For a Microsoft eco-system purist, which is better: iPhone or Android?

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James Auman

New member
Dec 7, 2015
I try to stay in the Microsoft world as much as possible, but Win10Mobile has become unreliable (Spotify hardly ever works, Bluetooth is touch and go). I'm not sure i'm going to switch just yet, BUT if i did, which one keeps me as close to Microsoft as possible? Or does it really make any difference?
how do you manage photos without the app, how doe sit transfer to ur computer, other than manually . I am thinking about the move, cant make up my mind . you think Cortana syncs well with the phone
Originally posted by toph36
I have a Pixel 2 XL. I have installed the Microsoft Launcher, Outlooks, Edge, OneDrive and all the Office apps... I setup Cortana as my default Assistant, which I can activate by holding down the home button. It works well. The only time I really use Google services is to download apps from the Play Store. I do use the Contacts and Photos apps as well, but would use the Microsoft Photos app is they release it for Android. I have no issues with the UI. Works fine. I went with a Google phone primarily because 1. I got a great deal on the phone, and 2. the monthly security updates. Good luck,
Are you talking about an android phone or IPhone .
I am still on fence running my 950 cant make up my mind
Originally posted by Daniel Stevenson Sutton
I think the answer has to be Android for sure. I am currently using an S8 and it is so Microsoft integrated I have replaced both Bixby and Google now connections with Cortana. The Microsoft Launcher lets me quickly push files between devices, edge browser allows me to move web pages with ease (although IOS has that too). But the real differentiator is notifications. Call and text notices flow seamlessly between the two meaning your phone becomes a companion not an interruption to work.
Honestly I'd say Android, but only a Pixel or a Blackberry. You can install all of the Microsoft apps to ease the transition, but the Blackberry suite is very comprehensive. You can pick up a Z30 for fairly cheap and it's still a very good phone.
Android, if Pixel. Too much bloat and lag on the S9 so far. Not having the same success on iOS, it's painful at times. Google seems more open and flexible with MS ecosystem, Apple feels like it was built to make it hard and, in truth, likely is.
So far the P2XL has been my favourite switch after the Lumia's. From a tablet perspective I'm happier with surface book and pro. I've tried android tablets, all pretty poor and the iPad Pro is lame as f*** - literally an awful productivity experience.
I agree that iOS should let the user choose default programs. But... which is the advantage of using Outlook app instead of the iOS email/calendar/contacts apps using an Exchange / Outlook (web) account?

I have tried both approaches, and the functionality is similar. Maybe I skipped something?

iOS mail is a nuisance. You use the outlook app for similar reasons on Android, it's just easier and better integrated with your other services.
In my opinion, Android is by far the more Microsoft friendly, versus iOS. You only have to look at how MS are developed the Your Phone app and all the Android only features it has.
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