hi ryan, i have a Microsoft Surface RT and installed Rival Knights last tuesday, but the game keeps crashing when loading since wednesday, and i have been reinstalling since then with no results, any information about how to fix or if gameloft is already doing something about it?
We've got a fix coming out end of this week or early next week that addresses this according to the team. Sorry for the issues!
Modern Combat 5 coming July 25th
For iOS and Android it's coming on July 24th. We'll have some news I think later today for Windows platforms. Stay tuned!
For WP as well? I've only seen this date announced for iOS and Android so far.
See above

Stay tuned for Windows info today!
I just wanted to let you know about GT Racing 2 not cloud saving the actual progress since you told the reader that it "should" save it. I thought it should as well, just like Asphalt 8, but it didnt.
I'm incredibly sorry to hear that. I'm relaying information based on what the team has told me and how the game is supposed to work. In cases like this when it doesn't, it's great to hear about it so we can work on improving this feature. I'll pass your device information along and see if this is something common that we've seen.
Usually being logged into Facebook and making a purchase (IAP or just a purchase with credits) forces a server sync and cloud save. So again, I'm sorry you've had a bad experience with it, but I'll make sure to let the appropriate people know.
For real though, everyone knows that your games such as Rival Knights is a giant crash fest. Why do you guys seem to just ignore these issues, tell us you are looking into it, and never updating any of your apps?
It's definitely a bummer, but some things only pop up once we do the official launch and the game gets on tons and tons of devices. We don't like it and we know you all don't like it, so that's why the team has been working hard on addressing the RK crashing issues. The update that should fix this problem is coming out later this week or early next week at the latest.
I've found a pretty serious exploit in Dungeon Gems. When you're in a dungeon and die and just close the game by holding the back button and tapping on the X in the upper right corner (or swiping the card down in WP 8.1) and relaunch the game again, you'll start right where you left off previously. With your party's health fully reloaded. Means that whenever you die in a dungeon, let's say in part 4 of 5, you return to that exact section with full HP.
Since it's just the solo player part where this seems to work, it's of not much use, but it works in regular dungeons as well as in rewarded limited time only dungeons (weekly, daily and hourly), so it may have an impact on IAPs and hence revenue. I bet most players might hate me for reporting this, but I'm an honest guy.
Interesting! I'll pass this along as well. Thanks for the heads up!
Hi Ryan
GT racing 2 is still giving unwanted notification.
What device are you using? Based on the feedback after the hotfix that addressed the notification issues it appears the problem has been fixed for a majority, if not all users. Thanks for letting me know!
Ive also left out this hijacking my phones alarm clock crap. Big time slime-ball tactic.
Dungeon Gems has taken over your alarm clock?
Hey Ryan! I have an unusual problem with Asphalt 8 now... The settings which I apply will never save at all! Each time I open the game I have to change the music volume and steering sensitivity! It will never save at all! And my flag too! Its not in India or US and I have no idea where it is too! I contacted the customer care and they changed it twice but it doesn't seem to change at all! Could you please ask anyone what's up with asphalt? Thanks!
Sent from my L620 Using Tapatalk
Which device are you playing Asphalt 8 on? That's really weird the settings aren't saving from the previous play sessions.
Hello Ryan, I've made an "in-app purchase" in Asphalt 8 .. I bought an " S Car Pack" But I never got it. I contacted the support team and they asked for a screenshot that proves my purchase. I sent the screenshot since Wednesday and since then I haven't got a reply. This is my Ticket Number: 8274946 and this is the conversation number : [#AWZ-17167-618] . Sorry to post this here but since the SUPPORT TEAM isn't Responding I had to tell you here. Best Regards.
I'll look into it today and see what's going on. Thanks for your patience!
Well, my Rival Knights has also gone into the unbootable stages. How much of my progress (single, multiplayer, earned online rewards, etc) will I lose?
We've got an update coming out that should address this issue very soon. Your progress should be saved from the last point of you being able to log in and play.
I am playing Real Soccer (older version) and I am trying to unlock "Best Audience" achievement. I played exhibition at all 13 venues and yet, it doesn't unlock for me. The app description in the Store says there are 14. Can you confirm if how many venues are there and what are the requirements for the achievement to unlock it? Thanks
We've had a few version of Real Soccer go out and since I'm not super familiar with that game I'll need to know what version you're playing. I know there have been some issues with achievements and it's something we are aware of and trying to work on!
Any news on a fix for Rival Knights? It's a bummer it's broken so long!
Btw, will you guys consider making your games multiplayer crossplatform? So that WP players can tag along with android or ios players at the same time (or windows 8.1 for that matter)?
Yup, we've got an update coming super soon! (See above) As for the cross platform question: Currently our servers are not set up for cross platform play. This, to my knowledge, is not something we are changing in the immediate future but maybe at some point down the road we will look in to.