Forgot Unlock PIN

1. If you aren't comfortable with OneDrive's "creep factor" you should use another service or backed up the photos somehow.
Unfortunately this is the kind of event that convinces people that they need backups. Its only a matter of time before your phone bites the dust or is replaced, did you think that couldn't possibly happen?

Also, the policy was probably one by your company if your phone is connected to it. Microsoft doesn't enforce a PIN. It recommends it, but doesn't require it.

I'm wondering, how did you try to enable OneDrive when the phone was locked?
"I turned off OneDrive due to the major creep factor that it was automatically enabled on my phone" ... closely followed by ... "I just got engaged in Vegas in December and had countless, irreplaceable photos on my phone".

SRSLY? What did you expect to happen if something went wrong?

"both it and my computer would crash trying to get the pictures off of it" - sorry ... whut? Both your phone and PC crashed while you copied photos of your phone? Knowing how that mechanism works, your claims seem increasingly unlikely.
I put an unlock code on my windows phone, I have forgotten what that pin is, I believe it's a four digit pin. Please tell me how to unlock it so I can use my phone again.
Thank you
I had the same problem and ended hard resetting the phone. Good that everything is backup.

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