FileEx for Windows Phone 8.1


New member
Mar 9, 2014
Currently this is the highest rated (4.7) explorer that CAME AFTER 8.1DP was released. This is small, fast, dev listens to us(that's the best thing), feature rich.


New member
Jun 16, 2012
It is so great to hear such nice things :) . Thank you Ashhar, thank you Faraaz96 :) !


New member
Jun 16, 2012
An update on what is happening with FileEx currently:
- OneDrive integration has failed me a little with problems with uploading large files, so I'm fixing this now
- Improved the password lock feature with auto confirm
- Fixing problems with scrolling loading time in folder view

I am hoping to finally release the major cloud update this week. Hopefully it will be possible.

Thank you all for great support and feedback!


New member
Jun 16, 2012
It was hard, but the cloud integration update is going for certification, hopefully it will be out soon, if everything goes well.
It is not 100 % perfect, but I did my best, there are bound to be some bugs, but as you are all so awesome with feedback, I'm sure they will get sorted out soon :) .

I will post more details about the huge update when it goes live :) .

Thank you all for so much feedback you are giving me! The app would never happen without you!


New member
Jun 16, 2012
Hello friends,

I have a little bad news... The Cloud update failed certification, even though for a very unimportant reason, so I had to resend it there again. Hopefully this time everything will go right.

Thank you for all your patience :) !

Martin Zikmund


New member
Jun 16, 2012
Hello all friends,

I'm back here a few words of what is happening with FileEx.

First of all, FileEx cloud update is still not here unfortunately. The problem that caused the Store certification to fail last week was just a symptom of a larger problem, that I revealed during the week, so I had to cancel the pending certification. The problem was that when cloud access token expired, the app was unable refresh it, so it rendered the cloud account unaccessible... I would love to fix it right now, but as the exam period in school is now really in it's worst part (four exams this week, four next week), I might not be able to get to it as soon as I would like to... I hope you will not be disappointed, I just don't have other option right now...

Regarding the release of official file manager from Microsoft - Files are great, but I think FileEx can still be valuable for you.
Files have direct access to the file system. That means, that the app can display the folders directly, without needing user's consent via the folder picker. Furthermore, the app's filesystem access doesn't need to go through a special broker process as the third party apps do, so it can display large folders extremely quickly and load their thumbnails immediately. Also, retrieving the total number of items in a folder is very quick. That is sadly not possible to beat with any effort. On the other hand, FileEx has (or more precisely will have, when I will be able to fix the bug...) cloud access, it has full sweet of batch file operations even with folder structures (and that is across all locations) and as I can listen to your feedback more directly, it should also much more easily form and evolve based on your needs.

And also FileEx has the renaming done right :) (take a file in Files - like some song.mp3 for example - and change the casing - so "SONG.mp3" or something similar and you will see what I mean (note that this is a perfectly valid operation, it works on desktop))

So that is all I have today, now I have to get back to studying :) .

Thank you all very much for your patience,
for the meantime - enjoy our beloved Windows Phones :) !


New member
Jun 16, 2012

you may have been thinking, that I will never come back. But school is FINALLY done. I promise I will never, ever more estimate how long will exams take, because they are so extremely upredictable. Eh.

Now I am getting back to work on FileEx and I hope it will be all fixed and finished soon. I will keep you posted during the process.

Thank you for waiting with me during the exams, I will do my best to give you something great in return :) !

Martin Zikmund


New member
Jun 16, 2012
Hello all,

the big release is shaping quite well, because of the delays school caused, I'm now adding some new features to make sure the app is "up-to-date" with what should a good file manager for Windows Phone offer :) . The design is also getting several improvements, the app will feel much more like a core Windows Phone app :) .

Thank you and stay tuned for the update :) !

Martin Zikmund


New member
Jun 16, 2012
Hello friends,

FileEx is slowly shaping up :) . Integration of cloud services brought some unexpected problems I have to deal with. Especially in terms of file operations across services. But I am getting there gradually and it all is now starting to look well. I am also adding some more features to make it even better, so a bit more work to do, but the result should be worth it :) .

Martin Zikmund

TLuck Sharma

New member
Jun 13, 2014
It is really a clean and b'ful app, i appreciate the efforts of dev...
I wanna advise the dev to make an app for media player... As you know currently Xbox music is not a good app at all. Thank you for providing a good app for free.

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