GDR1 Waiting room.

Been playing around for 30 mins or so and these are my first impressions:

- Live Folders work really well
- New option to share internet over Bluetooth
- UK Cortana doesn't sound too bad

- Apps Corner is really glitchy, buggy and clunky. If you block IE, you can still access it by clicking on 'learn more' in WiFi Sense under WiFi settings.
- UK Cortana is missing loads of features, eg. impressions and general chit-chat.
- Music live tile is not yet enabled
- It's quite difficult to add an app to a pre-existing Live Folder

Overall I'm pleased with the update, but it still needs a few more fixes...
What the heck? The update started, everything was going great, it tells me it's done, it installs apps and... nothing... I'm still at 8.10.12400.899

But it says my phone is up to date!

Why can't I have GDR1? The dev app is enabled and I am a dev... :(

Probably because you've got a HTC phone.
Thanks mate! I will update my girlfriend's Lumia 620 when I get home and check if she gets NTP with the update. If not, then there's a problem with Austria ;)

I've got 2 automatic options on my UK 620. For all we know it could be an internal setting we don't have access to, so we won't really know if it's now using NTP or not.
Those we'll have to wait for, as the music app is still awaiting the update to bring them...

Thanks. I'll probably update if there's a fix to Xbox Music. All are working well on my 1520 with Cyan. It's just that Xbox Music is a huge pain. It keeps on stopping halfway and the only way to play music back is a restart. Pretty annoying especially while working out.
Been playing around for 30 mins or so and these are my first impressions:

- Live Folders work really well
- New option to share internet over Bluetooth
- UK Cortana doesn't sound too bad

- Apps Corner is really glitchy, buggy and clunky. If you block IE, you can still access it by clicking on 'learn more' in WiFi Sense under WiFi settings.
- UK Cortana is missing loads of features, eg. impressions and general chit-chat.
- Music live tile is not yet enabled
- It's quite difficult to add an app to a pre-existing Live Folder

Overall I'm pleased with the update, but it still needs a few more fixes...

And Facebook still sucks in IE.
post screenshots plis,mine takes ages to chk for updates.


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