I need some help with controlling myself. Here is what I mean:
I really like Windows Phone. I have used it several times throughout the last month and I enjoy the interface very much. However, I really don't like the HTC Trophy. I am stuck on Verizon Wireless for a while since I have a huge family plan with them, and I am stuck.
I have a phone I want to get rid of, and the Droid Bionic just came out. I really like Android as well, but prefer WP7. However, I need a better phone than the Trophy. I am looking for a good dual core device with 4G LTE access, a lightly larger screen and a good graphics card. The Trophy is missing all of this. The Droid Bionic, however, has it all except Windows.
My question is:
Does anyone know if there are any near future devices for Windows Phone 7 coming to verizon wireless? I can wait about a month, but I think that after that, my patience will run out :-(
Has anyone heard anything?
I need some help with controlling myself. Here is what I mean:
I really like Windows Phone. I have used it several times throughout the last month and I enjoy the interface very much. However, I really don't like the HTC Trophy. I am stuck on Verizon Wireless for a while since I have a huge family plan with them, and I am stuck.
I have a phone I want to get rid of, and the Droid Bionic just came out. I really like Android as well, but prefer WP7. However, I need a better phone than the Trophy. I am looking for a good dual core device with 4G LTE access, a lightly larger screen and a good graphics card. The Trophy is missing all of this. The Droid Bionic, however, has it all except Windows.
My question is:
Does anyone know if there are any near future devices for Windows Phone 7 coming to verizon wireless? I can wait about a month, but I think that after that, my patience will run out :-(
Has anyone heard anything?