First Pictures of 920 | Rogers Canada

Thanks for your review. I've seen your vids and it really doesn't seem that there is a built-in VPN client, is it?

I've read something about "DirectAccess" (a VPN-less VPN-solution). Are there settings?
I saw in one of your videos that a default option is continuous focus is on. Have you ever taken a photo with that off? I wonder if that will blunt some of the perceived problems of the phone.

New sets of videos being uploaded right now with various recording settings. Stay tuned.

This probably just betrays my newbie-ness but, does the 920 work with a bluetooth keyboard? Have you had a chance to test it out?

Will try my HP Touchpad BT Keyboard later on and let you know.
New sets of videos being uploaded as we speak testing the video in light and dark areas with different settings: White Balance set to Fluorescent inside, another one but with AF OFF, and a night driving one with AF OFF.

Stay tuned.
Last edited:
New sets of videos being uploaded as we speak testing the video in light and dark areas with different settings: White Balance set to Fluorescent inside, another one but with AF OFF, and a night driving one with AF OFF.

Stay tuned.

Did you find a Bell or Telus sim card to have a try in your new toll?
More videos coming tomorrow as I have a midterm to study for.

Stay tuned for Auto Focus OFF video inside with light and outside in dark.
Hi xsever, your photos videos and text have been very informative, thanks for all your time and effort. I am an iPhone user for 4 years and ill be moving from the 4S to the lumia 920 as soon as I can get my hands on one. I am prepared for a huge increase in terms of screen size, but according to specs I have found the lumia is 10.7 mm to my 4S 9.3 mm. This surprises me as pictures of the lumia make it look quite thick, I'm wondering if the curve may be responsible for making it look wider than it is. Can you maybe comment on the size and how portable it is? I am most concerned about how it will fit in a jeans pocket as that is usually part of my daily wardrobe. Thanks again!
Sorry, I should specify those measurements I posted are thickness/depth as that's what I'm inquiring about
Hey xsever, thank you so much for taking the time to do these reviews for all of us. You are doing the community a lot of good.

A lot of these reviews are complaining about the weight of this device. I really wonder how this will affect the phone's usability. I am leaning towards the HTC 8X at this point. Will make a final decision once I get a hands on both these devices.
I think I know the answer to this but just confirming. You had to set the time manually in your first video- assume that was because you didn't have the SIM card installed? Switching from iPhone - just assumed clock is set by the network?
Wow man, I cant believe how much you've done for the WP community, you truly are a god among men!

One question I had was that WP7s music tile had artists pictures right?
Whats the WP8 music tile like and how does it change with size? Thanks again man!
Much thanks for all that you've done as well. I just have one final question if this has not been answered already.

How does this phone work as a point and shoot? Whether it's something cool you see on the streets and wanna get a pic to snapping a quick photo with some friends?
NEW Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Auto Focus OFF Walking: Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Auto Focus OFF Walking - YouTube

Thanks so much for making this video! Looks super smooth and sharp. The OIS works great. I didn't even notice when you changed hands!

One thing I notice is that the colors are still changing a bit through the video. I'm guessing that is because of the auto exposure still being on. If you have a sec could you do one more short vid with all the auto settings off?

(Sorry if it sounds like I'm being picky. I went to school for video production and work at a video compression company so I'm a pretty uptight about video quality. :) Good luck in school btw!)
Good job, man! And best luck for your mid-term tomorrow.

And then come back to share more with us!

Here are probably the first pictures of the phone from a consumer.

Purchase Story:

I called my Rogers Store in Windsor, Ontario, Canada around 11:30 A.M. EST and they said they just received 2 Lumia 920.

I got there at 12:00 P.M. and bought the first one. The phone off-contract was $600 + 13% tax = $678.

I made some of the video reviews right away in my car filming with my Lumia 900.

I hope what's below helps answering your questions.

Part 1 Video Review: Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.1 - YouTube
Part 2 Video Review: Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.2 - YouTube
Part 3 Video Review: Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.3 - YouTube
Part 4 Video Review: Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.4 - YouTube
Multitasking/Whatsapp Video: Nokia Lumia 920 Multitasking - YouTube
Daylight Video Driving Sample: Nokia Lumia 920 Daylight Video Driving - YouTube
Nighttime Video Driving Sample: Nighttime Video Driving Sample - YouTube
Video Recording with Loud Music inside a vehicle:Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Loud Recording - YouTube
180-degree video recording: Nokia Lumia 920 Review | 180-degree Video - YouTube
Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.5: Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.5 - YouTube
Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Camera Settings:Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Camera Settings - YouTube
NEW Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Fluorescent White Balance: Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Fluorescent White Balance - YouTube
NEW Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Auto Focus OFF Walking: Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Auto Focus OFF Walking - YouTube

Full-res pictures taken with the 920 (continuously updated):
Panoramic Picture taken with the "lenses" feature can be seen here:
Side by side comparison of 920 vs 900 at night. The 900 had Night mode ON.:
Box Contents: In-ear piece is WH-208. Charger is AC-16U (same as 900).
3 new side-by-side comparisons between the 920 and the 900 at 6:30 P.M. EST. Very cloudy and light starting to fade: , ,
Pure Darkness - Flash on AUTO: --- Outside - Streetlight - No Flash:
NEW Various pictures taken today inside and outside:

Quick notes/answers:
1.No info on whether bluetooth is 4.0 or not. No mention in the manual nor the box.
2.Nokia Counters app can't be downloaded yet. It says the app needs features the phone doesn't have. (ironic)
3.Battery gets warmer than the 900's when being charged. It is also more towards the top of the phone.
4.No Macro Focus mode in the camera and no Contract setting neither. I always had my 900's camera contract at High.
5.Can't add Whatsapp notification to Lockscreen. Whatsapp developers need to update their app.
6.Mobile Network setting has add internet apn and mms apn
7.Backup options: app list+settings, text messages, photos.
8. Phone can take clear pictures of books/text while my 900 used to struggle getting a clear focus.
9. Multitasking and resuming apps is definitely very very fast.
10. So far, WIFI still turns OFF 30 seconds after the phone sleeps.
11. GPS is lightning fast and the phone has Nokia Drive Beta+ version and map version is
12.Facebook app notification count on tile and lockscreen are stuck at 3 although I already saw the notifications and they are cleared inside the app (PUSH still a hit/miss with WP)
13. I would have loved a feature when you can tap on the notification on the lock screen and it would tell you who called you or who the message/email is from. Now you only see the icon with a number but without other info.
14.First LTE Speed test on Rogers Wireless LTE Network with 2 signal bars: 12.6Mbps download and 6Mbps upload with 161ms latency
15. Frequency bands listed on the box:WCDMA850/900/1900/2100/1700_2100 LTE700/850/1900/1700_2100 GSMQUAD
16.Other 920 users are claiming the ones sold by Rogers are FACTORY UNLOCKED. I will verify this as soon as I can get my hands on a non-Rogers micro sim card.

17.I tried my in-ear headset in both the 900 and the 920 playing the same song and the results are very very similar. The audio was crisp clear and the bass was very rich. (Not an audio expert)
18. Macro Focus Mode is not an option anymore because of OIS. Instead there is a Focus Assist Light which helps the camera focus.
19.Phone gets warmer than the Lumia 900 above the camera when in heavy use / long charging time.
20. I just put a Fido sim card in it and it worked and I was able to make a phone call and even got 3G (since Fido doesn't have LTE yet).
Therefore, the early batch of Lumia 920s sold by Rogers are FACTORY UNLOCKED!

Wonderful and detail info of the Lumia 920!!
Would like to know can ii be able to make a video call without Tango/Skype software?
I mean use the carrier 3g network to make the video call.(Samsung/LG can do that...)



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