[Error] Outlook account not syncing !

Well product code: 059T883, variant name: RM-893 VAR LTA MV WHITE ROM I can confirm has wireless and Internet Sharing. Although this is my 2nd flashing of my Lumia 925 again My main Microsoft account still refuses to sync and this time instead of doing a fresh install i reverted back to a previous date ( so that the apps and settings were the same before the flash ) and Now I get a big list of a screen

Hotmail error

Not Upated

We can't sync right now. But you may be able to find more information about this
error code at The Smartphone Reinvented Around You | Windows Phone (United States).

Missed Items:

Filed as:Ruby Lee
This contact couldn't be synced to your phone

Last tried 8 minutes ago
Error Code :80070490
Just tried adding my outlook email to my winphone (Lumia 822 on VZW) and got a similar if not the same issue. All of a sudden my primary Microsoft account on the phone (my Hotmail) wouldn't sync and had issues. While I tried very little to see about correcting it, I ended up deleting the outlook email account from the phone and that fixed the problem. I'm guessing that the two accounts are fighting over resources somehow. Just a thought, since both are MSFT. I DO RECALL back when outlook.com was first coming out and MSFT said they would be converting all the accounts that there was a message sent to those that had a windows phone and a Hotmail account to hold off with converting, as it would cause serious problems with the account. I don't know if that issue was ever resolved.
not sure i reqad something similar but that really just came out of the blue - when i was running the T mobile rom on this T mobile Lumia 925 it syncs lol but my Ne sharing was corrupted/disabled fot whatever reason ..So I ging to Latin Americn rom fixed my Net sharing but kills my sync now i don't add anoything other than the main account from a fresh flash or Nokia Recovery Suite flash and it still won't sync
I have, like you guys reset my phone numerous times and I get these endless syncs that last for hours and run the batter down in a few hours at most. I have hard reset the phone 8 times so frat. Recently went and installed the preview edition to see if there was a change in behavior at all. NONE.

I have a LIVE account of course but it dates back to an original MSN.com address. I assume it is upgraded to OUTLOOK.COM but I have no idea how to confirm that. I have over 11,000 twitter followers, a bunch of Facebook and linked in as well tied to the Live Account, so I thought maybe the sync there was an issue, but I can't delete the connections. Keep getting an error that it can't delete them. I went in the phone side and thought I would remove the email account to MSN and try my work POP account, but I do not have an option to delete the outlook account.

I am now resetting the phone one more time, I guess I am testing Einstein's theory of insanity, and am waiting to see if the twitter and LinkedIn accounts sync and then will let me remove them.

I love the Windows Phone system, and find it much more capable than the IPhone but if this keeps up I'll have to revery. I can't spend most of my time resetting the F'N phone.

To be clear, I can't remove from either the Live Web side or the phone side, and I have no option to delete the live (outlook) email and reinstall it. This is my third Lumia phone, two 930s each had batter probes after 6 to 7 months and were replaced, after the last one I had AT&T give me a 1020 as an upgrade, its again about 6 months. This is getting really old and very frustrating.
You are right that no one at Microsoft takes this issue seriously. I'm on my second phone and have spent 4 days on the phone with Verizon, Nokia and Microsoft to no avail. We were transferred to Microsoft by a level 2 Verizon tech and then put on hold for 1 hour 40 minutes then disconnected.
@richardBurt can you explain a hit more. I went to help verify and there is a soft button that leads me to my outlook account. And then what? I cannot find out how to verify..
@richardBurt can you explain a hit more. I went to help verify and there is a soft button that leads me to my outlook account. And then what? I cannot find out how to verify..

Have you received an email from MS asking you to verify your account?
I have just checked all my email until past 1 month and no verification email. Although i remembered they had a change in customer agreement or something like that, around 2-3 weeks ago, which was the issue started, if i am not mistaken

With this sync issue, my account is still normal,push mail works, everything works except it says that last time i synched was 2 weeks ago. Cant do manual sync too.

Is there anyway to request a new verification email? Thank you for your answer

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