Duplicate songs when on SD card


New member
Jul 4, 2013
One Word... Musicbee! I tried everything tin order to not have duplicates and i finally found that this program does the best job hands down. What i do is have Zune manage organizing the files and tagging the music info. Then I have Musicbee Use that library for music. Once all of the all of my music was scanned into Musicbee, I went into the preferences and located my phone. One located, I edited the sync settings and chose what I wanted on the phone. After that I clicked synchronize and and it added my music without any problems whatsoever. There are some duplicates but they're mainly because I didn't tag the album with the right info in Zune but it's only around 5% or less songs that give me problems. Been using it for around 4 months now and have had only minor problems here and there that are easily fixed. Hope this helps.


New member
Jul 4, 2013
Hi All,

Just joined, as I've moved from a Huwaei G300 to the new 720. Really like the device, but yeah, there are some niggles. Phone went black last night when charging and wifi was on. No idea why?
And, there is this duplicate music problem. I have skimmed over this thread, so apologies if this was mentioned before. But, I found what is duplicated in the phone memory, only seems to be like a hyper linked file. In other word in explorer in Win7, I go to the phone memory and see all the albums that are also on the sd card, but when I right click/properties on the music folder on the phone, there is no memory listed. It says 0.0 bytes.
So, is it possible that the albums are not really duplicated, but what you see in the phone memory are really just links to the sd card? On my G300, some devs used a hyper link method to move apps off the phone memory to the sd card, but there was always remmant of each .apk on the phone. Hope that makes sense. And again, apologies if this has been mentioned.
PS: the only thing that might change this, is that I haven't connected to the internet yet. But, I have the cloud stuff off, I think :p

Martin Y

New member
Jul 2, 2013
...is it possible that the albums are not really duplicated, but what you see in the phone memory are really just links to the sd card? ...

Yes. They're not real duplicated files, just duplicate entries. I have the same bug affecting photos; each one I take appears twice in my camera roll and soon re-duplicates to 4 copies but there's only one file on the SD card. If you delete any of them, you delete the original.


New member
Jul 4, 2013
Yes. They're not real duplicated files, just duplicate entries. I have the same bug affecting photos; each one I take appears twice in my camera roll and soon re-duplicates to 4 copies but there's only one file on the SD card. If you delete any of them, you delete the original.
yeah thanks, I saw that photo thing too. weird. maybe this new update will sort some of this stuff


New member
Jul 5, 2013
ДУБЛИРОВАНИЕ МУЗЫКАЛЬНЫХ ФАЙЛОВ, перелопатив кучу форумов вычитал актуальное решение, скачиваем плеер AIMP3, в нём встроенный редактор тегов (вкладка "Утилиты"), указываем путь к папке с музыкой, выделяем все файлы, внизу кнопочка "Сохранить". Этот зверь перекатывает теги, заливаем всё на отформатированную в телефоне карту и радуемся). Несколько раз перезагрузил тело, дублей нет, третьи сутки всё ок. Спасибо доброму Boggard

Duplicate songs when on SD card], shoveled a heap of forums read of a topical solution, download the player AIMP3, it built-in tag editor (under "Tools"), specify the path to the folder with the music, select all the files at the bottom of a button "Save". This beast rolls tags, pour everything on formatted phone card and rejoice). Rebooted several times the body takes no third day everything is OK. Thank you kindly Boggard.)

brian gillespie1

New member
Jul 9, 2013
I have had my phone 3 days and returned it now for an android phone. Every time I tried to put music on my windows phone it duplicated and even triplicated songs. I have been on every support site imaginable and not only have I discovered that this is an ongoing problem with windows phones for over a year, but that microsoft has still not provided a fix for the issue! This is pathetic for a company the size of Microsoft and illustrates an arrogance and indifference to customer needs. I will not be purchasing another Windows phone and will be advising everyone I know to stay well clear of them!


New member
Jul 23, 2013
I have tried that exact procedure before (using an external card reader to copy the songs). Shortly after Xbox M+V had an update, which I duly applied. This trashed the database again. I will do the procedure again and see if it sticks this time, though I'm not hopeful.

While I appreciate all the suggestions on this issue, I suspect that WP8's music handling is simply too buggy at the moment to be suitable for my uses. I'm probably not your typical music listener as I'm a muso and add and delete stuff all the time from the music collection, mostly my recordings or those of friends. Music has worked flawlessly for me for years on my Xperia S with the Walkman app. If the music handling on WP8 is so fragile, and I have to jump through hoops and mutter various incantations to make it work, and then have the whole thing trashed by a simple app update, then I'm afraid WP8 is not for me at the moment. A shame - I really love the interface.

I hope this helps...

Following this steps I can fix the duplicates without resetting the phone (Ativ S) or formatting the SD

1) Move the duplicated albums mp3s (folders included) from the phone storage or SD to a folder on the PC.
2) Reformat their tags so that all the files use the same tags the same way.
3) Delete the files related to the duplicated albums in the Music/Albums folder in your Phone storage and, if needed, in your SD too
(keep in mind that when you remove an album file from the "Music/Albums" folder Windows Phone will slowly start to delete your mp3s in the source folder)
4) Copy your modified MP3S back to your SD
5) Wait some time for the phone to catalog the new files

Good and free mp3 tag editors:
Mp3tag - www.mp3tag.de/en/download.html
Tag scanner - www.xdlab.ru/en/index.htm

For compilations, where songs should have different "song artist" tags although part of the same album, the
tag "album artist" must be the same in all the files and every track must have the "COMPILATION" tag set to "1"
(Mp3tag: "extended tags" in the right click menu on selected files - "Tag Scanner": just check "Part of compilation")

If the music app finds a corrupted file in a folder While importing, usually it stops and moves to the next
folder, so, if you find that a album has been only partially imported, you should delete the broken file or
use a tool like "MP3 Diags" to repair it. (mp3diags.sourceforge.net)

Rahul Poddar

New member
May 25, 2013
Its simple, as many have mentioned on this forum. Its slightly tedious considering syncing is much easier since you have to update only 1 medium, but I have gone through a lot of pain and eventually went for the manual method.
1) Take out your SD card from the phone
2) Put it in a card adapter and connect it via the card holder or the USB port on your PC
3) Manually make folders for playlists on the SD Card using Windows Explorer
4) Copy the albums, folders, playlists from the Music folder on your PC to the relevant folders on your SD card
5) Once done, add the SD card back to phone
5) Using Nokia Music or the Music and Videos section play music by either individually selecting a song, album or a genre.
6) I find playing the music by genre much easier in absence of itunes like synced playlists. Hence insure you tag your music properly on your PC

The phone SW hence does not interfere with the SD card syncing and hence no problems of duplicating or triplicating of songs.

Why is it tedious, you may add new songs, playlists or albums to your music library on your PC or itunes. Now you would have to also copy the same music on your SD card as well again following the above procedure to ensure its updated.


New member
Aug 3, 2013
I tried quite a few things that people have mentioned but nothing worked. But what worked for me in ensuring that the duplicates do not get generated is that I copied the all my music directly onto the SD card and not in the Music folder in the SD card. For e.g. lets say I have a folder named "Titanic OST" on my pc. I connect the phone to my pc and then via windows explorer I copy the folder "Titanic OST" directly under SD card (under Computer/Windows Phone/SD Card) and not under Music folder in SD card.

See if this works for you as well.


New member
Nov 9, 2011
Here's something interesting. I have a Mac. I've tried many solutions. Sync, drag and drop, etc.

Today, I went into my iTunes file, opened it, then opened a file called, "iTunes.library.xml" This opened up Microsoft Messenger. Is that how it is supposed to be? If I open the correlating Mac file, it opens iTunes.


New member
Aug 17, 2013
OK this one annoyed me so I had to solve it

The following represent the solution that worked for a lumia 720 plus an SD card. as you will see in a minute, those of you who are not that fortunate to have the ability to use an SD card might be forced to a hard reset.

So here is the solution:
1) Get your microSD card out of the phone
2) Put it in an microSD reader that will show itself to the computer as a disk (funny enough an android phone works well for the task).
3) Backup all content. if there are any hidden files or starnge files - decide what to do with them.
3) format as fat32, default sector size (worked for 16GB information)
4) put the microSD back in the phone
5) connect the phone to the computer
6) copy back your tracks
7) enjoy

I think windows phones have some indexing mechanism that do not work, especially if content was present on the microSD prior to the insertion into the phone.

Formatting the microSD using the windows phone is useless - and thankfully it does such a bad job it was obvious there is a problem. I formatted a 16GB card (which is 15GB) and it gave me only 13.5GB.
Thank you MS for making your bugs so obvious

And if we are on to the subject - no support for flac? Obviously no one in Microsoft understand the nature of quality recordings... If only we had VLC :(


Rodrigo Mendes

New member
Jul 9, 2013
I think I'm very close to understand the cause of this problem. I believe it is the Nokia Music creating multiple entries in system always we transfer or synchronize with Windows.

I had never opened Nokia Music until yesterday. I opened the app and this problem begun.

Even deleting the files, the entries remain in Nokia Music. Including artists who had deleted almost a month ago!
Last edited:

Phil Rosenberg

New member
Sep 4, 2013
I'm having the same duplicate song issues on my Lumia 520. 20 or more duplicates of each track. If I look at the SD card usage under Settings->phhone storage->SD card it shows "other" as using -21,359,296,204 bytes. Yes that's correct a negative number! It also shows my music+video total as 27.62 GB, but I only have 7.64 GB of music. I've also started getting duplicates of pictures and movies. Presumably the duplicates show up to the filesystem as taking up space, giving the stupidly high music+video total, then somehow when it takes the total SD card size, subtracts the free space and the space used by music, video and picture files it gets a negative number which it assigns to "other". In reality other should have some real files which is I guess why things don't sum to exactly zero.

Does this point to a more fundamental bug in the WP8 filesystem on SD cards or some incompatibility causing corruption?


New member
Apr 20, 2013
I experienced this same issue for a long time, and I ultimately reset my phone and only stored pictures/videos/music on the device itself (as opposed to the SD Card) to avoid the duplicates. After loading GDR2, I gave it a shot and starting saving these files to my SD Card again with no duplicate issues. I think that GDR2 has resolved the issue.


New member
Sep 6, 2013
Ok so yes GDR2 will supposedly fix these problems but, as you probably all know, it is achingly slow in it's roll out. I appear to have finally after an entire day of f***ing around and multiple multiple syncs stumbled across a solution. The problem actually appears to be photos. Once I unticked the sync photos option and only synced music and there appear to be, so far at least, no duplicates. This also seems to have fixed the lack of album art and the insanely long loading times.

In terms of the songs coming up as unknown for me it turned out that it was only songs that I had downloaded rather than ripped and they had come as pure mp3 format which seemed to upset the phone. Once I went through and converted them all to WMA or MPEG-4 they stopped cropping up.

Hope this helps those of you unlucky enough to have to wait another month or more for GDR2. No doubt Windows Phone 8.1 will bring another brand new iteration of Xbox Music with it's own wheelbarrow-load of horse manure, but for now at least I can enjoy my music in peace.


New member
Mar 20, 2013
The problem actually appears to be photos. Once I unticked the sync photos option and only synced music and there appear to be, so far at least, no duplicates

I don't have photos syncing, and never had have this option ticked. I still get duplicates. So no, this isn't the problem for me.


New member
Aug 15, 2013
The nokia care suggested me to wait for amber update.. As its a bug with Xbox music and cloud. The files don't take up the space on phone or card but show as duplicates.

Some files on my phone (images mostly) showed 20 duplicates.. It was annoying.. Till the time amber comes to my phone i just reset my phone and it worked like it supposed to. Maybe you should try the same.. Also id suggest syncing the music and images by pc software once after formatting the card.

Sent from my RM-914_im_india_269 using Tapatalk

Rodrigo Mendes

New member
Jul 9, 2013
I experienced this same issue for a long time, and I ultimately reset my phone and only stored pictures/videos/music on the device itself (as opposed to the SD Card) to avoid the duplicates. After loading GDR2, I gave it a shot and starting saving these files to my SD Card again with no duplicate issues. I think that GDR2 has resolved the issue.

The nokia care suggested me to wait for amber update.. As its a bug with Xbox music and cloud. The files don't take up the space on phone or card but show as duplicates.

Some files on my phone (images mostly) showed 20 duplicates.. It was annoying.. Till the time amber comes to my phone i just reset my phone and it worked like it supposed to. Maybe you should try the same.. Also id suggest syncing the music and images by pc software once after formatting the card.

Sent from my RM-914_im_india_269 using Tapatalk

Unfortunately amber update doen't fix duplicate bug. I have Amber on my 820 and have duplicate files too.

I don't want to try a Hard Reset, so I delete all duplicate songs in Windows Phone, not in PC, and sync again with Media Monkey. That's work for me until now.


New member
Aug 6, 2013
As I mentioned in other topic. It does not matter if on SD card or in the internal memory. The bug is no fixed. Probably the only solution is to use synchronization.


New member
Jul 26, 2013
I've been trying to avoid the duplicates for the last 2 days and so far the only way that works is removing the card from the phone and inserting it in the computer. I don't like this method because the transfer speeds on my latptop are slow....probably because the SD slot was not designed to handle SDXC. I'm getting 500KB/s speeds.

I've tested new syncs and they didn't create any duplicates. So it seems that, as long as I can put up with the slow transfers, I'll be duplicate-free. This whole odyssey is a joke. Microsoft is still the same sloppy company of yesteryear.

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