as user feedback from other Windows Central forums.


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Feb 21, 2013
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I could also second that. Particularly the browser experience. Chrome and stock Android browser are both superior to edge in loading web pages but time and proper loading.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


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May 8, 2013
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Most people require a phone that can do everything for them, with iphone and android you can get pretty much any app for anything, a speedy UI and useful live tile feedback, is not really enough, Microsoft need to get more developers on board...end of, you can say till your blue in the face, I don't need apps, err yes you do, even if Microsoft can build incentive to make current developers at least update there existing apps, but with most it's a last resort when they have someone spare to do it. I've tried and still do with my lumia 930, but on business, out walking, exercising...I'd grab my android as you get better apps. Fix the app gap which is now more of a huge cavern than a gap, then you can keep your android and ios devices


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Mar 8, 2013
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Well, you can choose not to believe the tests shown in the vids. But why will the maker of the videos playing dirty just to downplay windows phone? Does it benefit him at all? I highly doubt so.

Being an user of windows phone and Android and iPhone, I can vouch that apps on windows phone are much slower than on the Android and iOS. Perhaps the apps are not optimized or OS itself is bad (W10M). Take Facebook for a start - notifications are received so much slower than the Android / iOS version when the app is launched. Loading of news updates / comments are taking its own sweet time too. Facebook Messenger is another crap piece - always waiting for connections when switching in / out of the app. Flipboard - slow refresh / updates. Instagram BETA - bad, simply bad. I know one may say "Hey universal apps are working much better". But look, ain't facebook suppose to be universal app already? TubeCast is also an Universal app too but the loading time of videos is slower than on the official Google YouTube app.

So you see, apps are just not performing well on Windows phone. Maybe you think I'm dissing the platform here but what I said above are my personal experiences with this platform. The OS is slick, but not the apps for sure.

This. 100%. Just got an iphone 6 after using only WP for the majority of the last 6 years. My god. WP8 was fast,fluid,stable. With apps built for that platform. Windows 10 mobile is a hot mess. And there's very few useful universal apps out there, and very few of the big name apps are universal. The iPhone 6 facebook/insta/flipboard/twitter (seriously the mobile version of twitter on windows is fubar)/games run smoother/safari is faster then edge/snapchat and many other apps are finally available. Even microsoft apps with the exception of groove are better! I hate the static icons, but eff it. I have a working phone that gets the job done when I need it, and many more jobs I couldn't do before with my WP. ill miss tiles, but that's about it. I still keep the windows phone around mainly for this app, and some games I dont wanna pay again for. But I cant see myself using this as a daily driver again in the near future. Here's hoping to a surface phone with dev support


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Nov 4, 2013
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Don't understand why Windows phones aren't more popular

Seems like Microsoft just didn't hit the nail on the head like Steve Jobs did.

In my opinion when Windows phones appeared the war between Android and iOS was at it's peak.
The warriors had chosen sides and were tired.
Perhaps a third wheel was too much.
Absolutely nothing wrong with carrying two favorites.

For myself never having a lot of experience with or specifically having a rotten experience with a smartphone then finding Winphone a couple of years ago I was hooked.
Over time however it has become less and less the platform of choice.
I'm still rooting for better decisions from Microsoft Mobile.

Any following is better than none and there are some great people following the platform.

Here's to reaching the pinnacle in spite of...


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Mar 8, 2013
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Because most buyers are only concerned about not being made a look foolish by their peer group. Buy an iPhone and you're automatically 'kool', as that's the message Apple marketing has been excellent at presenting;

I love responses like this. Show complete ignorance. Could it just be, that *gasp* the iphone is a better product for the majority of ppl?!?!


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Nov 12, 2012
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I love responses like this. Show complete ignorance. Could it just be, that *gasp* the iphone is a better product for the majority of ppl?!?!

FWIW... The poster you quoted? That is not their opinion. That poster was a SPAMMER (now banned) who got linking privileges by seeking out posts, quoting them and removing the quotes BBCode to make it appear that they had an original thought and were not just making garbage posts to get to the magic number of 10 posts.

We catch 'em anyway they try. :winktongue: Note that the post you quoted has been deleted.

Moral of the story is: don't expect a rejoinder.


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Mar 8, 2013
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FWIW... The poster you quoted? That is not their opinion. That poster was a SPAMMER (now banned) who got linking privileges by seeking out posts, quoting them and removing the quotes BBCode to make it appear that they had an original thought and were not just making garbage posts to get to the magic number of 10 posts.

We catch 'em anyway they try. :winktongue: Note that the post you quoted has been deleted.

Moral of the story is: don't expect a rejoinder.

Lol wow! Ok thanks for the heads up!


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Jan 19, 2013
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You think the apps are fast enough on your device because you have yet to compare it against other phones. You may say that you are not bother by other phones since you are using windows phone only. But hey, that's is indeed a drawback for people who are coming over from Android or iOS.

And is not just my observations alone, there are tons of vids showing the same thing as well as user feedback from other Windows Central forums.

Yes couldn't agree more, all apps are slower on WP, Try Spotify, disaster.


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Feb 11, 2015
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In my humble opinion it's because of presentation. Think about when you pick up a windows phone in a store it has a ugly wallpaper and some tiles are even missing. Leaving ugly gaps, plus optimized apps slow load times. Everyone that see my set up of my 950 they like it but why, it's because I've set my 950 up like a desktop windows 10. I've put all white icons on the side and put all games and other apps on a folder called start on the bottom right so when I open it up it reminds me of my windows desktop where I click start to reveal all my live tiles. While leaving it just big enough to see all the information from the tiles. Presentation is key.


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Feb 21, 2013
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In my humble opinion it's because of presentation. Think about when you pick up a windows phone in a store it has a ugly wallpaper and some tiles are even missing. Leaving ugly gaps, plus optimized apps slow load times. Everyone that see my set up of my 950 they like it but why, it's because I've set my 950 up like a desktop windows 10. I've put all white icons on the side and put all games and other apps on a folder called start on the bottom right so when I open it up it reminds me of my windows desktop where I click start to reveal all my live tiles. While leaving it just big enough to see all the information from the tiles. Presentation is key.

I've said this before: the start screen should automatically look like the tablet version. In its current state it ends up normally looking garbled. You have to pick the apps to pin to make the screen look aesthetic. Randomly choosing what provides the information you want seems to look to busy on the phone.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


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Mar 8, 2013
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I don't think that's true at all. Popularity doesn't equate to better.

That wasnt even close to what I said. I said its a better product for most people. That comes down to availability, productivity, reliability, apps, hardware. I never said it's better because it's more popular. I was you guys one year ago. Would have defended it to the death. After trying other phones, W10 sucks. You simply cannot defend it in it's current state.

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