For Windows 10 Mobile users (What are you doing with your current device?)

My Lumia 950XL has been my daily driver since may 2016. Just replaced the battery and it's running smoothly. Have all the apps I need and will probably be using this phone for at least 2 more years. The camera is so amazing. Have two mozo leather backs and a Nillkin amazing H+ screenprotector giving the phone a premium look.Also have a lumia 925 (now my backup phone) running WM10 AU. Tried android when my lumia 925 screen broke but didn't like it, was constantly afraid of installing new apps, a lot of them seemed obscure and insecure. The android os also quickly seemed to use up memory and system resources. Replaced my lumia 925 screen and its still fine. If I would loose my 950 XL I would do everything to get hold of another 950 XL using my spare 925 in the meantime. I also have the display dock and a wireless display adapter but I rarely use continuum. I dont use social media so I dont miss any apps atm.
Well, I was going back to my Lumia 950 as my daily driver quite often. However, with the bluetooth issues still around, I just could not continue using it anymore. When trying to use it with my Dodge Dart UConnect 8.4, the phone who call, switch to the phone, I try to transfer back and it does not work. I cannot be messing with something like that well I am trying to drive.

It stinks too because I literally hate Android for personal use. (Not in general, just for personal use.)
Well, I lasted a day and now I am back on the Lumia 950, again. :D I did finally get the Android phone to be at least usable for me, a single page of icons, daily scripture verse, 4 subreddits icons at the top from Baconit and a completely dark theme. I had also removed or disabled everything I could and it seem to work much better.

Oh well, maybe when the Fall Creators Update for Windows 10 is released, I will go back. (Cortana will have proper integration then.)
I still use my Lumia 640 along with my Galaxy S7. There are just some things that still work better on Windows phones. It is easier to text and easier to use in the car.

yes, this, for sure. I hate the hands free setup on my S7A. I sent a text this morning, and it worked, but not as smoothly. Plus, every time I've unlocked my phone it says "message sent!", even though it's already told me....
Lumia 950 is my daily drive atm (not for long), but I'm not enjoying the experience as half a year ago:
I'm getting annoyed by the fact that Edge is the default pdf-reader. I have to review pdf documents in all sort of sizes and number of pages. To store the documents first, then browse to the folder in my pdf-reader of choice is counter-productive.
Battery is getting worse, and replacement batteries are of bad quality.
Edge is still stalling/freezing, however the situation improved somewhat since the latest update.

On the other hand, I still like the responsive tiles and the app list, and would miss those when jumping to Android.
Would you part ways with the 950? If so how much?

I know I ask $115 plus shipping for mine. I would ship it USPS priority, paypal only.

Heatware: ManofGod ( is a online reputation data site for sellers and buyers, just in case you were not familiar with it.)
Carphone warehouse would only give me £55 for my 950. I would not sell it anyway it is too nice a phone to give away.

I will keep it updated for as long as I can and it can join my collection.

I have a Nokia N8, Lumia 1020 a 640 and the 950. I should of kept the N95 8GB and Lumia 900.

I am not due an upgrade until December so my 950 is my daily driver. I may need to invest in a new battery as it is nearly 2 years old now.
Well, this is the first time since 2012 that I have not had at least one Windows Phone in my possession. Can't believe how things have changed. I'm tempted to buy another one of some sort, but with the future being so bleak, I don't know if it'll be money well spent. My last wp was my trusty, old 1520, which I sold this past week.
I still think my 950 is the best phone I have ever used in terms of ease of use. I just bought a Nokia 6 and it is already frustrating me in that it just doesn't do what I want it to do. The Lumia does everything necessary for day to day work and communication, it just needed to be supported and developed and it could have been anything. Now I'm stuck with finding a way of removing all this google crap from my new phone.
I had 1020 in my dresser. The screen is cracked and can't display anything. Waiting for me to bring it to the service center. Now I'm using the 950. And I aims to keep it as long as I can. I love Windows, and always be. Even if I'm about to get new phone in the future, I won't trade the old. Things that I always do on my Lumia is check for update though settings and app update through storw
Well, this is the first time since 2012 that I have not had at least one Windows Phone in my possession. Can't believe how things have changed. I'm tempted to buy another one of some sort, but with the future being so bleak, I don't know if it'll be money well spent. My last wp was my trusty, old 1520, which I sold this past week.


The 650 I bought this year, I don't plan to sell it even if I turn it on once a month for updates.
I have 4 paper weights now. One 820, 2 730s and a 950XL, soon to end up with 2 more 730 as my brother and sister both need replacement phones and will move to Android. Not looking forward to teaching them how to use these new phones. 😑
Well, I am now used to my Android setup and really do not want to switch back to my 950 anymore. My Vivoactive 3 seems to have issues from time to time with my Honor 6X but then again, it also has issues with the 950 well working just fine on my iPhone 5.
When the time comes to move on from Windows 10 Mobile we will need a decent Podcast app that will sync between Android/IOS and Windows 10.

For the moment I use Grover Pro on Windows 10 Mobile and Windows 10.

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