Good news, Everyone!


New member
Mar 22, 2011
So today I went to the Sprint Store and the absolute perfect time. A Microsoft representative was provisioning the demo unit Arrive! I talked with him about all the problems with the phone.

He was dumbfounded by the 160 bug. He said he was going to tell the problem to the devs as he himself uses an arrive. He tried it on his own and found the same bug. Hopefully this means this bug will get the attention it needs.

Furthermore, he told me the arrive is expected to get an update in April, and that NoDo is expected for all devices by April. I asked again if he said an update for the arrive in April was certain and he repeated that it will.

Lastly, I asked about Mango. He said they are expecting it to be released summer of this year in conjunction with Pandora. He stated that Pandora is actively working with Microsoft to get it to work, but needs mango to run correctly.

This made my day incredibly and he was glad that he can help mention to the higher ups about the 160 character bug. Lets hope and see that this April update is real ( and he wasn't confusing it with the normal NoDo update) and that the 160 character bug gets fixed :)
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Umm... now not some good news. Windows Phone Support on Twitter responded to my tweet.

... and guess what? Just like the Camera settings being a "feature" so is the 160 Character bug.


"We are not aware of a change in the future with that feature. We can pass along the suggestion for it to change to our team. ^EB"

I can somewhat understand the camera settings not being saved as a feature to ensure that the camera stays fast, but HOW IS FORCEING A TXT TO STOP AT 160 A FEATURE?!

The are quick to respond as I asked that it was in the manual.!/WinPhoneSupport/status/51036738025553920

And unfortunately, they are seeing if it's a wrong statement on the manual and that it is in fact supposed to stop at 160 by design.!/WinPhoneSupport/status/51040472533184512
It is in fact a bug because in the instruction booklet for the arrive it says that its supposed to break off after 160.

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