doubled my battery life!

So, now I am coming up to 24 hrs and the phone is sitting at 15% battery remaining. I've probably been on 3.5 to 4 hrs of calls since my last update, some browsing (not heavy). I also noticed that in 6-7 hrs of idle time when I was sleeping, the battery dropped by about 3%, which was acceptable. So, all in all, the hard reset for me has worked. I will keep adding apps gradually and see if one of the apps is causing a battery issue if I see a sudden drop. At this time, my hunch is this; I see no reason why the battery life can suddenly improve after a hard reset. What may be happening is battery calibration may be an issue and the hard reset fixes it. The reason i say this is based on my experience and also based on a few other threads I have been reading where people are saying that when there phone switches off and if they switch it back on, they can use the phone again without charging it; so the battery is not really dead, but it seems dead. I think the hard reset is just resulting in a more accurate battery level that we can see and use.
I did a reset last night. I was concerned that yesterday from fully charged I dropped to 70% while reading a 6 page recap of American horror story on EW.

After fully charging over night, my battery life holds a charge much better now. My only problem is that the letters dropped off my AP list so now I have to scroll through the list. Any idea on how to fix that?
I would not suggest resetting your phones unless having serious problems. If you do, make sure to power down phone before it.

Er, how do you power down the phone before doing a factory reset? Don't you have to do it through the settings menu (meaning the phone would have to be on)?
I don't think it's necessary to reset your phone. With a little bit of tweaking you can get a good 24 hours of battery life.

I was quite amazed at how long my battery lasted yesterday after a full day of moderate-heavy usage. Phone calls, texting, web browsing, taking photos/videos, checking out apps, tweaking Ui, and a little bit of gaming.


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I have achieved similar results just bye normal use this first week. When I picked up the phone Sun evening the phone had just over 50% on the battery. Getting everything set up it drained pretty quickly. Mon & Tues the battery life was horrible I had to keep it plugged in while at work. I obviously was putting some heavy usage on it getting everything set up and testing everything. Wed & Thurs is when I started to see much better results. Through normal usage from 8am to 8pm I was around 60% and last night I finally put it on the charger at 30% at 11pm. I have done about two or three reboots, one to see how long it takes and the others troubleshooting the lockscreen not updating with Bing.

Right now its at 88% and its been 4 hours since it was charged. I have work email and lync running, gmail etc.. all on push.
You would require a minimum number of apps for the alphabets to show up in the App list. My guess is, you might have uninstalled some apps that you had before in your app count. Just add the same number of apps that you removed. You see the letters again.
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express
So here's my story LOL!

When I first got the phone I had to go back and get a new sim card.. so they did a full reset after installing the new sim.

I've had the phone since Nov 14th. I just unplugged my phone from my PC after uploading some pictures from my pc..

The battery saver screen is reporting 100% and 7 hours estimated.. Could I have a defective battery or phone?
well i did a hard reset last night (2nd hard reset since i've had the phone in an attempt to get better battery life), this time i did not restore from a backup. i haven't seen any difference at all in battery life. the phone has absolutely no problems keeping a charge while on standby/idle but if i use it at all, for anything, battery life plummets. right now the battery is reading in at 66% with 6 hours remaining and 3 hours since last charge (i charged to 100% this morning).

i will keep using the phone until the last day of being able to return it and if things don't improve or if there is no firmware update to fix any of this then it is going back for good. i love everything about this phone except for the two major problems i've been having, battery life and bluetooth connectivity in my car. if those 2 issues could be fixed this thing would be perfect, i really don't want to go back to iOS but i don't know if i'll have much of a choice.
I don't think so. I could be wrong, but I think the estimate is made from however much power was lost during your previous charge.
I don't see why both of those would be an issue.

If you tweak your settings a bit(background tasks, background agents) you should have charge last you through an entire day.
As for bluetooth, that may just be your car. Bluetooth connects fine in my car.
You would require a minimum number of
apps for the alphabets to show up in the App list. My guess is, you might have uninstalled some apps that you had before in your app count. Just add the same number of apps that you removed. You see the letters again.
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express

I just installed a bunch and still nothing. Checked around settings and didn't see anything
battery estimator is nothing... people are looking at this thing as some sort of intelligent tool. It is not.

It will extrapolate whatever your current usage is for the battery life remaining. If you happen to do something with high drain and then go look, itll undershoot, presuming you don't continue that use for anther 6 hours.

with that said, go through your day and see how it goes.
I decided to do the reset as my battery life was iffy. So far, it seems to have improved but what also got fixed was some weirdness where I couldn't create new email accounts from within settings. My phone had been like that since day one but I chalked up it to my not being familiar with it. Now, after the reset, things defiantly work better. When I did the reset, I didn't use the default settings. Instead, I went in and told it not to send feedback etc. and I set the phone up from scratch instead of restoring a backup.
So my phones battery was at 80% life left, it said 8hours left. I reset my phone, its still at 80% and now it says 1 day 14 hours left...that cant be right.
Try going into the background tasks control panel and disabling drive+'s ability to run behind the lock screen.
Once you've run and enabled drive+ to run in the background it appears to be pulling your location frequently even when not actively in navigation mode. Reset may be clearing this setting. I suspect that if you re-enable drive+ and grant permission you'll see a bigger drain. I'm not saying this is the only issue here but it may be one of them.
I don't see why both of those would be an issue.

If you tweak your settings a bit(background tasks, background agents) you should have charge last you through an entire day.
As for bluetooth, that may just be your car. Bluetooth connects fine in my car.

i have tweaked just about everything at this point. the only background task i have running is Weather. you're right, if i could make it through an entire day then it wouldn't be a problem, the fact is that i can't even make it through half a day with light to moderate use. i have wifi off, bluetooth off, NFC off, and one email account.

the bluetooth is pretty much a known problem at this point, if it works for you in your car then i would think that is more the exception than the rule. see here: WP8 Pairing Issues with Car's Bluetooth - Microsoft Community
So, even if resetting doesn't double our battery life, its still beneficial. So far, I've noticed 3 changes. First, I can now create email accounts from the setting screen (Before, I had to do it from other apps). Second, the ESPN FF app wouldn't install - it say it was restricted from my phone but now it installs and works fine. Third, my back, windows, and search button backlights were on ALL the time and now they appear to be tied into the light sensor and only come on in the dark.

All this, plus the battery is definitely lasting longer. To the OP, thanks for the tip!
I dont know what you are all complaining about....


....ok I may be lying as I haven't used the phone much since setting up as I am waiting for the sim to be activated, but hopefully this will continue :P

I have a number of background tasks (whatsapp, wonder reader, skype, RAC) as well as push email. I expect this to drop loads once I can start using my phone as a phone though :P
Factory reset seems to have done it for me. Battery fights like a champ now. After installing enough Aps I got my index links on my AP screen. Now I just need to get my contacts synched to my ford sync and I'll be happy

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