For all Pakistani WP users

I think I'm gonna use the screen tracker app from the Perfect Thumb developer to track my phone usage.
Assalamualikum guys,
I'm from KHI and currently using Lumia 520.. My first and till now only.. :D

640 and it's variant will be announced to July so keep on waiting although price is shown in WhatMobile

Hi Usama,
We have talked before don't now you remember or not.. Didn't knew that you worked for NeoWin..

Cannot subscribe to this thread as no such feature is available in Windows Central app.. If anyone of you know kindly mention here.. Hate using tapatalk..
I have seen How I Met Your Mother and Agents of SHIELD. Plan to watch The Flash, Daredevil, Arrow, Gotham, Sherlock and Game of Thrones once I am done with my CIEs.

Well I've watched the Arrow but only a few episodes. It was a pretty good series.
I don't think so... You just get email notifications for new posts. Sorry for being late, I have exams these days.
I think that the Lumia 640XL is affordably priced. It was 23500 Rs approximately.
According to this, the 640 will be priced closer to 20000 Rs.
Saw a 1020 yesterday. The guy had bought it recently. He studies in the same college as I am in and I met him when I was about to leave for home. We only talked for a minute or two before he had to leave. I showed him some of the denim features(he had cyan). I was unable to meet him today, maybe tomorrow.

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