Jason Ward uses Windows phone (for now) and asks why do you?

It has been so long since I posted on here.

I have gotten out my old Microsoft Lumia 640, and I have been using it again as my daily driver as I am in-between phones. My first (and so far only) Android phone The Moto X Pure died a slow, miserable death. My intention was to use this little bad dude for a week or so until I settled on a new Android.

But.... wow I miss my OS. From the Samsung Focus S I bought for .01 cents on contract until my last Windows phone which ironically was the Samsung ATIV SE I got second hand, I loved and was a serious sales rep for this OS that just worked, worked well, added personality and was simple personified. The HTC Titan series, the amazing game-changer Nokia Lumia 900, the L920, the ahead of it's time and STILL amazing L1020, and this little devil that refuses to die all made appearances in our household.

Honestly, I am not really in the mood to stop using this guy yet. It is underpowered, has hardly any app support, the music search is dead, the screen is low bar, Maps is complete garbage, the camera is even worse (won't even take pictures half the time) and even the Bing search is spotty.

But... all my games still work and I actually just paid .99 cents for an app that runs my Prime Music so I am not out my music service, podcast Go! still works, all the MS integration is still seamless (why I went WP in the first place) and it makes me giggle every time I switch theme colors and reminds me of a better time when there was real innovation in software and competition was a good thing.

Yes, I will decide on a cheaper Android and use it for a year or so before deciding on a better one. No real choice in this day and age. But I will just play on this budget gem for a week or so longer.

Miss. My. OS.
The Windows phone has been my phone since its introduction. I like the Windows 10 format and how easy it is to use. It's a shame it has been phased out.
Still using my Lumia 950 because WP is not physically dead and works. The only personal setback is I cannot use mobile banking, however though it's not such sorrow, everything else I need is on the phone.
Of course I still use Windows phones (HP X3, 950xl, 950, 640xl) all these phones are as good as any on the market. The HP camera is quite good actually, so not sure what you were whingeing about - in some instances it's better than the 950xl, but most not. Android and iOS are boring.
I have a family plan with 9 lines. 7 of these are still on Windows. We love our Idol 4s (6 of the lines have Idols). One line was just upgraded from 435 to a 950. Personally, one of my favorite features of the 4s is the stereo speakers. This phone has phenomenal sound. We don't need all kinds of dumb apps, and none of us really do mobile gaming. I actually just signed up for and used ParkWhiz to reserve parking for a concert. No app was needed; I simply pinned the webpage on my start screen. I'll be sticking with my Idol as long as possible, until I need an upgrade for 600Mhz or 5G on Tmobile. Another feature that I love is the parental controls. I can filter/restrict content on my daughters account, and any windows 10 device that she signs into gets that content filtering. I've used both apple and android for work; I'm currently on Android. If/when I do have to finally ditch Windows from my personal phone, I'll move to Android and use the Microsoft launcher which brings back an alphabetical list of all apps on one screen.

I also stream a lot of Pandora while driving. If Pandora or another compatible service were not available, that might cause me to move to android sooner than I would like. I also contemplate switching to Android just for the TiVo app. If work were to cause me to start traveling overnight again, then I might jump over for that TiVo app.

Why Windows phone?
I've always loved the idea of having a PC in my pocket, and the evolution of Windows on phone, from Windows Mobile, to Windows Phone to Windows 10 Mobile has embodied that for me to varying degrees over the years.

Beginning in 2006 with the Cingular 2125 running Windows Mobile 5.0 (my first smartphone), my Windows phone journey has ridden the spectacular crests and frustrating valleys that have defined the platform. In fact, what may surprise many who follow my work is that Iinitially rejected Windows Phone 7 as an oversimplified UI and a backward step to Windows Mobile, the powerful, flexible and open mobile OS I loved.

Windows on phone, with its unique approach, is now a fading shadow of what it could've been. Still, Microsoft's enduring Windows on mobile strategy,via the rumored Andromeda device reflects the inspiring ambition Microsoft's previous mobile efforts (though poorly executed) exhibited. Will, the synergy of Windows 10 on a folding pocketable device be a winner? I don't know. Will the device even launch? Microsoft could scrap it. Still, Microsoft's pursuit of a vision to put real PC power in our pockets, via context conforming hardware and software on a device coupled with telephony is inspiring.

So as I contemplate my next move, Microsoft's Andromeda device which will likely be too expensive, or an Android phone, I'm enjoying what inspired me years ago, the Live Tile life, on my Lumia's 950 XL(personal) and 1020 (business)!:cool:

So what inspired you to embrace Windows phone and why are you still holding on?

Hi, I'm a windows phone tragic still using my Lumia 950. It still does most of what I need it to do and it has a great camera. Though I'm now missing Words with Friends, the first one that really hurt. I'm resigned to changing to Android later this year, hopefully with a good Nokia. Unfortunately for Microsoft most people use phones to do phone things and pc/laptops to do pc/laptop things. Hindsight is always 20/20 but the change from WP8.1 to W10 mobile was a big mistake. C'est la vie. David.
I still use my Lumia 820 because windows phone is the last phone operating system that grant same functionality of persoanl computer on phone.
Also i still use it because Microsoft provide securety fix.
In the past I had to use android device but I trash them in few mounths because the manufacter does not provide any support for the SW, and device became quicklly to have SW problems.
I am still rocking my 950xl. I know she is getting old faster but I love the camera as a main reason. edge and instagram app holds me around. i am a fan of outlook for organizing my emails. I know i will be need to get an android phone to bring me back in 2018 but i hope, just hope microsft will give a last chance for these beauties stay a bit longer!
950Xl daily. For me coming from the 1020, it is still about the camera. My 950Xl still out shoots the rest for my applications. I can do without the apps.
Windows Phone does all I need. It still have the very few apps I use (Facebook, Messenger and Twitter) even though some could use a well deserved update.

I tried to switch to Android last summer and after a week I put my sim card back in my 950xl.

Also bought an Idol 4s as spare in case my 950xl breaks when MS did a clearance sale last fall
Moved to Windows mobile when I bought Nokia 920's when they first came out for my wife and I. Bought them because they were Nokia's not for the OS.
But love the OS, the live tiles and I believe the navigation around the OS is better than IOS or Android.
Then bought a 950 for the wife and 950XL for myself when they first came out. We are still using them and enjoying them. We are not great users of apps so they do what we want.
We got 3 years out of the 920's and we are coming up to 3 years with the 950's, don't what we will do when they die.
Still using Lumia 830. Built like a tank and fill my needs for placing calls and the occasional surfing and looking up information.
I held on as long as I could. I had learned to live without apps, even though getting Astros tickets last month was a problem because they couldn't send them to me through an app. I replaced the battery in my Lumia 950 and it was going strong, still taking good pics.

But then I lost the FLipboard app during a phone reset, one of the few apps I enjoyed. I could still read it in Edge but it wasn't the same. I bought a Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus last week.

I hate how Google wants everything, and getting my contacts sync'ed (not copied, but sync'd) was a challenge. But everything works fast, smooth... and I have apps finally.

So I'm committed to Android now for 2 years to justify the cost of the phone. I miss my Windows Phone, though. If only Microsoft had.....
hello there endangered WM users..i am using my 640 XL since May of 2015 and before that it was a 520. I still like the way the UI looks, the dark theme, the metro design, the improvements from 8 to 8.1 to 10. At first, the reason i chose windows over android was the unique look, no bloatware, great HERE maps, smooth OS etc.,. There was also hope for more apps inclusion but with passage of time this drifted very far away. But also because of this app g-a-p it helped me stay away from my smartphone. If we look at other OS users, they'll always be hooked with the screen because they'll have the latest updates and newer apps/games coming up frequently, but with our poor store, i lead a simple smartphone life. But sometimes this also hits back as sometimes i will be in dire need of an app which is there in android and so i cannot help it. So recently i am having thoughts about buying a moto G5+, which i cannot afford right now and my 640 XL is still very much in a pristine condition.(sigh) If only microsoft could put back up a team to solve small things like the awful Maps, improving camera software and bringing back the smoothness of 8.1 to 10, I would happily use my phone till it lasts.
I didn't say that I liked windows because of Authentication app. But more that I'm holding off in switching because of the authenticator app. Yes Microsoft makes a version for Android, so does google and others. But the process of disabling TFA on so many accounts and then adding it again is the main thing holding me back.

Maybe there's a .5% chance that Microsoft will update the authenticator app in a way that I can migrate to their android version without hassle. But I doubt it.

Over all, I'm not a heavy user. I don't have any must have app that I'm missing in order to really say okay I just have to deal with the TFA problem and migrate because I must have this other app.
I am still rockin' my 950 XL. I love W10M...pinning web pages to my home page, having contacts pinned to my home page, all the long press context menus that are available, etc, etc. Love my interchangeable backs (I have 5 Mozo backs which I routinely rotate onto my 950 XL), the awesome camera with its great low light capabilities and manual mode, SD card to hold all of my purchased music, photos and video, NFC, wireless charging. If I am desperate for an app, I have an iPod that I can go to. iOS has designed its OS for idiots and the security challenges of Android have left me happily a Windows Phone user. One of the .01%
Still rocking my Lumia 830. Never say never, but I'll never use an Android device. I have multiple Lumia devices to fall back on if my current 830 breaks. All the apps I need are on my Lumia devices. Some of them (apps) weren't even brought over to Windows 10 mobile therefore I didn't need to upgrade. It was like taking a step backwards. As long as I can finds batteries I'm good with my Lumia's!
I'm still stuck with my Lumia 950DualSim. I was indeed looking toward Android, but couldn't switch for several reasons:
- Live tiles / possibility to ping a particular part of an application to a desktop, not just a shortcut to the app.
- Bing maps - have too many favorites there
- Cortana location awareness - being able fo create my reminders assigned to my favorites in Bing maps
- a camera on my Lumia. I know, there are better ones or there, but I to love my Lumia 950's.
- Continuum. I love having my phone through a dock on my screen similar to my Surface Pro (even knowing it's not the same)
The primary reason that I still use a Windows Phone is because I invested $550 in a package deal that included a 950/950XL/Display adapter. The Office apps still work great, although it is somewhat of a pain the way One Drive doesn't log changes made on a desktop using Wordperfect, so for every time I want to open it on the phone, I have to dig through One Drive and find it. WordPerfect is such a good program, I just can't switch completely to Office. That issue is not Microsoft’s fault, but it is a pain nonetheless. The Outlook program is frustrating because it will reset to the beginning of the email list if a link is opened or another program is used, but for the most part, it is fine for checking email, although nowhere near as good as Blackberry Hub.
The phones are the best phones available for reading books in my opinion as well using Microsoft Edge. I really like the fonts and interface Microsoft has created (that said, nothing compares to reading on a dedicated E-reader). I also like the News app which still functions nicely. The camera still works great as well.

The biggest disadvantage for me is the lack of Evernote support. Sure you can type new notes, but without the Web Clipper, it's useless. I am not a big fan of One Note, although its ok in a pinch.
My Lumia 950XL is still my only mobile and will be until it dies, mainly because of the price to get an Android with specs anywhere near as good as this is so high.
The interface and usability of Android and iOS are so dull in comparison and nowhere near as good as WM in my opinion also.
My favourite things about Windows Mobile: The keyboard and the Groove Music app, especially since it was killed on iOS and Android, they have no easy way of syncing my OneDrive music collection to the device.
The main feature I wish the phone had: Fingerprint reader with support from a banking app, tried it on iOS and it's far faster and easier than the retina scanner on WM.

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