Maybe I don't understand what you're looking for, but Freda certainly does offer some support for chapters. Long-tap on the book page and you'll see a tab control.
On tab 1, you have a scrollable list showing all the sections (that is, chapter sub-files in the EPUB archive) and, within each section a list of page numbers. Tap on one of these to navigate to it
On tab 2 ('contents') you have the table of contents of the book. Tap on any entry in the table of contents to navigate to it.
In terms of speed to load: the next release of Freda (within a week, I hope) will offer significantly better performance. Typical timings for opening a large book on my Samsung Omnia 7:
- to download a book over the air: about 30 seconds before you can start reading; another 4 minutes before pagination is complete (so the page/chapter navigator works)
- to re-open a book you already downloaded: 4 seconds before you can start reading; pagination completes in 45 seconds.
Hope this helps clarify what Freda can/can't do. Any questions, please drop me an email at