Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

Hey Ryan

Would it be possible to clarify how cloud saves work? I have Asphalt 8 on my phone and desktop. I play mainly on my phone and when I come to play on my desktop I am given the option of using the cloud data which I do choose, although this cloud data is never truly in sync with my phone's data.

My question is when and how do cloud saves occur and is there anyway to "force" them?
And what about with connection problem in Captaim America? I read reviews in the store and more users have this problems with connecting.
Hey Ryan,I updated minion rush today. There is a bug that the moon minigame doesn't show up in the shop. How do I unlock it? And also there is no starfish costume as mentioned in the change log.
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Hey Ryan

Would it be possible to clarify how cloud saves work? I have Asphalt 8 on my phone and desktop. I play mainly on my phone and when I come to play on my desktop I am given the option of using the cloud data which I do choose, although this cloud data is never truly in sync with my phone's data.

My question is when and how do cloud saves occur and is there anyway to "force" them?

The team told me that you are supposed to be able to "force" cloud saves when you make a purchase in game, whether it's IAP or a purchase with coins for a car or upgrades. Otherwise, the team said that the game syncs with our servers at least once per day. I know with updates we've improved this feature, so if it continues to be an issue let me know and I'll see if there is anything on our end we can keep working on.

Ryan I see The Amazing Spiderman 2 is in the store but why isn't free trial I don't understand.

We didn't do free trials on other platforms so the team decided to remain consistent with that launch pattern.

And what about with connection problem in Captaim America? I read reviews in the store and more users have this problems with connecting.

I don't have any new information at the moment on that. I've notified the appropriate people about the issue and they are investigating (and working on a fix) for the issue. Again, I'm very sorry that a large amount of users have had difficulties with the game.

Hey Ryan,I updated minion rush today. There is a bug that the moon minigame doesn't show up in the shop. How do I unlock it? And also there is no starfish costume as mentioned in the change log.

I'm checking on this right now. The update just went live a little while ago, so I'm trying to find out if this is something lots of people are experiencing with the update.
(Amazing) Spiderman 2 doesn't launch on the HTC 8X. A user with a 1520 and Icon couldn't get it to work either. I'm not so disappointed that it doesn't work, but more that I paid for it and it doesn't work... Please let the guys know about this.

If you need any confirmation, there a few comments about it. Spider-Man 2 swings onto Windows Phone | Windows Phone Central

EDIT: And is there something we can do to disable that pop-up that says you are not connected to the internet that shows up every minute? The only option to click is "retry". Notification settings are off.
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anyone notice the amazing spiderman 2 doesn't have the shadow effect like those screenshots on store ?
and the performance on my lumia 1520 is terrible.
The team told me that you are supposed to be able to "force" cloud saves when you make a purchase in game, whether it's IAP or a purchase with coins for a car or upgrades. Otherwise, the team said that the game syncs with our servers at least once per day. I know with updates we've improved this feature, so if it continues to be an issue let me know and I'll see if there is anything on our end we can keep working on.

Thanks Ryan! I appreciate the community communication and hope everyone else does too! Hopefully this can be a thread of appreciation as well as slight nagging :)
(Amazing) Spiderman 2 doesn't launch on the HTC 8X. A user with a 1520 and Icon couldn't get it to work either. I'm not so disappointed that it doesn't work, but more that I paid for it and it doesn't work... Please let the guys know about this.

If you need any confirmation, there a few comments about it. Spider-Man 2 swings onto Windows Phone | Windows Phone Central

EDIT: And is there something we can do to disable that pop-up that says you are not connected to the internet that shows up every minute? The only option to click is "retry". Notification settings are off.

When you say it doesn't launch what do you mean exactly? Will it not completely open? Will it show the Gameloft logo and then close out? Or does it do anything different?

I just came from that thread and am going to be passing this comment along with the thread comments to the team. Ideally we can stabilize these issues and ensure people get the high-end playing experience they paid for.

As for the pop-up, there isn't a way to disable it. Due to the always-online nature of the game, that pop-up will appear when the game is syncing up and doesn't immediately detect an Internet signal. I've passed lots of comments about this game feature to the team and they have assured me they are actively discussing whether or not they will keep/remove the online requirement.

The Amazing Spiderman 2 is fine but little bit laggy.Will be in the future some update for better performance?

Yes, most definitely!

Thanks Ryan! I appreciate the community communication and hope everyone else does too! Hopefully this can be a thread of appreciation as well as slight nagging :)

It wouldn't be an awesome thread without some nagging (:
Due to the always-online nature of the game, that pop-up will appear when the game is syncing up and doesn't immediately detect an Internet signal. I've passed lots of comments about this game feature to the team and they have assured me they are actively discussing whether or not they will keep/remove the online requirement.

Wait,do you mean to tell me that even a game like TASM 2 requires internet?Or have I misunderstood what you said? :/
P.S:-Sorry,I dont know myself because I own a 512mb ram device. :(
When you say it doesn't launch what do you mean exactly? Will it not completely open? Will it show the Gameloft logo and then close out? Or does it do anything different?
Well mine is : it does start up , but will crash after showing Marvel logo . I'm using window phone 8.1 preview btw ( Lumia 1520).

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