First Pictures of 920 | Rogers Canada

Not sure if this has been answered, but the Cnet UK review said a wireless charger came with the phone. Can you confirm this?
u have to be careful here, my suggestion is to put a Bell micro-sim into your Lumia 920 because I heard that some locked phone from Rogers can work with Fido sim card, so u may want to check that again. I think Fido has LTE because I had it on my phone (or maybe Fido doesnt have LTE in ur area) but its nice to know that it works with 3G too because Im gonna buy the 920 and I travel a lot, and not every place has LTE...

really, no Skype...

Rogers owns Fido
Skype coming soon

According to their site, they're still finishing up skype so that's why its not yet available. Which is good news, as I thought that Rogers was maybe someone preventing it from being available to install (if they can even do that).

"We're hard at work finishing up Skype for Windows Phone 8 and looking forward to bringing Skype to the Windows Phone Store soon."

Skype - The Big Blog - Sneak Preview of Skype for Windows Phone 8
Thanks for posting those pics!

Overall, the quality is nothing special.. its exactly what you would expect from 1.4 micron pixels: noise, poor detail, and weak DR.

Like I expected, the Nokia 808 will destroy it in all conditions.. by a pretty big margin.

The only real benefit of OIS is video recording. Ya.. you can take brighter pictures, but the noise levels ruin it anyway, so they might just add a "night mode" which would increase the iso, and you would end up with a similar result... it still shoots at 800 iso.

I think Nokia should eliminate with next firmware release
I tried my in-ear headset in both the 900 and the 920 playing the same song and the results are very very similar. The 900's audio quality was already was very good.

The audio was crisp clear and the bass was very rich. (Not an audio expert)

Maybe if you enable Dolby settings and tweak with the equlizer you might feel some difference. But yes the music quality of Lumia 900 is already so good that there is very less room for further improvment. Maybe just like Nokia N95 they can make 3D sound
Camera Settings details video is now online: Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Camera Settings - YouTube

Thanks so much for the video of the camera settings! Great to see there is so many options. I have the iPhone4 and their is nowhere near as many real camera settings like that. It makes me feel better about using the Nokia as a pretty solid point and shoot camera - in addition to all the other great stuff it can do.

Look forward to more videos, pics, and impressions of the phone!
That depends on the market. I believe the ATT one wasnt listed to come with the 2€ headphones, but instead some blank NFC tag you can program for your own use or so.

Most markets do seem to come with the headphones though.
is there and what does the LED do for notifications. ive watched a few vids didnt really see anything.

can it be configured to flash for facebook, whatsapp, email, txts etc or just phone calls.

this ****s me on my current mozart lol just green light flash for phone calls thats it :(
Thank you. I cannot believe I read all 15 pages :D

The only problem now is the availability of the phone in my country!
Nice job and very informative. I have a small request to make if it isn't too much trouble.

Can you take some night shots without the focus assist light on(I am assuming those low light shots you have taken are with it on) please? Some museum I go to are anal about having no flash photography, and they are prolly gonna take the focus assist light as flash, so I'm kinda curious about the low light performance without the focus assist light on.

Thanks in advance! :D
Hi man, first of all I would like to thank you for all the videos uploaded, and for taking the time to answer all our requests.

Still, I have a couple more questions.

1. Has haptic feedback been disabled? I'm referring to the three touch buttons which always vibrate when you touch them. Do they still vibrate? Can you deactivate this option?

2. If you're in a call, then someone calls you... If the previous caller hangs up, and the ringtone starts playing again as there is a new call... does the ringtone play OK or is the audio distorted? On my Mozart the sound is very annoying, as if it's trying to play louder.

Thanks in advance.
Xsever can you try watching a movie or a video in youtube on the device to see if there are letter boxing or if the whole video utilities the XVGA screen on L920?

On MetroTube, which is the best youtube app, video plays in full screen with no letter boxing.
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