Google Account Error / Won't Connect - Sync

nubee here. where is the update? do i need to go to nokia. AT&T sucks at CS for the nokia problems. thanks.

the update is being pushed out by NOKIA it was a NOKIA problem It will come over the Zune software. If you connect to zune it will tell you if you an the update available. You may need to go to settings and click on update to check. If its there it will staret the update and update your firmware.
FYI: my phone fixed without the Nokia data connection update.

Meant to post here on Friday. Phone was experiencing this issue after I received and activated it last Thursday night. After many frustrating hours, including signing up for this site to post on this thread, I just gave up until that update got pushed. I know it was pushed early phone has yet to be updated, but was fixed by around 10am Friday morning all on its own. I just left google alone for awhile and they seemed to have corrected whatever server issue was going on.

So if you just got a phone and just started experiencing this problem and the latest update did not fix it, do not fret. A little patience may be all that is required. I know it sucks, but it worked out in the end. If your phone doesn't auto-fix in within 24 hours, then I don't really know what to say other than best of luck to you. but give it that chance before you run out to replace or something like that
It's back.
Been causing the e-mail client to stop processing mail and drain the battery. Removed the gmail account from the phone, now it's been great the last 24 hours.
It has been fine for me since mid April. It was "down" the day I got my phone when this thread was started. But since then, no issues at all.

Reboot the phone?
I was having the exact same problems. It is purely Google's problem, not Microsofts or Nokias.

What worked for me was to simply go to in the browser of the phone and verify it. Then mine synced perfectly!

Hope it helps you all as well.

This seems to have worked for me also. When I signed back in on the phone it immediately synced. In addition, for some reason, Windows Live mail, and Yahoo mail required that I reenter my password for each account on the phone. Don't know why this happened all at the same time yesterday coinciding with a loss of network service. Phone and messaging came back, calendar and email did not - until I signed back in. Now everything works. Hope this helps somebody else.
getting the same thing on a brand new 920 (I know this is a 900 thread, but thought it was worth saying this problem still exists) - just can't get it to work against the Google account - iPad, iPhone etc all been fine, but it's just giving the "can't find" on completion.....

i am having the same issue on my lumia 920 but it works fine when i sync via the wifi. i just have this issue when i sync via th mobile network.

do you know if this will be solved one day ?
strangely, mine was resolved after I worked out that date was incorrectly set on the phone (durrr !) - it was a day slow - set the time correctly and it worked....

might give the odd person another pointer ??!?
all you need to do is add a new again then when that accepts delete old account after that works find send your contacts back to the server first and then downloads your mail
pps you need to leave the damaged google account in place until you have added the fresh or it will just cont to fail on
I fixed it! Go to settings, then e-mails and accounts. Click add an account, then "advanced setup". Enter your gmail address. Then, internet email,
Incoming server:
Outgoing server:
Username: Your email address

Check both "Outgoing server requires authentication" and "Use the same user name and password for sending email.
Then click Advanced Settings

Check "Require SSL for incoming email". And you're done!
Hi guys,

I've recently bought a Nokia 920. I am not very familiar with WP8..and imagine that I use a google account for my personal emails, events (callendar) etc.
Yet, I do not manage a all to add a Google account - I keep receiving the error message "Google account info is incorrect - Update your account info from..." and here it gives me 2 hints: ...from or

Maybe this discussion is already on the forum, yet I couldn't find anything directly linked to my issue.

Thanks in advance if you have any advice.
Hi Levelbest or anyone who can help

i tried setting it up as another account but i wasn't sure what to put down as the domain and server. do you know where i could get that?

thanks guys. nice to know someone is experiencing the same thing.
Hi there,
Sorry, I was away on holiday. I have found the solution on
Thus, if you have an application-specific passwords enabled on your google account... you will need to generate one for your phone, as your normal password will not work with this setting enabled. Once you do that, it will work just fine. Too bad this is not explicit for all the users.
Best Regards,
I dont know if it will help anyone but i just sloved the problem by enabling instead and my Lumia connected stright away. When I was setting up my gmail ages ago my domain name was (still i used and i did recived emails) but on WP7.5 phone it didnt work unless I logged in with Now i have changed it in Google Account to use domain and voila! logged in and synced as soon as change was applied on Google. And yes. I did register here only to post it :)
Hi Guys,

My wife has a Lumia 710, went through the steps.

1. Deleted the Gmail account.
2. Added ANOTHER ACCOUNT, which it automatically recognized as Gmail (e-mail only).
3. Added GOOGLE ACCOUNT, which it then added Google Mail, Calendar and Contacts.
4. Deleted GMAIL ACCOUNT to avoid duplicity.

Works fine for now, all 30mins worth!! Good Luck!

Have had a Nokia Lumia 510 (inherited from my granddaughter) used to work fine got my emails etc - but suddenly it will not now sync to collect emails. Looks like it might have to be consigned to the great phone graveyard in the sky !!!!!

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