Unable to add microsoft account (Samsung Ativ S)


New member
Jul 13, 2013
Unable to add microsoft account on Samsung Ativ S, last update on phone, soft reset, hard reset... Finally, I did a flashig my phone, the phone did all the updates after that and as I opened the MS account, he dumped me on the screen:

"we have got to technical difficulties

wait a few moments and try again
If the problem is not resolved, try restarting the phone"

I try to all this 100 times!

Sometime i got this massage on screen!

Error Code 80070057

Google account works fine...
Unable to add microsoft account on Samsung Ativ S, last update on phone, soft reset, hard reset... Finally, I did a flashig my phone, the phone did all the updates after that and as I opened the MS account, he dumped me on the screen:

"we have got to technical difficulties

wait a few moments and try again
If the problem is not resolved, try restarting the phone"

I try to all this 100 times!

Sometime i got this massage on screen!

Error Code 80070057

Google account works fine...

Can you login to the Microsoft account on other devices / browser on the phone?

New situation... Suddenly market icon have number "14" on... So... I try to add account... Working!!! :D
And... This massage is from Microsoft

"Please ignore any previous suggestions, there was a temporary problem on the Microsoft servers which is now fixed, please try again.
Talking to Microsoft location around the world would not have helped you in the slightest"
Ah I see, I guess they covered the server problems with "technical issues", Microsoft and their vague error messages lol.

Glad it's working for you again and I reckon i'm not the only one as there are still many people using Windows Phone 8.

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