Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

Hey Ryan pls fix the asphalt 8 issue on Lumia 525. Its not available on Lumia 525 for 3 months now irrespective of whether its wp 8 or 8.1. Its sayin not available in store not ur software is not supported. Pls inform the dev team n fix this issue quickly. Its an issue with all 525 users irrespective of phone os
Hey Ryan pls fix the asphalt 8 issue on Lumia 525. Its not available on Lumia 525 for 3 months now irrespective of whether its wp 8 or 8.1. Its sayin not available in store not ur software is not supported. Pls inform the dev team n fix this issue quickly. Its an issue with all 525 users irrespective of phone os

Yaa this issue is from very long time irrespective of OS in Lumia 525.
For 525 there is one link of asphalt 8 but it is the old version and it supports only 525 no other phone if you want you can download that from here

Got this Link from Nokia discussion
Thanx for the same but I want to play the latest version of asphalt 8 not the old one. Y only 525 users hav to suffer wen even a 520 can run the game smoothly. Ryan pls fix this issue for Lumia 525 users asap.
Thanx for the same but I want to play the latest version of asphalt 8 not the old one. Y only 525 users hav to suffer wen even a 520 can run the game smoothly. Ryan pls fix this issue for Lumia 525 users asap.

But it doesn't work of you download from PC the game and send it to phone ?
No I tried that method but its not workin. Gameloft needs to fix this issue for 525 users n remove the block on the app.
Guys....gameloft said on facebook that modern combat 5 will be published on 24 July for IOS and android...they didn't say a SINGLE WORD about WP...plz...Hiw long are we going to stay before other platforms ?
Ok so if I wanna play New games i have to switch to another platform?
That's Crap -_-
I'll never switch my lovely Windows Phone 8.1

You don't have to switch, but if you want access to the latest games and apps first, pick up an iOS and Android device to compliment your Windows Phone. That's what I did.
Hey Ryan r u listenin? Pls do fix the asphalt 8 issue on Lumia 525. The app has been blocked for us n were unable to download the game.
You don't have to switch, but if you want access to the latest games and apps first, pick up an iOS and Android device to compliment your Windows Phone. That's what I did.
Lol but I'm a 14 years old guy :D if I wanna play should I have 2 phones ? Come on :D not all people can afford having two phones or more + IOS phones is very very expensive here in ny country :D
GT Racing 2 is annoying me with its notifications.

I said no to toasts during the install and have disabled notifications within the game but I still get these damn alerts which I don't want.

Serious annoyance thats getting close to an uninstall.
Anyone else not getting the daily bonus credits at the end of a race in Asphalt 8?
I was getting it every race till the update, then it pops up showing what I'm getting, but doesn't award it even after the first race
Cheers Ryan
Many thanks for replying.
I'll try again later today.
No biggie if it doesn't work.

Np, hopefully it does!

@Gameloft_Ryan just downloaded the update for Asphalt 8 and guess what???
The update made my device so unstable I don't know why....
First bug I have notice is that whenever I start the game there is NO MUSIC. I go to settings and see in the menu the music bar is 0%. This is happening EVERYTIME! Don't know why!
Second bug is that GAME FREEZES FOR NO REASON! Driving a car, that's it. Freezes and have to exit the app using multitasking menu.
Why is this happening Ryan??
Any Help?

Then that sounds like a more intense tech issue that I don't have the qualifications to handle. I suggest you contact our support team and let them know about this issue. They should be able to assist you, or, they will get the necessary information from you so we can fix it!

Hey Ryan asphalt 8 has been updated but I still cant download it on my Lumia 525 running wp 8.1. Ryan pls dnt say its bcus of wp 8.1 otherwise y only Lumia 525 users are affected by this? It says item not available in store. Pls fix this so that I can return to playing this game on my fone.

Okay, so I talked to my coworker again about this and told him this doesn't appear to be an 8.1 Dev Preview issue. According to him, we are running a promo for Asphalt 8 and it could possibly be messing up the game listings for the 525 since it's part of the promo. With this all in mind, the promo ends this coming Tuesday, so the store listing for A8 for the 525 should be back to normal on Wednesday.

If this continues to be an issue next week, PLEASE post and let me know. I'm definitely trying to get to the bottom of this for you all.

Guys....gameloft said on facebook that modern combat 5 will be published on 24 July for IOS and android...they didn't say a SINGLE WORD about WP...plz...Hiw long are we going to stay before other platforms ?

We are waiting on confirmation from the Dev team on when we can expect the Windows build. We are working for a launch that's as close as possible to iOS and Android.

Hey Ryan r u listenin? Pls do fix the asphalt 8 issue on Lumia 525. The app has been blocked for us n were unable to download the game.

Yup, I'm listening. Check my post above.

GT Racing 2 is annoying me with its notifications.

I said no to toasts during the install and have disabled notifications within the game but I still get these damn alerts which I don't want.

Serious annoyance thats getting close to an uninstall.

We just submitted the GTR2 hotfix that will address this PN issue. It'll go live once it gets approved for the Store.

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