GDR2 update showing on Nokia Care suite

Flash to the Rogers rom and then you can flash back to the ATT rom without issues

The problem is I can't even flash the Rogers rom. Getting this error .
"0xFA001304: Platform ID check fails. Reason(s): The FFU file is not meant for this product. The platform ID of image does not match with platform ID of the device."

I can still flash between the DEV EURO ROM and the French rm-821 ROM though, and they boot to the OS just fine. Something messed up.
lol ya know i wonder if Nokia did this on purpose.. releasing the unofficial update just so they can gauge on what others (who have flashed their device) are experiencing and formally address those issues properly when the OFFICIAL does roll out.
lol ya know i wonder if Nokia did this on purpose.. releasing the unofficial update just so they can gauge on what others (who have flashed their device) are experiencing and formally address those issues properly when the OFFICIAL does roll out.

I really hope so! But it doesn't leave them much time to fix any bugs..
lol ya know i wonder if Nokia did this on purpose.. releasing the unofficial update just so they can gauge on what others (who have flashed their device) are experiencing and formally address those issues properly when the OFFICIAL does roll out.

Yup. Thats how they do it everytime.
lol ya know i wonder if Nokia did this on purpose.. releasing the unofficial update just so they can gauge on what others (who have flashed their device) are experiencing and formally address those issues properly when the OFFICIAL does roll out.

I don't know if it was on purpose, but sure it was the best thing I've done to my 920 so far
Re: GD2 update showing on Nokia Care suite

It's also showing up for Lumia 820 in the UK 3037.0000.1328.3002

Where did this appear? The update for lumia 820 is now showing on Nokia's status page as "Coming Soon" (since Thursday), meaning it now passed O2's approval. However its not listed on the Nokia update software. I wonder if the above versions appearance was a glitch?
If we install this version instead of waiting for OTA, will I be able to receive OTA updates from my carrier when another update shows up, such as GDR3? If I'm using a generic image I would assume the normal carrier markers don't appear which would make me think that the GDR3 update won't appear on OTA from my carrier. Can someone explain this to me more?

I'm willing to take the jump as long as I'll be able to receive OTA updates in the future.. If OTA will be scrubbed by flashing then I'll probably just wait.

According to Nokia

Lumia 920 Everything Everywhere 1232.5957.1308.0020 Waiting for approval

Although my phone says it already has this software.

Having issue with gmail sync, specifically we have a gmail email address that we sync contacts, so everyone can see all the company contacts. It's been fine for about 2 years, until the last week or so.

It's not syncing picture, which doesnt really matter. But some contacts are not showing in the list in people hub. But if you search for 'jon' it finds it!?

Tried deleting and resyncing this account, still the same issue. All 920 users have the same problem.

As a temporary measure, I've moved the data over to, which seems to work for now. I was under the impression this new update fixed the gmail sync problem.


It won't work. Have you tried it? It's not possible to go back to stock AT&T ROM after you flashed it to Roger. At least no one has found a way back.

Check out this thread on XDA Devs ([FLASH] How to use NCS to change from RM-820 to RM-821 and vice versa - xda-developers). There a few people who were successful in swapping ROMs w/ Rogers and back to AT&T on their AT&T 920s but it does involved flashing to a Pre-Portico ROM and then flash w/ Global Black Swap and does involve some tinkering. I personally haven't tried it so can't guarantee any results but just trying to be helpful here. I have a Rogers 920 which I have been able to flash the EURO Dev and French ROMs along w/ the Rogers ROMs multiple times so can only assure my experience.

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