Jason Ward uses Windows phone (for now) and asks why do you?

Still rocking the 950, still works. Can't wait for it to break so i can justify buying a new device and wash this bitter taste of Nutella's lies and deceit.
Here I go again. I have an iPhone 8+ and it's a nice phone but it ain't WP.

Yesterday I made an offer on Swappa for the HP Elite X3 and bought it. It's the GSM model (CDMA versions must be a rumor because I could not find one anywhere) but the iPhone 8+ is unlocked so if I love the X3 as much as I think, I'll switch to AT&T.

Can't say how many WP's I've owned since the 6.5 - 7.0 days but it's in the 20's I'm sure.

By the way, I don't drink so all these WP's were bought when I was sober. PPFM.
Wow, a WordPerfect holdout, love it! (I wrote two books in WordPerfect, and can't imagine having done so in Word... I use OneNote for all my drafting now.)
As others have stated here, my dedication to WM10 (Alcatel S4, formerly 950) is from its the PC-like interface (scrolling through open windows, live tiles, personalizing start screen, etc.).

But reading through this thread makes me realize the desperately ill-considered decision by MS to drop WM10 has much more to do with customer habits than even with customer loyalty. Every former WM10 user has now learned how to use Android or IOS, which means that, for them, those UIs are normalized. They may miss WMP but they are getting used to the Android and Apple ecosystems.

I am an educator. When I work with students by computer I am amazed at how little they know how to manage a PC, which they use daily. They don't know keyboard shortcuts, they don't know mouse behavior, and they don't know Alt-Tab window scrolling or even browser tab shortcuts. These are MS clients who know and are comfortable with vastly inferior UIs and therefore have no conception of the power of Windows systems.

Worst of all, MS brilliantly introduced touch across all form factors, yet now abandoned the one that users use more often than any other, their phones, for which MS competitors do not offer touch on laptops or desktops.

Every day I use my beloved S4 I realize how lucky I am not to have to switch my behaviors and basic interface from device to device. MS may or may not bring telephony back to mobile-sized devices, but if not, it will daily further alienate customers from Windows, which, I am told, is as yet important to the company. (Maybe not? The answer will be in a mobile device or not.)
I'm still using my Lumia 950 as my one and only phone (switched to it from the corporate Blackberry world in 2015). I love the live tiles, ability to use the same apps on my PC as I do my phone, Continuum has been very useful for me on multiple occasions. I realize Andromeda (if/when it comes) will be expensive. I hope I can afford one or that someone will use Microsoft's new Core OS on a smartphone and I can buy that. Until then, I'll hold my breath and continue loving my 950.
As others have stated here, my dedication to WM10 (Alcatel S4, formerly 950) is from its the PC-like interface (scrolling through open windows, live tiles, personalizing start screen, etc.).

But reading through this thread makes me realize the desperately ill-considered decision by MS to drop WM10 has much more to do with customer habits than even with customer loyalty. Every former WM10 user has now learned how to use Android or IOS, which means that, for them, those UIs are normalized. They may miss WMP but they are getting used to the Android and Apple ecosystems.

I am an educator. When I work with students by computer I am amazed at how little they know how to manage a PC, which they use daily. They don't know keyboard shortcuts, they don't know mouse behavior, and they don't know Alt-Tab window scrolling or even browser tab shortcuts. These are MS clients who know and are comfortable with vastly inferior UIs and therefore have no conception of the power of Windows systems.

Worst of all, MS brilliantly introduced touch across all form factors, yet now abandoned the one that users use more often than any other, their phones, for which MS competitors do not offer touch on laptops or desktops.

Every day I use my beloved S4 I realize how lucky I am not to have to switch my behaviors and basic interface from device to device. MS may or may not bring telephony back to mobile-sized devices, but if not, it will daily further alienate customers from Windows, which, I am told, is as yet important to the company. (Maybe not? The answer will be in a mobile device or not.)

Thanks for the interesting perspective.
I know MS is still deeply engrained in our business lives but I think you are seeing the result of their lack of foresight in how people want to work differently when away from the office. Perhaps this is where we are headed for the near future.
(CDMA versions must be a rumor because I could not find one anywhere)
The Verizon model was on sale for about a month or so, from Microsoft directly and a couple enterprise retailers, around October. I own one, it's really way too big but it's the last flagship.

My last 10+ years of phones:
samsung i730 -> samsung i770 -> htc 8x -> nokia 928 -> nokia icon -> hp x3

Slack isn't getting any new updates now, if it stops working I will have no choice but to jump ship as that is the most critical thing I do with my phone.

Assuming I can, I aim to give the x3 a year or so more to see if a fabled Microsoft based upgrade comes to fruition.

Why Windows phone?
I've always loved the idea of having a PC in my pocket, and the evolution of Windows on phone, from Windows Mobile, to Windows Phone to Windows 10 Mobile has embodied that for me to varying degrees over the years.

Beginning in 2006 with the Cingular 2125 running Windows Mobile 5.0 (my first smartphone), my Windows phone journey has ridden the spectacular crests and frustrating valleys that have defined the platform. In fact, what may surprise many who follow my work is that Iinitially rejected Windows Phone 7 as an oversimplified UI and a backward step to Windows Mobile, the powerful, flexible and open mobile OS I loved.

Windows on phone, with its unique approach, is now a fading shadow of what it could've been. Still, Microsoft's enduring Windows on mobile strategy,via the rumored Andromeda device reflects the inspiring ambition Microsoft's previous mobile efforts (though poorly executed) exhibited. Will, the synergy of Windows 10 on a folding pocketable device be a winner? I don't know. Will the device even launch? Microsoft could scrap it. Still, Microsoft's pursuit of a vision to put real PC power in our pockets, via context conforming hardware and software on a device coupled with telephony is inspiring.

So as I contemplate my next move, Microsoft's Andromeda device which will likely be too expensive, or an Android phone, I'm enjoying what inspired me years ago, the Live Tile life, on my Lumia's 950 XL(personal) and 1020 (business)!:cool:

So what inspired you to embrace Windows phone and why are you still holding on?

Not sure why. Most of the app makers are pulling their apps. Not many apps left. I guess I just don't want to buy a new phone right now. My Alcatel idol 4s is still working fine. I just use it as a phone and for internet searches.
After having used two Android smartphones (HTC Incredible 2 and a Samsung Galaxy S4) I was looking to switch over to a Windows Mobile phone.

Unfortunately, by the time that my SGS4'S power switch had started acting up, Microsoft had begun it's retrenchment/retreat from the mobile phone market.

The last four Lumia phones were restricted to GSM carriers. As a long time Verizon Wireless customer, that rendered those devices irrelevant. True, the Lumia 735 was still available, but, it was a lower end model and already getting "long in the tooth".

I ended up going with a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Shame that it took HP some 18 months to decide to release a Verizon Wireless compatible version of the Elite X3. By that time W10M was in maintenance mode.

I've loaded up my S7E with Microsoft apps. I like Square Home 2...however some notifications stopped working once the phone was updated to Oreo.

Spent quite a bit of time troubleshooting for the app creator before they sent me a patch to get everything working properly.

I'm hoping that the Andromeda device makes it to market, does provide call capability and isn't priced in the stratosphere. I just might consider it if it can be brought onto the Verizon Wireless network.
The Verizon model was on sale for about a month or so, from Microsoft directly and a couple enterprise retailers, around October. I own one, it's really way too big but it's the last flagship.

My last 10+ years of phones:
samsung i730 -> samsung i770 -> htc 8x -> nokia 928 -> nokia icon -> hp x3

Slack isn't getting any new updates now, if it stops working I will have no choice but to jump ship as that is the most critical thing I do with my phone.

Assuming I can, I aim to give the x3 a year or so more to see if a fabled Microsoft based upgrade comes to fruition.
I think you should sell your HP Elite X3 Verizon CDMA version phone to me.

Because it's too big, and because windows mobile phone is DEAD, and because windows phone has no apps NONE, and because its not a grid of Windows XP style icons (like apple and google phones), and because its different, and because the vast mass market never adopted it, and it's not trendy, and you don't want to be bothered by the information on live tiles, and let's not talk about the user interface experience...it must be bad because it isn't google or apple.

That all said, I would like to buy your phone. Please.

Best wishes.
As a former Nokia 950xl user, Most people switch to android for all reasons said in the past. But is there any windows
Person or non windows, developer. going to make a windows or like windows theme for home screen and wall papers on android at least a halo game theme would be nice notice some are live can a live tile be made there?
I'm still using my Lumia 950 to this day as my primary phone. In the last few weeks, just by chance I've recently received an iPhone 8 (throws up in mouth) as a work phone and a Samsung galaxy note was given to me. Firstly, using the iPhone every day is something I've grown to appreciate but am still not a fan due to it's basic usability for texting, typing etc. And poor personalisation design, let alone having no universal USB music/media capabilities. The Samsung is better. Well designed but as you mentioned is messy being that it's a long process to keep everything together i.e apps. I love my 950, even though it's ridiculously slow when the battery gets lower and the battery needs replacing. The app gap never really affected me due to edge websites on the phone being better than their iPhone / Android counterparts for my needs. I'm typing this on my 950 and I'll be using it until the day I no longer can.
With all it's flaws, i still prefer my 950XL. It just works, camera is super for my needs, and it doesn't annoy me with countless notifications. I like the UI: simple yet powerful (although it was never finished).
I was never an app person so I don't mind the state of things there: as long as i have a browser and a music player I'm happy. Other than that I use Viber and WhatsApp, both are there - Snapchat too.
I moved back to WP after trying a Samsung S5 for a year, after which it became clear that Android is not for me. I also hate any piece of software Apple ever made, iOS included.
Recently i bought a second 950XL to have as a backup, a new battery and a new original white cover - they are not going to be around for much longer, soon you will only find either trashed phones or the odd well maintained and ridiculously priced one so I secured an extra sample.

It will be a sad day for me when both of my phones become unusable (for whatever reason), and I'm only left with Android as an option - because the world needs 9999 calendars in the store riddled with adds and farting apps...
Haha I am a sober Windows Phone user. I actually switched all my family to Windows Mobile. Every one has slowly moved over to Continuum capable phones. We resist the general consumption of technology because we are a big, tight-knitted family, so frown on too much Netflix or games or SnapChat. We do miss OfferUp App and the older kids miss out on MoviePass, though. My parents upgraded to an HP Elite x3 each. It solved a lot of their problems, storage problems, decent camera, wireless charging, and they especially like the long battery life. My father also enjoys using Continuum. My siblings all had their phone purchased by me, thanks to the low prices of Windows Phone (In your face, iPhone), and everyone loves the synchronization and cloud power OneDrive provides. Nobody likes to make random accounts and permissions they don't monitor (Sorry Google) and they love that their phones last so long. One sibling has an Alcatel Idol 4s (he loves the feel and speakers) and the other likes his Lumia 950 for it's simplicity in design. I personally use a Lumia 950 XL (The perfect phone) and an Acer Liquid Jade Primo for kicks (it's actually quite nice).
I love my Idol 4s but the app gap had me put it on a shelf. I take it out occasionally and will use it for a couple days. The phone itself is amazing, sleek and a beautiful screen. Whenever I hear about a new PWA I'll get it but that's about it. I'm not a power user by any means but the few apps I use regularly aren't available on WM10.
My LG V20 has been acting up recently, random battery drain even with new battery. I've done hard reset, still a problem. Battery history says its android OS burning my battery. Random reboots also a problem. Sometimes its barely usable when I'm traveling using GPS. Uuuggghh. I have an Idol 4S lurking in a drawer... Should I.....
Here's why: on a recent trip, my Lumia 950 captured much more desirable photos in extreme backlight and night scenes compared to my colleague's latest iPhone X (the most pathetic HDR I ever witnessed). That iPhone X ended up staying inside my colleague's pocket almost all the time. You know how good it felt to have an almost-3-year old phone beat up the latest from Apple? SO DAM* GOOD!
Here's why: on a recent trip, my Lumia 950 captured much more desirable photos in extreme backlight and night scenes compared to my colleague's latest iPhone X (the most pathetic HDR I ever witnessed). That iPhone X ended up staying inside my colleague's pocket almost all the time. You know how good it felt to have an almost-3-year old phone beat up the latest from Apple? SO DAM* GOOD!

If only the camera is important to you, sounds like you made the right choice. For others it may be different.
I still us it because I can't afford anything with a camera comparable to my 950 (I know they're faster now but 12mp is sad when you look at it on a big screen.) and dark mode/high contrast, and f- google.
Love my Lumia 822! I don't really have much need for 98% of third party apps (they just cut into our lives). I can organize everything I need on one screen... no endless swiping back and forth. I never use Google for anything! And why would I want to support Apple! If I have to give up my WP I will give up cell phones. I can still use all the app I ever had. Of course if your smart enough to discover live is not a phone, you don't really need a smart phone much. Lastly LIVE TILES! CANT IMAGINE A PHONE WITHOUT THEM!
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