[Error] Outlook account not syncing !

Andrew Brown3

Oct 13, 2013
Account keeps saying not up to date - I have tried Hard resets ..even a firmware flash /change and keep saying Outlook Error : We can't sync right now ....Last Tried 11 secs ago Error Code 80070490
Re: Microsoft Account not syncing

From what I've read it seems related to apps. If possible try turning off the syncing of apps/data like bing/MSN news for example and see if that works. Might also be worthwhile disabling text backup in settings although I think this one results in a different error code.
You're lucky. My account stopped syncing six weeks ago. Senders receiving "550 mailbox unavailable" bounces. Can't get ANYONE at Microsoft to take this seriously. WTF
wow I feel ya not in time length but M$ tech help - there running gag go to is to hard reset !! support =fail!! I get better support here and thats only due to people like us doing trial and error !
Well still not synced 2 days later!! This is ********!! In my haste used another email not realizing how it synced and the one unwanted as the main account as outlook did but my working around email never had my purchases or history tied to to !! So back to reset Ville I went and bam still.cant sync!!
I have the same issue. Mine only syncs when I'm connected to my works WiFi which is pointless. Don't know how to fix it. Very frustrating.
What version of Outlook are you using? That makes a big difference in how to resolve a sync issue. If you have 2007 or 2010, you need the Hotmail connector installed on your computer.
Munter2 this is from set up! I use my MSN account ..go into the settings /email + accounts it says NOT UP TO DATE - I hit Sync and a window comes up with hthis Outlook Error : and Code 80070490 I'm not using a specified app it's built in the phone ? i though you had a Lumia Surely you know what I'm speaking off
Munter2 this is from set up! I use my MSN account ..go into the settings /email + accounts it says NOT UP TO DATE - I hit Sync and a window comes up with hthis Outlook Error : and Code 80070490 I'm not using a specified app it's built in the phone ? i though you had a Lumia Surely you know what I'm speaking off
I sync to Outlook on my computers which have Gmail and Outlook accounts. This keeps all my mail and contacts updated across all of my devices. If you aren't doing that and just using the simple interface on the phone, after removing and re-installing the account it should work, but it looks like you have already done that. Only a guess, but Microsoft probably changed some settings. I would lose the MSN account for mail and only use an outlook.com account. I would be surprised if a phone reset would help on this.
No I have hard reset the phone more times in the last 4 days I at the point of throwing the dam thing to the moon ! I need to have my MSN account the primary /sign in account when setting up the phone because it hold me account info. If i don't not only will my apps list not come up but my game, music purchase etc with any other account and they are not transferable from account to account. My MSN account is the account i have used since sigin up to MSn over 15 yrs ago - it's my Windows login for evey Windows OS since Win XP the thats also tied to my paypal /Microsoft store account and it has been my phone account from the Lumia 820 to the Lumia 925 to go with another account wipes out my ability to sync with my desktop account , tablet Xbox 360 and all those billing/purchases history
The account and other accounts were al lin sync ever since i put on Windows Developer Preview only wheni hard reset 4 days ao did this start to occure with restart and than the T Mobile revc=ocery /Nokia recvery process back to Black and nothing changed when i followed your method of changing /Flashing the with an OS that unbranded it from T mobile so there is something wrong when my MSn will sync as a secondary but not the primary sign up
Microsoft are morons! I went to windowsphone.com contacted to a tech support via Online chat they did absolutely crap for me sent me over to accounts which they determined there was nothing wrong with my account ( previously thought it might have been a charge back conflict for the Music Subscription ) said that outlook was the support to talk to transferred me to outlook.com to which 2 India support techs passed me from one to the other where the last one ( including the first ) said they don't deal with it and began to argue with me that Windows Phone support doesn't have an online support so that was impossible for me to have spoken to them through that venue. I reached out To Xbox Accounts/Live and was sent back to Phone support to which they said they only are for the hardware aspect of the devices ..again sent through to accounts ( even though syncing/calender/emails )is an option given I was told nope sorry can't help me that they are exclusivily for desktop support if i can't sign in via the Browser!! I mean this went on for 4 hrs via Transferred through a god dam Chat Windows ! Minus the Outlook support link!! bouncing ! Unfreaking real !!
SO far still no syncing !! Tried a little experiment via the pop email and created my MSn mail and low and behold that won't sync either
Whats even more mess up is i got the verification email window something that my phone wan't giving me on my home wifi or data - it popped up while waiting at a local cafe did the verification and bam still no syncing @
OMG now the MSN pop email syncs fore=ver than says Attention required ..i clock on it it says password ! I did this 3 times WTF !
The most common reason I've seen for sync issues is an incorrect date or time setting. Be sure your date, time, and time zone are correct.
Whats even more mess up is i got the verification email window something that my phone wan't giving me on my home wifi or data - it popped up while waiting at a local cafe did the verification and bam still no syncing @
That is a sign of a DNS error if things work on another network. Are you using your internet provider's DNS settings? If so, try changing your home WIFI to Google's DNS, turn off carrier data on your phone using only WIFI, and see what happens.
col401-m.hotmail.com is the server having the issue :an Microsoft author gave me a Wiki link said it very well could be a corrupt OS I tried wifi and data both didn't change it to a Google DNA As soon as i did a recovery ( back to Toilet Mobile Windows 8 OS ) within secs it synced ! Go freaking figure. As much as i loved the tutorial in flashing the device to Cyan and the hard reset I did prior when i was running Dp I will continue to wait instead of dealing with that nightmare ever again - to much time and stress/anger - I have 4 kids i don't need the hassle lol btw yes my times zones were fine everything was spot on no issues
Windows Account Not Syncing Error - Microsoft Community



Hopefully these can help ..I never figured it out but hey I'm back to Win 8 stuck waiting on T mobile to get up off their *** and give a legit CYAN UPDATE!!!! Considering At&T and others around the world had their updates dating back as far as end of June/July!! And New Nokia devices already sporting DENIM!! Toilet mobile better get off their asses asap!

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