Fix For Lumia 920 Internet Sharing

There is some confusion here.

Internet sharing is not a network feature. ATT and others can not turn it off in the network as you are sharing the same data access as you use for browsing in the phone so instead that have implemented an app that works a bit different depending on OS. In the case of an ATT Lumia 920 phone it has the ATT specific firmware with an app that checks against ATT servers if you have thefeature on your plan.

In Nokias case I do not believe the unbranded version of the phone has this app that check against servers you can just turn it on... (Like in any unbranded none ATT phone for the past 7 years)

Apple has the worst implementation where they disable hot spot when you put in an ATT compatible SIM even on a full priced unlocked device!!. I wonder if this is really legal.

However, Jailbreak apps like tetherme restores this native functionality in the iPhone and it works very well regardless of plan or carrier. (I am using Straight Talk)

In most countries this is enabled and you are able to use your data anyway you like. Not sure what ATT does to get away with this but Verizon was fined here in the US.$1.25m-fcc-fine-forced-to-allow-tethering-apps/
I installed this app and have no idea what to do with it. When I go to settings and access point I have 3 options, AT&T 3G, AT&T - LTE1 - Lumia, AT&T - LTE2 - Lumia. I've selected LTE 1. When I go to internet sharing and tried to turn it on but I immediately get a connection not shared message and to dial 611. Normally before I installed access point it would take like 10 seconds before the connection not shared message is displayed.
Also when I go settings/Cellular and change add mms apn I don't have some of the options found in Internet / WAP / APN / MMS SettingsTheUnlockr for at&t like MMS Proxy, MCC, and MNC.
So I did get an unbranded German Lumia and unfortunately it is not working here either.
It unfortunately appears Microsoft has also implemented the server check (like Apple) that is appliead when you put in an ATT issued SIM card regardless if you are with ATT or not.
It works wo a problem with my Swedish Telia SIM but with the US SIM it just says Go to ATT web or call 611.

In the German website it says that it has the feature but not with a Straigt Talk SIM... (Internet sharing works fine on jailbreaked iPhone 4S or Galaxy Nexus so the service is there)


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So I did get an unbranded German Lumia and unfortunately it is not working here either.
It unfortunately appears Microsoft has also implemented the server check (like Apple) that is appliead when you put in an ATT issued SIM card regardless if you are with ATT or not.
It works wo a problem with my Swedish Telia SIM but with the US SIM it just says Go to ATT web or call 611.

In the German website it says that it has the feature but not with a Straigt Talk SIM... (Internet sharing works fine on jailbreaked iPhone 4S or Galaxy Nexus so the service is there)


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i have unlocked rogers L920 and cant tether on ATT. What you said about the firmware is true. even when I paid for the data plan that allows sharing on ATT, the phone still is unable to do it, albeit only briefly using the methods discussed above using keyboard and access point app.

still hoping someone can find a workaround for this when using non ATT branded L920 on ATT.
No idea about the 920 from other countries or carrier guys but it worked well for all the rogers 920s here
I got Internet sharing working but when I try to use it to connect my laptop to work via vpn, it wont make the connection. It gets stuck at Negotiating security policies.

Anyone else have this problem.
Can someone post like a step by step guide to getting this thing to work. Assume you are doing this for an 8 year old! More pictures the better! For the life of me I can't seem to grasp the procedure. Thanks!
This is what I think: It will work on some operators and not on others. It is not dependent on the phone. The phone applies a carrier package (just like the iphone) based on what SIM you put in. So Microsoft and/or Nokia are doing what the carrier ask them, they turn this HW feature on or off based on the SIM from the specific operator. Completely unacceptable if you ask me. So internet sharing will work on all unlocked devices (including ATT / Rogers etc) if you use it on a carrier that has a carrier package for the lumia that allows it. (They can not turn it off or on in the network) I just returned my unlocked version very disappointed. Never thought Nokia would do this on unlocked devices, I thought only Apple was scrupulous enough to lock unlocked devices.

Bottom line
To get this working on ATT issued SIMs, Straight Talk, Net 10, H2O, Red Pocket etc a hack is needed. Regardless if its the Nokia unlocked version or the ATT locked phone. Any Firmware change will not help. :unhappy:
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i bought an at&t branded lumia 920 from a 3rd party att store in my town. i installed spanish keyboard and access point app. that did not enable internet sharing. then i tried manually entering apn. that did nothing as well. what's really stupid is the sim i am using works flawlessly in my lumia 800 which was factory unlocked. so i know it has nothing to do with the sim card itself.

so i decided to visit amazon and buy another factory unlocked lumia 920. i got it today - put my sim in and did the phone setup, once i got in i immediately tried the internet sharing. guess what same msg popped up saying call 611 or visit the link to enable tethering. fuuuuuuuuuuuuu

since this was factory unlocked already there is already an option in the settings called access point. it was set to lte 1 - lumia. so i change it to lte 2 and try again. same result. then i decided to try the install spanish keyboard option. after it reboots i go back to internet sharing. guess what works like a charmsky. i dunno if this helps anyone but i got it working without paying extra and wanted to point out that it is most definitely not related to the sim. however i do believe the phone must be unlocked for this to work.
Hmm, that's odd. I had the opposite experience. Access Point + Manual APN = didn't work. Remove manual APN and it works.

I just performed these steps on my unlocked Rogers 920, which is now on Bell, and I too had to delete my manual APN entry first before it worked. Thanks for the tip. It's great to have the sharing feature back.
i bought an at&t branded lumia 920 from a 3rd party att store in my town. i installed spanish keyboard and access point app. that did not enable internet sharing. then i tried manually entering apn. that did nothing as well. what's really stupid is the sim i am using works flawlessly in my lumia 800 which was factory unlocked. so i know it has nothing to do with the sim card itself.

so i decided to visit amazon and buy another factory unlocked lumia 920. i got it today - put my sim in and did the phone setup, once i got in i immediately tried the internet sharing. guess what same msg popped up saying call 611 or visit the link to enable tethering. fuuuuuuuuuuuuu

since this was factory unlocked already there is already an option in the settings called access point. it was set to lte 1 - lumia. so i change it to lte 2 and try again. same result. then i decided to try the install spanish keyboard option. after it reboots i go back to internet sharing. guess what works like a charmsky. i dunno if this helps anyone but i got it working without paying extra and wanted to point out that it is most definitely not related to the sim. however i do believe the phone must be unlocked for this to work.

Are you using an ATT MVNO SIM?
The problem is never the SIM or your wireless service but what carrier profile the phone applies to that SIM, ATT profile for all ATT MVNOs. So maybe you found a bug in the implementation :-) I Just sent my unlocked Nokia 920 back wo much trial and error.
I just performed these steps on my unlocked Rogers 920, which is now on Bell, and I too had to delete my manual APN entry first before it worked. Thanks for the tip. It's great to have the sharing feature back.

A note: whenever there is an update to Access Point, or a regular Nokia update to your phone, you may have to deactivate and reactivate the Access Point and/or soft reset to get it back up.
Internet Sharing broke after the 1308 firmware update. Adding the Spanish keyboard fixed it. Thanks!!!
well, after 1308 update, Internet sharing worked great on my Rogers unlocked 920 running T-mob

But, MMS stoped working. At that point i reactivated T-mobile access point , and MMS started working again .... but, i have no internet sharing again :(((

It's always taking me to T-mob web site and pay for service, which i already have :(

Any hint's ???
well, after 1308 update, Internet sharing worked great on my Rogers unlocked 920 running T-mob

But, MMS stoped working. At that point i reactivated T-mobile access point , and MMS started working again .... but, i have no internet sharing again :(((

It's always taking me to T-mob web site and pay for service, which i already have :(

Any hint's ???

did you try a soft reset after deactivating and reactivating the access point?

I also recall there may be a lapse when it finally works (eg after soft reset, test right away, and if it still doesn't work, give it 5 minutes and try again)
i did try "Spanish keyboard trick" and after that, tethering (internet sharing) worked.

But, no MMS again. It looks like settings used in "Spanish mode" use different values for Access point settings.

If i could manually add access point with MMS settings and internet settings, that would be great.

Ill try call T-mob and ask for it, but it's small chance, ill get it ;(

Anybody can help in here ?
i did try "Spanish keyboard trick" and after that, tethering (internet sharing) worked.

But, no MMS again. It looks like settings used in "Spanish mode" use different values for Access point settings.

If i could manually add access point with MMS settings and internet settings, that would be great.

Ill try call T-mob and ask for it, but it's small chance, ill get it ;(

Anybody can help in here ?
This is what I've learned. I have a factory unlocked Rogers L920 that I've been using on TMO since Jan. My experience has been that the Access Point Program (which was not originally installed) uses the installed SIM to automatically install the most correct APN settings on the phone for the network the SIM is for. What I've found is that there is a positive effect and a negative effect from using this. The positive is that the settings it installs allow MMS to work correctly. The negative is that it interacts with the SIM's network, and then determines whether you have a plan with Internet Sharing (Tethering), and if you don't, it doesn't allow you to use it. Out of the box, my phone's Internet Sharing worked perfectly. But my MMS did not, and I couldn't figure out the proper MMS setting when I manually input all APN and Network Settings. Since I couldn't get MMS to work, I downloaded the Nokia Access Point app, installed it and ran it. It corrected my settings so that MMS worked, but then sharing did not. I have conversed with quite a few people on this forum as well as the TMO forum that have experienced the exact same thing with Factory unlocked Rogers L920 (can't speak for AT&T L920's since they don't work on TMO). Some of them decided to hard reset (because it was the only way) to get their tethering back once you run the Access Point Program. I refuse to Hard Reset my phone because I've heard of cases where it will Brick when doing this. Fortunately, a firmware update (1308) has the same effect of clearing out whatever the Access Point program does to break Internet Sharing. Until I find out how to manually input the correct MMS settings, I am willing to sacrifice MMS so I can tether off my L920 with my 5GB LTE Data on TMO. So once you run the Access Point program, you're screwed on tethering until you run the firmware update. I don't know anything about the Spanish keyboard thing, but if that helps getting MMS and Internet Sharing both working at the same time, I'm all for it! Hope this helps.

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