Folks who make up the 1% - why are you holding on?

For at least 2 months before release people were bragging about it everywhere on internet on gaming sites. Lost of my friends were waiting for it and telling me so much about it a few weeks before its premiere.

I must have missed that - I'm not into games except for Sudoku and such
None of my friends or colleagues have mentioned it either
After seeing how remarkably similar the anniversary build of desktop Windows is compared to the Redstone mobile versions I've been running, it's likely a minimal effort for Microsoft to maintain mobile now. Hopefully this means that no matter how small the market share, they'll still support it.

that's the general idea - write the code once and deploy it everywhere with minor modifications
I must have missed that - I'm not into games except for Sudoku and such
None of my friends or colleagues have mentioned it either
That's very easy to understand. Receipt of a piece of news is totally dependent on one's socio/work circles and lifestyle. But you've heard about it now ain't ya? :winktongue:

Peace. Alan
MS Lumia ICON 929 [Win10 M, Insider Preview, Redstone 14393.5]
I've been with WP since Nokia took it on as a smartphone OS. Until then I was a Nokia fan anyway. I liked the convergence they always went for. It was more about having one device for everything than it was about apps.

Now, most Smartphones have got decent cameras, GPS, voice recording, media of all sorts, etc. etc. But I love Windows 10 Mobile, and Windows Phone before that for the customisability of the home screen - small, large, extra large tiles, colour schemes etc. - it finds that sweet spot between simple icons on iOS, and widgets on Android. For me the first is too simplistic, the latter too complex. Since the upgrade to Windows 10, it's been improved upon even more - scaling font size down I now have 4 large tiles across the screen which I think is brilliant.

But...after all these years, I'm actually close to jumping ship for iOS, even though I'm really not a fan of Apple at all.

For me there's one simple reason - Synology NAS.

My storage and media at home (which is a huge collection) is on a Synology NAS and that's not about to change. Fact is that even though Synology has apps for Windows Phone/Mobile, they're crippled compared to their iOS and Android counterparts. You can use the apps so well to manage and interact with the NAS.

I've been waiting forever for some decent updates in functionality etc, but they never come. Updates come, but it's mostly just small bug fixes etc.

I've got an Android phone for work, and I hate it - it's like a toy, fragmented as hell - you never know where a setting is to be found, home screens are a mess - I just can't find myself in it.

I think iOS is boring and unspectacular, but it gets it done well, and clean - and it takes pretty good pictures in the meantime too.

So, it's not the app gap in and of itself (though there are some things missing I'd like), but rather the lack of support for a very specific hardware solution I'm invested in, which is likely to finally put the nail in the coffin of Windows Phone/Mobile for me.

Shame really....

PS: Synology, if you're reading this, PLEASE PLEASE provide a decent upgrade for your Windows Mobile users.
I'm holding on...but barely. I really enjoy WM10, but the interface is slow and the camera is about to do me in. I rebuilt the phone yesterday and moved everything off of SD card storage by my movies...hoping that improves the phones stability.
I'm stumbed upon all these people getting iussues.....
I did my 2nd only hard reset in my life due to lacking respondes.... Everything get back as before and faster
Only iussue, the new Panorama Camera lasted hours....
For me there's one simple reason - Synology NAS.

My storage and media at home (which is a huge collection) is on a Synology NAS and that's not about to change. Fact is that even though Synology has apps for Windows Phone/Mobile, they're crippled compared to their iOS and Android counterparts. You can use the apps so well to manage and interact with the NAS.

I've been waiting forever for some decent updates in functionality etc, but they never come. Updates come, but it's mostly just small bug fixes etc.

I've got an Android phone for work, and I hate it - it's like a toy, fragmented as hell - you never know where a setting is to be found, home screens are a mess - I just can't find myself in it.

I think iOS is boring and unspectacular, but it gets it done well, and clean - and it takes pretty good pictures in the meantime too.

So, it's not the app gap in and of itself (though there are some things missing I'd like), but rather the lack of support for a very specific hardware solution I'm invested in, which is likely to finally put the nail in the coffin of Windows Phone/Mobile for me.

Shame really....

PS: Synology, if you're reading this, PLEASE PLEASE provide a decent upgrade for your Windows Mobile users.

Have you contacted the team behind Synology? About creating a UWP app?
Well, it looks like I am going to bump this 1% to 1.00000000001% as I am moving from Android to Windows phone. Brought 640 as a replacement for broken Android phone, used it for a while and got my mended phone back. I did love 640 interface, clean and functional. I could not case less if Snapchat is there or not. I am so called older generation. I need the phone to do my job and 640 was great... Level of integration with my desktop is great, all I need from the phone is there and it just works, love battery life (two, three days with my usage). Android compared to Windows 10 is a mess...

I am already migrating all my stuff to Outlook/Windows/OneNote etc. 950XL Dual SIM is coming... My 640 will be flying to my mum. She decided to have her first smartphone and after seeing my 640 she decided to get one so for herself...

I was using PocketPC for a long time. It is nice to be back on Windows phone again...
Well, it looks like I am going to bump this 1% to 1.00000000001% as I am moving from Android to Windows phone. Brought 640 as a replacement for broken Android phone, used it for a while and got my mended phone back. I did love 640 interface, clean and functional. I could not case less if Snapchat is there or not. I am so called older generation. I need the phone to do my job and 640 was great... Level of integration with my desktop is great, all I need from the phone is there and it just works, love battery life (two, three days with my usage). Android compared to Windows 10 is a mess...

I am already migrating all my stuff to Outlook/Windows/OneNote etc. 950XL Dual SIM is coming... My 640 will be flying to my mum. She decided to have her first smartphone and after seeing my 640 she decided to get one so for herself...

I was using PocketPC for a long time. It is nice to be back on Windows phone again...

welcome back to the family and nice to see you're getting your mum on the wagon too :smile:
I've pretty well lost interest in Windows Phone. It has become a vestigial remnant in the world of Phones, like a dog that tries to bury a poo with a few random kicks of it's rear leg, it is an almost extinct response to competition.

I really don't understand why Microsoft just don't shoot the horse rather than killing it by a thousand cuts.

I keep my Nokia 1520 just in case a breeze catches the embers and the fire catches again but it won't happen under Nadella.

I think his strategy for Windows Phone is pathetic.

I meanwhile use an iPhone 6S Plus which is great.
I loved 950XL, I love my 1520 more. I love the interface. I love almost everything about it. The problem is all the cool things that apple and android can do that I can only dream about. Samsung Pay looks cool. I want to be able to do home automation. There are these cool things that come out, but I know they won't work for me. Nest? no. Ecobee? No. Pok?mon Go? No. I would have tried it, maybe. Final Fantasy 7? Absolutely want it. No.
It's just gotten too frustrating. I've been on the windows train since my HTC Tilt. I did briefly have a 3GS, but traded it for a Samsung Focus. I do want Windows to succeed. I love the OS. It just doesn't do the things I need/want it to do.
I sold my 950XL, and should be getting a new Samsung 7s Edge Monday. I hope I like it, but I know that it won't have the same feel as Windows. I felt that I need to go with a drop dead sexy phone to make up for it.
The S7 Edge should keep you happy. I had an S6, excellent except for battery life. Yup lots of apps, fast and excellent screen.

Maybe one day we will all use WP again...or maybe not
I've pretty well lost interest in Windows Phone. It has become a vestigial remnant in the world of Phones, like a dog that tries to bury a poo with a few random kicks of it's rear leg, it is an almost extinct response to competition.

I really don't understand why Microsoft just don't shoot the horse rather than killing it by a thousand cuts.

I keep my Nokia 1520 just in case a breeze catches the embers and the fire catches again but it won't happen under Nadella.

I think his strategy for Windows Phone is pathetic.

I meanwhile use an iPhone 6S Plus which is great.

They can't and won't get rid of windows mobile because it's part of the windows 10 family. They need it running so that the whole system can be complete. Updates are being released every month, bugs are being squashed, features are being added at a rapid pace -all this cannot mean that the mobile arm is dying
^ The tactical goal is to have an UWP capable option available at all form factors. That includes phones. IMHO that's the better way of describing the phone aspect of MS' strategy. For some people this is hard to understand, since it's a software centric strategy, which is comparatively abstract, particularly for folks who aren't accustomed to thinking beyond hardware sales.
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I have stayed with windows phone since day one hoping that it would grow like how Xbox did. It started with no games and everyone said it would fail and now its a huge competitor. Mostly any apps I wanted were at least hopeful for windows phone and now even the apps the phone does have they have lost support. Some I need for my work schedule (kronos) and there is no hope for it coming out. I will keep my 950 just incase and because I like the continuum idea. It looks like any time windows releases something cool it is also for android and iPhone. Making there no reason to keep windows phone besides ui and loyalty. Oh and the camera is really nice but honestly the cameras on either system are pretty good now.
Plenty of doom and gloom everywhere. I've used Windows Mobile since 2003. Then Windows Phone from 2010. Then Windows 10 Mobile since day 1.

There have been app gaps, there still are.
There have been missing features like copy and paste.
There have been bugs like random reboots.
There has recently been Pok?mon Go. I'm still here.

If you've stayed with Microsoft's mobile operating system for a long time and are seeing yourself as one who will still be here till the last Windows Phone is sat on the shelf, why? What keeps you from "jumping ship"?

My reasons are: I'm too far, too deep invested into the ecosystem. I'm sold on the one ecosystem dream. I always back the underdog. You?

It was Windows 8 when i joined the mobile phone and i fell in love with the tiles start screen from day one.
i'am a rebel.
I love Bill Gates.
I love Windows.
I love Windows 10 on all Devices.
I Hate ios
I hate Lollypop
I like playing Games
1987 i bought a Windows IBM PC
DID i Say i Love Bill Gates
i like DOS
I LIKE!!!!
i think i'm drooling now

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