Error when updating: 8018830f


New member
Oct 7, 2014
Im trying to update my phone today but getting the 8018830f error after it starts installing. I know this issue occurred back in august and MS fixed it, but seems its only me getting it this time. Anyone able to help?

Some deets:
Phone: Lumia 920
OS: 8.10.14180.257

Thanks for anyone who can help
Nope, but ive never done that previously and its worked fine.
Any reason it would be a US only update?
Nope, but ive never done that previously and its worked fine.
Any reason it would be a US only update?

I seem to remember that some users still reported this problem after MS announced that it was fixed, however some still couldn't update and that's when a few users suggested changing the region and trying. Some have had success, so give it a shot
How many times have you tried updating? are you running on dev preview?
Ive probably tried around 30 times now, and restarted my phone many times.

When you say am i running on dev preview, what exactly dyou mean? Ive installed dev previews previously, and current OS is 8.10.14180.257
haha yes sorry I meant to edit and remove that part of my question. It isn't your phone, it's just the update that is messed up...

Completely resetting your phone with the NSU software and then going through all the updates might work

But that will take a lot of time.. It's up to you :) it worked for other users
If your phone in under warranty than go to near by Nokia care store or MS and get it update.
If it isn't under warranty than pay a very little fee and get it updated.
If update is available in your region.
Don't forget to backup your data before going to ms/Nokia store for update
ha, no, dont really want to do a reset. Where i am in the Uk, i dont think ive ever seen a Nokia or MS store :/
Guess ill just have to opt out of the preview and live with it :(
Haha that is an option or you could try to sell your phone and get one that comes with 8.1 preinstalled? :D

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