Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

As you mentioned older ones might not happen due to limited resources, but that could change if other priority titles are addressed. O&C is slotted for an update, but as other people in this thread will tell you, it's taken us a REALLY long time to get the game up to speed due to the amount of content and some other development challenges. As for MC5 on the 930, I'll need to double check that, but I remember the Devs mentioning some performance issues on the 930 (I think) so it's possible they removed the game for that phone while addressing it.

I've received SS's for GTR2 and have relayed them to our Windows team, but I haven't seen any complaints for The Amazing Spider-Man. Are you talking 1 or 2? Let me know and if you can include SS's that'd be great!

Thanks for the reply, man.
About the older titles, I understand the problem, so I won't ask for an update, just wanted to report, though. I just hope that I will be able to enjoy GT2 and MC5 on my 930 someday.

About the issues with The Amazing Spider-man, yep, I was talking about the first game. I haven't tried Spider-man 2 yet, so I'm not sure about it. Unfortunately, I uninstalled the game last week, and I've been experiencing some connection issues, so reinstall it now is quite a big task :p . However, I will try and will post some screenshots here as soon as possible.
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Hey Ryan, is there any idea to bring some more older gameloft titles for windows phone... Man because i see threads that request for older games from other developers. So is there any idea in gameloft

I think that would be great! Many of us would appreciate the variety and the "new" titles, not to mention the new buyers that are waiting something poker this to enroll to windows phones! ;) ^^
Hi, Ryan rival knights it's my favorite game for my windows phone, but today I was unable to play, every time I launch the app it crash, please tell me what to do, thanks so much
Heh Ryan its just sad to see everyone posting about Rival Knights and Gameloft doing nothing about it! 😞 And yeah when will we get the Asphalt Metal update? Now Dubai is unplayable! It lags like hell! All other tracks not a single lag! Both on my 620 and 1520! 😞 Could You please convey this to your developer friends and see if they can give a timeframe for the update? 😊
Yeah, I also wanted to know when will gt racing 2 get updated.(I have 1320). I have been not playing it for around 3 weeks, because it crashes as soon as I open it, if I uninstall this game, it won't sync my progress in the game. So when can we expect the next update? Please give a rough timeframe
Okay Ryan, here are my screenshots, on my Lumia 930:


As you can see, the in-game texts are wrongly rendered. The graphics are okay, though.
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Heh Ryan its just sad to see everyone posting about Rival Knights and Gameloft doing nothing about it! �� And yeah when will we get the Asphalt Metal update? Now Dubai is unplayable! It lags like hell! All other tracks not a single lag! Both on my 620 and 1520! �� Could You please convey this to your developer friends and see if they can give a timeframe for the update? ��

I think METAL is an apple specific API/rendering thing, so no one other than apple users get to see the graphical improvements from it.

I want to complain about Dungeon Gems cuz it crashes 90% of the time on startup (I may just uninstall it, its taking up space at this point) but I don't think it'll ever get touched....Was a fun game when it worked though.

Can we get graphical settings for Asphalt 8? It runs fine but its not running at a smooth 30fps fine. I think its barely getting by 20-25fps. And this is on a Lumia 930.....
Hey Ryan, for a change I'd like you to send my commendation to the team for the latest update of minion rush. It seems to have been well optimized for the Lumia 1520 and it runs amazingly smooth.
Though I feel like it eats more battery than before. Please let them know about it.

I hope also we can get the same consistent support for Rival Knights.

Hey folks - A little busy today so I'll come back to the questions later on or tomorrow hopefully, but I did want to stop by and say that Asphalt Overdrive is supposed to be coming today (fingers crossed) for both Windows Phone and Windows 8.1. Also, it'll support 512MB devices!

EDIT: Also, just got an email showing a pending hotfix update for Rival Knights! No firm date on when it'll go live, but it is pending approval from Microsoft now.
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Hey folks - A little busy today so I'll come back to the questions later on or tomorrow hopefully, but I did want to stop by and say that Asphalt Overdrive is supposed to be coming today (fingers crossed) for both Windows Phone and Windows 8.1. Also, it'll support 512MB devices!

EDIT: Also, just got an email showing a pending hotfix update for Rival Knights! No firm date on when it'll go live, but it is pending approval from Microsoft now.

Ok Ryan we'll be waiting for some answers.
Also one more question is that is Gameloft working on updating Spiderman unlimited bugs like can't play offline which is for WINDOWSPHONE ONLY and the energytime bug? Hope it gets fixed soon and finally will it come to Windows 8.1 PC?
Thanks and hoping for a reply.
Looking forward to playing Asphalt Overdrive on my 920, I've been playing it on my Android phone and it's really fun(until the IAP's kick in)
25th is about to end where i live and i have asphalt overdrive on both ios and android but still no sign of it on windows phone
Asphalt Overdrive is now available for download!

The first spin-off of the Asphalt Series will take you to a brand “new 80s” California.
Outrun the cops, perform stunts, takedowns and become the new street king!

Download the game and play for free NOW on iOS and Android!
Coming soon to Windows Phone!

I hope "coming soon" means "pending store approval".
As asphalt overdrive is taking a long time, I expect there are no bugs. I don't want this game to meet the same fate as SMU
I think most of us said about GTR2 the same thing.

Don't make me remember gt racing 2, such a good game, still not able to play it as it crashes. This has been for around three weeks now. If I uninstall it, my progress data won't get synced the next time I install it. Damn, waiting for an update, same goes for SMU(it doesn't crash, but many bugs make it unplayable)
Don't make me remember gt racing 2, such a good game, still not able to play it as it crashes. This has been for around three weeks now. If I uninstall it, my progress data won't get synced the next time I install it. Damn, waiting for an update, same goes for SMU(it doesn't crash, but many bugs make it unplayable)

You complain I lost 1 k cash 💰. In cars because I won them in tournament in first day now I have to play this game from zero because it dont save to cloud ☁ even with Facebook log in

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