Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

How's that update for Order and Chaos Online coming Ryan?

nvm... Looks like an update is coming soon. Thanks. 😊
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If the WpCentral News is true, I'm going to love Gameloft again for bringing back the Xbox Support. Even I'm going to buy items in-game
Three non-Xbox games from Gameloft appears in the Xbox section of the store.
The games include:
? Asphalt Overdrive
? World At Arms
? Total Conquest
Maybe these are the games to get Xbox branding soon.
Ryan can you tell us why you don't just update all of yours games to add Xbox integration? Why did you pick just a few ? Is Gameloft going to add Xbox Support to more games ?
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OMG I starting to love Gameloft again!!!

Please Ryan add the Xbox integration to more games!

I'm downloading now World at Arms and I will do that with every game that you add Xbox. Even I'm going to buy things in-game :) of course if you add more Xbox to your games ;)

5* to the store right now !
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Uno and friends crashes sometimes on Nokia Lumia 521 at the start loading screen. Will also often lose connection in a match even though its a stellar connection on MetroPCS Brandon area of Florida. Running 8.1 Cyan.

For the S. M. Unlimited;
after the previous update before the last one; all the butons on my game screen is totally unresponsive. Nothing work except the menu buttons above.
I have a Lumia 920 8.1 with the last DP installed.

Anyone have experienced that kind of a problem and any kind of orientation would really be appreciated.
If I knew that will be a solution; I may re-install the app by accepting the progress loss but I'm not sure of it also at all.

Thanks in advance...

No one who can assist???
I know I'm a bit late, but thanks Gameloft for making World at Arms an Xbox game! :)

But I have a problem. After downloading and launching the game, it showed me a strange base. That base was big and its level was quite high, but it's not mine, even the base name isn't mine. It's of someone else. I had to log into Facebook to download my old base, which was small. Problem solved, but it's just weird. Anyone faced similar problem? :/
Order & Chaos Online: Order & Chaos Online | Windows Phone Anwendungen + Spiele Store (Deutschland)


- Battlefield is a new PvP mode, where cooperation is more important than individual strength
- Conquer the flag of the opponent team and bring it back to your base to score points
- Prepare yourself for 2 vs.2 or 4 vs. 4 challenges

- join a league of legendary warriors and earn honor points based on your team's performances
- rise to the top of the league's scoreboard in our fascinating league system: more challenge, rewards and excitement
- Everybody will be looking up to your glory shine, because the league champion now literally shines on the battlefield
- redeem honor points for special weapons and gear

Just a side note: I translated the changelog from German, so the original English one might have a different wording than my version. :)
The changelog doesn't say anything about bugfixes, but I assume the full HD issues (text not rendering properly etc.) have been fixed. I'm currently download the update (800MB) myself, so I can't tell if it's indeed fixed as of yet.

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