gay community apps

Scruff and Meet'm are good enough for me - but I would like expanded/updated offerings. But for now its nice to have a phone thats not constantly blowing up with random messages. I tried to switch back to ios for those things and returned my 5s for a 1520 after giving up my 920. Nokia/MS have my hooked and I cant back out.....But I do live near Manhunts corporate so maybe ill go kick in their doors and complain haha
one thing that still bugs me a bit with these two (meet'm and scruff) is I don't feel like I ever really log off them when I close them. At least scruff gives a message to confirm you want to exit, but I feel like I want a log off option in the app, then close it out.
That's cool. free in iOS, looks like poor functionality and reviews on the WP version.

Scruff was saying they were going to update their app recently and was asking for developers, but nothing yet. grindr still never responds with anything but a boilerplate message, no growlr, manhunt never got on board, jack'd doesn't look very good from the reviews.

it's really too bad the companies making these apps haven't gotten on board with WP. especially with the larger marketshare WP has in foreign countries, many of which are not very hospitable to their lgbt populations.
I did a search for growlr today and discovered that as of Sept 24 there's a u4Bear app for WP. Bear oriented of course and it's not bad at all with a lot if local hits at least from where I am in Germany right now. Definitely skews more mature and furry than Scruff. One big complaint is that it forces you to log in every time you reopen which is maddening, but it's only v If you like bears, check it out.
Any news on Meet'm app? Well, I keep checking for any news on the app. Sadly no reply from the developer. Still hoping he is actively working on the issue. I think most people don't want to create an account on Windows Central to add to the thread. Meanwhile those still hanging on to their Lumias and Elites keep supporting other fully functional gay dating apps like Jack'd, Scruff, GuySpy, Promeo, etc before they shut them down for lack of usage: use it or loose it!

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