Google Maps on iPhone verses Nokia Drive


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Sep 2, 2011
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Sure. Google Maps calls out exit numbers on the high way, has a less clunky UI with a clearer way of communicating what the next turn is, displays more street names and buildings on the map while driving, and has a directions list. It also speaks in a slightly better language ("keep right at the fork" rather than Nokia's generic "keep right), although that's not major. In fact, none of these things are huge advantages, and to be sure, the ability download maps by state/country is great in Here Drive. But the splitting up of the maps and drive apps is clunky and the apps themselves don't exude the same level of polish I see in Google's apps.

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Sure. Google Maps calls out exit numbers on the high way, has a less clunky UI with a clearer way of communicating what the next turn is, displays more street names and buildings on the map while driving, and has a directions list. It also speaks in a slightly better language ("keep right at the fork" rather than Nokia's generic "keep right), although that's not major. In fact, none of these things are huge advantages, and to be sure, the ability download maps by state/country is great in Here Drive. But the splitting up of the maps and drive apps is clunky and the apps themselves don't exude the same level of polish I see in Google's apps.

No it doesn't split! You can look at Maps AND Navigate in HERE Drive. If you don't want navigation then you use only HERE Maps. If you don't want 2D Maps you use HERE City Lens for augmented reality. However, if you can't make up your mind, use HERE City Lens and just tilt your phone flat if you change your mind in 1 second and it becomes 2D Maps. I am sure Google Maps can do that better than this /S


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Oct 30, 2012
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Sure. Google Maps calls out exit numbers on the high way, has a less clunky UI with a clearer way of communicating what the next turn is, displays more street names and buildings on the map while driving, and has a directions list. It also speaks in a slightly better language ("keep right at the fork" rather than Nokia's generic "keep right), although that's not major. In fact, none of these things are huge advantages, and to be sure, the ability download maps by state/country is great in Here Drive. But the splitting up of the maps and drive apps is clunky and the apps themselves don't exude the same level of polish I see in Google's apps.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

And for the record, Nokia owns navteq, which is one of the largest mapping data provider around the world.


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Jul 30, 2011
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Drive definitely needs some added features such as the directions list. Sometimes it doesn't even navigate when I put in a destination. I think it's pretty good other than that, though.


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Sep 11, 2012
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You have no idea what you're talking about.

And for the record, Nokia owns navteq, which is one of the largest mapping data provider around the world.

If anyone would like to engage in an actual discussion without acting like a ****, by all means respond. Otherwise get out.

For the record, I'm not talking about the map data, I'm talking about the apps. I saw the ios version of google maps, thought, wow this is slick, and wanted to share that sentiment with people here. Just looking for thoughts, not douchebagery.


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Apr 27, 2012
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Drive definitely needs some added features such as the directions list. Sometimes it doesn't even navigate when I put in a destination. I think it's pretty good other than that, though.

Directions list is in the Maps App, which then has link to the Drive app if you are driving.

If anyone would like to engage in an actual discussion without acting like a ****, by all means respond. Otherwise get out.

For the record, I'm not talking about the map data, I'm talking about the apps. I saw the ios version of google maps, thought, wow this is slick, and wanted to share that sentiment with people here. Just looking for thoughts, not douchebagery.

I have that app on my iPhone and still don't like it as much as HERE Drive. Oh well, guess everyone has their preferences.


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Also, remember, if you saw a newer version of maps for ios, it is not the same app that they had before.

Apple dropped google from their phones and went with their own solution. This led to multiple issues with their app when ios 6 was introduced on the iphone 5.

Google rewrote their maps app and released it into the itunes store probably with a prettier interface and reworked appearance to make themselves more appealing to iphone owners. Gets them back on the iphone.

It's not wrong to fondle the s pen.


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Nov 14, 2012
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The one thing I like to see (and I just thought of it because it just happened) is when you get an appointment popup I wish the address on that popup was clickable so i could zoom right into Drive/Maps/Here whatever it's called now.

Not a dealbreaker at all, I can still dig into the appointment and click on that address. It would just be a nice feature.

It works that way on both my 8x and 920 today. What am I missing here?


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Nov 14, 2012
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But the splitting up of the maps and drive apps is clunky and the apps themselves don't exude the same level of polish I see in Google's apps.

Google Maps on Andorid, its native platform, splits into two different app as well just like Here maps and drive. But Google doesn't offer its Nav app outside of Android. So, what you saw on iOS is not Google Nav at all. For the record, I like the Google Nav on my Andorid phone better but Here Drive is not bad either.


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Oct 30, 2012
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TBH although apple maps is unusable, some of the UI for example balloon labeling the streets when you are at complex traffic is really neat. Gmaps is great for searching POI very functional but useless when you are really in the need for navigation. And no, I don't consider driving within the country traveling. If I do, I dont even have a home. :)


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Apr 19, 2013
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Don?t tell that to certain fanboys. For many Google Maps is the saviour himself. I personally don?t like and I am among the few who has used Apple Maps with no problems, and I have Google Maps in a folder somewhere on my phone. Nokia Maps I hear is top notch though, at least in terms of accuracy.. People like pretty things though and that doesn?t always mean the best working. Here Google Maps give me far worse directions that Apple Maps, though it seems prettier and has street view. I am very interested in Nokia Maps as I feel my next phone is going to be a Lumia..

Dave Blake

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Here is what I know. Nokia Drive has never sent me to a place that didn't exist. Google maps has more than once.


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Feb 24, 2012
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With Google Maps I'm past the roundabout before the app has called Exit. I prefer Nokia Drive - actually called HERE Drive+ Beta on my Lumia 620 - because it looks better, alerts to speed limits and is independent of a cellular signal.


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Nov 3, 2011
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For the record, I'm not talking about the map data, I'm talking about the apps. I saw the ios version of google maps, thought, wow this is slick...

If you are talking polish and visual appeal, then yes, I agree with you. I think Drive's UI could use some streamlining. Working directly with the map (zooming and panning) is not at all fluid and needs improvement. Frame rates during navigation need to improve tenfold (from 3 to 30 FPS, at least when plugged into a car charger).

I agree with all of that, but I also feel those things are superficial. As an actual tool that I need to rely upon, Nokia Drive has so far served me best.


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Sep 11, 2012
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If you are talking polish and visual appeal, then yes, I agree with you. I think Drive's UI could use some streamlining. Working directly with the map (zooming and panning) is not at all fluid and needs improvement. Frame rates during navigation need to improve tenfold (from 3 to 30 FPS, at least when plugged into a car charger).

I agree with all of that, but I also feel those things are superficial. As an actual tool that I need to rely upon, Nokia Drive has so far served me best.

Yeah those are mostly the things I'm talking about. And I agree with you that it's a tool and ultimately needs to be functional rather than pretty... but this is just a part of my frustration with the Microsoft situation right now. (On a side note this was the issue that I was getting at so I'm slightly annoyed the thread got moved). In my opinion, Microsoft should be the one to deliver such an important facet of its smartphone platform, so that it integrates the best with the other systems and so that it feels like a part of the OS. Right now, Nokia's mapping apps are alright, but they're entirely separate from the hidden Bing maps interface on Windows Phone 8. Also they just don't have the polish that competitors apps have, and while they have a Metro-ish feel... honestly they sort of feel amateurish compared to the fit and finish of Google and Apple apps.


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Feb 19, 2013
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I use the gMaps app daily for real-time traffic, navigating my San Diego commute alternate routes. For actual navigation, which might be a couple times a month, the Nokia (Here) Drive app seems to work fine, and has a good time prediction, even heading through Orange County and LA. One thing that seems a little annoying, though maybe there is some workaround, is that if I type in an address number say, 1234 Main St, when I get to the address, I can't see on the screen what the address was that I typed in. So, if I show up at a business park and there are numbers from 1200 to 1300, I would have to hit the back button to see what the number is. Is this just me? I used to run MotionX Drive on my iPhone, which was great, but I think the Nokia app is close, with a better interface and search feature. I've never used Google Maps for navigation.


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Oct 8, 2011
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I was using an iPhone the other day with the google maps app, and I gotta say it just feels so much higher in quality than what we have with Nokia's Drive. Everything from the UI to actual features feel genuinely polished in google maps. I'm my opinion, Microsoft shouldn't be letting a struggling company like Nokia be responsible for such a basic and important part of the smartphone experience.

I haven't read each comment in this post here, but when you make such an inflammatory comment, you should try to atleast try to compare and explain why you think Nokia Drive is not as good.

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