Get Lumia Demin on 1520 (RM-937) without wait

Jan 11, 2013
i have successfully updated my L1520(RM-937) to denim in india with the help of Launch Nokia Care Suite and navifirmplus. and it's working file.


download Cyan firmware using Navi
download and install Nokia Care Suite
put downloaded firmware file in "C:\ProgramData\Nokia\Packages\Products\RM-937"
and follow instruction given @ [Tutorial] Unbrand (flash) Nokia Windows Pho?€? | Windows Phone 8 Development and Hacking | XDA Forums

screenshot coming up....believe me i am loving it...Hey Cortana
Any good reason not to just wait for it to be released and not have to go through all this? Its not as if its not coming, just needs patience.
Users also can use Nokia Care Suite and the "Data Package Manager" to download the ROM. But be aware to download and flash this ONLY to the RM-937 model, so dont try it on the 938 model even if its also a 1520!

And it downloads the ROM without Denim and there is an small update to Lumia Denim...

Oh and Cortana in Alpha stage does not have this "Hey Cortana" feature. It has in the settings but it says "this feature is not supported by your language"
The firmware version from Navifirm indicates 02061.00066.14253.40003, but the software version as indicated by Microsoft's own website indicates 02540.00019.14484.37004 for the Finland Country Variant. Does this mean that the one on Navifirm is indeed Denim???
The firmware version from Navifirm indicates 02061.00066.14253.40003, but the software version as indicated by Microsoft's own website indicates 02540.00019.14484.37004 for the Finland Country Variant. Does this mean that the one on Navifirm is indeed Denim???

That is not denim on navifirm. That is cyan. Once its flashed by Finland rom, it will update OTA to get denim.
Copied all the downloaded files to the correct directory, but Nokia Care Suite still shows now products after selecting Recovery. The Update List button is also greyed out. Help Please
Copied all the downloaded files to the correct directory, but Nokia Care Suite still shows now products after selecting Recovery. The Update List button is also greyed out. Help Please

If you don't know what you are doing, I would strongly suggest that you stop at this stage before you render your phone useless. It can't be worth that just to get Denim; can it?
The reason for my issue was because I had the phone already plugged in. Unplugged it and was able to flash with the firmware. Did small over the air update and now I have Denim!
hi there... yes, I just flashed and with Lumia Camera, I now have Rich Capture as well as the Motion Capture (4K Video)!!! What I have noticed is that Lumia Camera chows battery very quickly. Did anyone else pick up on the degrading battery life when using Lumia Camera?
wp_ss_20150116_0003.jpgwp_ss_20150116_0004.pngI might sound little stupid but this is what happens...! I am using LUMIA1520
Update 1
2014 Dec second week extra+info was showing cyan I got it through dev pre enabled.
What changed was my OS version...!but that OS version belongs under denim not under
Cyan...!which I got wp_ss_20150116_0002.jpgafter checking the Wikipedia wp8.1 update list..!

Update 2
I have disabled my dev pre app and tried to update my phone again guess what it went through and got denim in extra+info...! I went curiously checking phones new features all the above discussions..!best part NOTHING CHANGED
To confirm I opened store downloaded Lumia camera which says 4k stuff...!
After the installation when I open it...says Lumia camera need denim update...!lol
That's what I was on...!
Some bloody online article get denim working u need to start from the scratch
It means downgrade to 8 or 8.1 cyan the first rollout and update....!

Well I did it...!
I am on denim...!
My OS ver .341 which was shown as the latest in Wikipedia...!
still Lumia camera says need denim update..!
I love Nokia...! Microsoft anyway but this is annoying me for any reason if did any mistake please tell what should I do for getting Lumia camera 4k one working...!
Note:I have disabled dev prev
Classic camera app is working fine..!
All functions are good..!
Plz help me out
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do u have navifirm account or what? I cant download firmware files from data packet manager it stucks at 1.2 Gb always.

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