For Windows 10 Mobile users (What are you doing with your current device?)

My 950L is my only phone and I use it for everything, pictures, you tube (weblink,) Twitter and facebook (both the apps), email and apps that are unavailable generally work just as good using the website through edge.

Love the wireless charging and live tiles
My 950 XL is my daily driver. Take a ton of pics; this camera is the BEST! The screen shows them off in amazing colour and detail! Family, friends, and co-workers always comment on how good my pics look. Love the live tiles and OS; i'm a happy camper!
I use my 950 as a daily driver, the third party apps are not great or inexistent, but most of the time I only use Microsoft apps and Facebook and Twitter, the rest I use the mobile website which actually isn't too bad. the overall performance and user experience are just much Superior to Android unless you own a flagship phone, and the apps crashes just as well on Android. iPhone are just like Android flagship , way too expensive. I got a used l950 for 200 euros, and it works great!! love the Windows mobile prices, a great value for the money.
I don't use my 950, or Icon anymore. I happily used WP for 4 years, seeing the potential, drinking the MS Kool-aid, waiting for features that were stock on other OS's, and having friends poke fun. TBH, I still really like my 950, but the app support is so bad I needed another option. I decided to go back to Android (Gs8), and there are some minor things I miss, but Android plays pretty well with W10. In fact, there are a lot of things you can do with a Samsung on W10 that even W10m can't.
I just switched my phone to an iPhone 7 plus. Turned off calendaring and removed the contacts from my Lumia 950. I use the iPhone for everything I was using the Lumia for except the use of Continuum. I also can now use all the apps I lost with Windows 10 Mobile on the Lumia 950. I use the Lumia with Continuum to connect to the TV in my great room and a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard for browsing the internet and working with MS Office on One Drive. And I'll do that until the Lumia dies.

I do not plan on going to a MS phone or mobile device in the future. Waiting on the promise of vaporware for the past two years is enough for me.
My primary device, and will be till a new Surface Phone comes to replace it.
I use it for everything, control my Sony Smart TV, the Android box in another old Samsung TV, to listen to music at work and on the bus, to transport files to and from other devices, as a mobile router to use with my old Nexus 7 tablet, to play games, to watch IPTV in an app I developed for myself (it took me about 20 minutes max to develop that app, I had no experience with c# by the time and it's still poor). Once in a while I use Continuum, and I cast a lot of Photos and videos to my TV to show family and friends my memories. This phone is my camera too, as it takes amazing photos with low light, I also got rid of my compact DSLR as my Lumia 950 showed more quality in low light photos and the standard photos were almost the same quality - one less device.
Using my Acer Primo as a daily driver on the Anniversary Update. Nobody does Remote Desktop like W10M. Use RDP on Continuum and it's like being in front of my desktop.
Right now, I'm using it. As my phone.

Unfortunately, without new hardware, I doubt that will continue much into next year - my 950 will continue as a backup phone but I suspect I'll be moving to android (I have an ipod touch for ios and it's far to limited for my liking - having to add a credit card to change store region is a big no-no, compared to simply switching country on the 950).

The main problem is that I hate the current phone size trend of 5" or larger - and sub-5" devices are limited to the iPhone and Sony Xperia X compact. The one thing I really like about the ipod touch is how small it is - if there's one thing I've found after using it for the last 6 months, it's that phones are simply becoming too big and screen resolutions are still going up for no sensible reason other than for bragging rights (and VR, which simply doesn't interest me).

As much as I like the 950, I just wish it was smaller (4.7" 1080p screen would be perfect).
My 950xl is my daily driver.

Mail, Facebook, Instagram, Fitbit, News, Outlook, Pin It, are what I use regularly.

I'm a pro photographer and I bought it because of the camera which kicks ***. I had a 1040 before that used to be my daily driver until it could no longer be repaired.

I keep hoping Microsoft will bring out something compelling as I've tried other people's Androids which seemed chaotic, and the IPhone interface seemed to be not as good as the Live Tiles. That said if nothing new comes out when this dies I will probably go to an IPhone because it seems better than Android to me.

I would much rather stay with a Windows interface.
My Lumia 950 XL is my daily driver. I don't have any other phone. Granted, I'm much more of a business user, heavily steeped in Office 365, SharePoint, Teams, Exchange, etc. So, my needs are met pretty well. I only occasionally feel the app gap in a palpable way, where I just won't find a comparable app that I have on my Android tablet. But, even w/ my Android tablet, I'm not the kind of guy installing tons of apps, puttzing time away on them. And, honestly, the ever growing list of UWP apps, extended down to mobile, keep the app situation interesting-ish enough for me (for now).

I've seen benchmarks, where the current Alcatel and HP flagship windows phones don't deliver a whole lot of performance beyond what my 950XL already does (not to mention, their cameras fall short of the 950XL). So, I see myself holding onto my 950XL (which I've had for just under a year now) for another 1.5 to 2 years. That is, unless MS or an OEM does something amazing w/ Windows on Arm, that reasonably approaches a phone form factor, which also works w/ my wireless carrier.
I have an x3 I've been playing with for a week or two now. I have an Honor 8 as my DD, but I'm gonna try using the x3 as my DD, now that I have a decent/usable case. Actually, I think it will do well!

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
I sold my Icon, 1520.3 and dual sim 950XL to help pay for an iPhone 6s Plus and 13" iPad Pro. I am so done with "Windows Mobile" after being a HUGE fan. I kept a 2nd 1520 just to remember what could have been.

A company that is STILL trying to come up with a viable "mobile strategy" in 2017 is a company that is clueless. Microsoft is so far behind in mobile that it is pointless to even continue trying.

Five years from now, Microsoft will be the case study for the "success trap". Polaroid is the current leader in that category. Look it up.
I sold my Icon, 1520.3 and dual sim 950XL to help pay for an iPhone 6s Plus and 13" iPad Pro. I am so done with "Windows Mobile" after being a HUGE fan. I kept a 2nd 1520 just to remember what could have been.

A company that is STILL trying to come up with a viable "mobile strategy" in 2017 is a company that is clueless. Microsoft is so far behind in mobile that it is pointless to even continue trying.

Five years from now, Microsoft will be the case study for the "success trap". Polaroid is the current leader in that category. Look it up.

Maybe (most likely, unfortunately) in mobile....but if you want to do anything of substance you need Windows on a PC....and that ain't going anywhere....
I sold my Icon, 1520.3 and dual sim 950XL to help pay for an iPhone 6s Plus and 13" iPad Pro. I am so done with "Windows Mobile" after being a HUGE fan. I kept a 2nd 1520 just to remember what could have been.

A company that is STILL trying to come up with a viable "mobile strategy" in 2017 is a company that is clueless. Microsoft is so far behind in mobile that it is pointless to even continue trying.

Five years from now, Microsoft will be the case study for the "success trap". Polaroid is the current leader in that category. Look it up.

**Off topic, on a tangent here sorry:
Thanks for sharing this. I had not looked with that perspective/ideology for their business before. That is interesting that you say this. As I believe now by thinking this way, that for a while now (atleast 2 yrs) Microsoft has been battling to recover from the "success trap". Or it seems that way for me now that I look at it. Since the release of W10, whenever that was seems about the time... However, this did not exist for them only in Mobile. Otherwise Windows itself, and everything it uses/consists of would not have been rebooted into where it is headed now. I wonder now though if there is a polar opposite of this term. As Microsoft focuses on so much more beyond what they already know, the pendulum can easily go all the way to far to one side... It is obvious Microsoft is not out strictly for success or improvment of themselves as much making these changes that they have, would hopefully server the hands of those they provide their service to. But of course they succeed if they do so. Some of the things we do not hear more about are things like their AI research and investment in Quantum computing/Computer Science. There may be many other research areas that I did not state. But even those areas can drive into the success trap I suppose. So I think your'e right and that there needs to be a healthy balance for Microsoft.

...I still like using my lumias or other Windows 10 Mobile phones for what they are though, whether Microsoft goes around in circles or not. I mean it is not entirely my problem if they do but then again it is, and so what I do and need in this tech age is not entirely their problem and also is. :)
Maybe (most likely, unfortunately) in mobile....but if you want to do anything of substance you need Windows on a PC....and that ain't going anywhere....

Lots of people and companies run non-Windows. There are alternatives that are just as good in many situations, but I get what you're saying. It's their bread and butter, not mobile.
I have a Nokia 1520 and an Alcatel idol 4s. Other than not having a good app on the 4s for step count I find that mobile sites fits my need just fine where a Windows app is not available. In fact I tried both Android and IOS phones and found that although a bit faster the apps were not that impressive.
Interesting. I have a Lumia 550 which I bought to use as a PDA - I have a perfectly good Nokia 2310 phone - to replace a worn out Palm Z22. I used the Z22 to record all sorts of financial data and as a very handy shopping list. As far as I can tell it's not possible to copy files from a PC using a USB cable. I didn't use the WiFi connection because when I'm out and about it obviously isn't available. I also found that files that were transferred by WiFi wouldn't snap into place on the Lumia and wouldn't keep still. When I tried to use it as a shopping list device I couldn't mark off items, unlike with the old Palm.

In this day of flashy devices I've gone back to printing items I want to carry with me, or making hand-written notes. The Lumia gathers dust on a shelf above the PC.
I just ditched my 950 for a galaxy edge 7 and not yet been tempted to go back even the apps we did have were slow and out of date! What's app, Facebook and twitter are great with the latest stuff. I'll keep it as a spare phone camera still rocks

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