Honestly, this is a coin toss on whether it will happen. On one hand, Adobe killed flash mobile (and MS has reiterated this on Uservoice), but on the other hand, RT has flash, and being based on NT, I wouldn't see why MS couldn't bring FULL (read: non-mobile) flash to Windows Phone in the future, especially seeing as MS will be merging the frameworks of WP8 & RT in the future (something most commonly mistake as them combining the actual OSes).
also, there is A LOT more sites that use flash. One of the sites I commonly frequent has user created flash content. And no, its not a porn site, and its not knock off games I could find in the app store. Its actual unique artistic content. There are other sites too. Nintendo had a flash of their WaraWara plaza from WiiU on their homepage at one point. I've been to sites that use flash based music players. There are numerous sites that utilize flash. Its not "dead" as adobe tried to make it seem. Its a way to create unique, interactive content. HTML5 can do a lot, but its still missing numerous features flash has.