Interesting read......
I've had the exact same issues as the previous posters with my 2010 vintage Gateway AIO.
It has been running Win10 since the beginning and when it got to 10130 it would not install any more updates and failed just like is described here.
I trucked on and did clean installs all the way up to the insider's 10240 thinking that it would get sorted out when drivers were released, etc.
Now I would like to install the released build and I still get the same thing.....I doubt I am going to do another clean install as I'm tired of setting this thing up so many times and would love to just update the damn thing...frustrating!
I hear ya, very frustrating indeed especially when you get very little to nothing to go on, every error code I've encountered just lead me in circles as there is no clear answer as to what they "really" mean, I thought PC were supposed to be smart no LOL. As mentioned in this thread, my ProBook just decided to accept the upgrade via "Get Windows 10" app without an inkling as to why (possibly a "behind the scenes update"), even after booting into Windows for the first time and browsing I could not find anything amiss, its been running just hunky dory so far.
After my ordeals trying to upgrade seven devices (not over yet, still 2 to go), I'm finding the stats "installed on 67 million PCs" a little hard to take, asked this question before "how many of those have failed and were counted as an install", just like YouTube, if you click on a video then instantly exit, it is counted as one view, just sayin'
When W10 is working I'm liking it, even in its infancy, can only hope it'll get better over time but the way things have been playing out over the past year or so I'm a tad sceptical as to what the outcome will be, a good place to start right now as I see it is in getting the upgrade/install end finessed, from my DOS days through to W8.1, I've never encountered anything like it.
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