Google to buy Motorola


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
I love the app development there, it looks amazing, however I definitely would not buy a W8 tablet made by HP.

If there were two companies I'd be fearful of buying a Win 8 tablet it from its Dell and Acer. I'm looking forward to whatever Samsung puts out. In the past few years Samsung has released some jaw dropping hardware. The GF's recent laptop is a Samsung. Considering it was only 700 bucks I find the hardware quality to be much better than other laptops in that price range.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I just want to know is, why is all these big wigs sue happy now. I don't remember seeing all these lawsuits being flung around like this 5 years ago. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention.


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
I just want to know is, why is all these big wigs sue happy now. I don't remember seeing all these lawsuits being flung around like this 5 years ago. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention.

Probably because this is the first time a "free" operating system has openly violated software patents AND gained mass market appeal.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
Regarding the "evil company" issue, companies in general aren't evil. Amoral, sure, but not evil. They're living entities that exist to be increasingly profitable and increase their scope... to be increasingly profitable.

The Playbook is about to get a whole lot of apps come the fall, when Blackberry is going to release the Android-app marketplace onto the Playbook, giving BB users access to all the Android apps.

And while I am confident in W8 software to be far better than QNX, I just hope that Microsoft makes their own tablet, instead of relying on other RTM's to fulfill their expectations. MS makes great hardware, all of the Zunes were awesome, I don't know why MS is refusing to make a nice solid build off of their own software.
I'll admit that I haven't kept up on Blackberry development, so my views on it are definitely ignorant. But the idea that RIM is officially releasing a marketplace to use a competing platform's apps (even if they are recompiled) basically highlights their inability to attract developers to QNX. What's going to separate this from being just another Android device in the eyes of the consumer? The wealth of native Playbook apps?

Windows 8 interests me because it's an extension of Metro UI and they even managed to add a bit of windowing in which'll be very useful for me. And you know it'll have developer support. I can't wait to see what Adobe brings to the table, or even better the next startup that's aiming for the same market as Adobe. I love the idea that, if I need it, the trusty ol' explorer is underneath. Hopefully I don't have to switch sessions or whatever to access it. I love that I can run some of the same apps I run on my desktop on Windows 8, so there's less need to hunt for new apps to do what you already know how to do.

And Microsoft doesn't make hardware largely because they don't want to do what Google's very likely going to do -- compete with their partners. Producing both the software and hardware would allow Google to produce their ideal vision of what an Android phone should be, to the dismay of their partners, no, licensees. Google hasn't formally announced that they'll be producing phones via Motorola Mobility, but if they don't I'd be shocked.

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
I'm glad Google is buying Motorola I think this will go a long way to getting other phone manufacturers to get heavier in to Windows Phone. I might be a tab bayous here but I like Windows Phone I and betting this platform really grows over the next couple of years. If Google keeps making decisions like this one Android wont be as hard to beat.


New member
Aug 11, 2011
I'm glad Google is buying Motorola I think this will go a long way to getting other phone manufacturers to get heavier in to Windows Phone. I might be a tab bayous here but I like Windows Phone I and betting this platform really grows over the next couple of years. If Google keeps making decisions like this one Android wont be as hard to beat.

Ha this may be one of the most ill advised things I think I have heard. They got patents to protect their partners. All MS cares about is making money off of android. It's sad when you make more money off of another OS then you do your own. I hope mango is all it is said to be otherwise it may be a little to late for MS. They need to step up in the hardware dept. The unsuspecting consumer goes with what has the most advertising and the things that set it apart. MS is just lagging in that area especially with no advertising.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Ha this may be one of the most ill advised things I think I have heard. They got patents to protect their partners. All MS cares about is making money off of android. It's sad when you make more money off of another OS then you do your own. I hope mango is all it is said to be otherwise it may be a little to late for MS. They need to step up in the hardware dept. The unsuspecting consumer goes with what has the most advertising and the things that set it apart. MS is just lagging in that area especially with no advertising.

It's more complicated than that. If you've listened to any of the WP Central podcasts (which you should have) this would have been explained to you, but should be a no brainer if you follow this industry at all.

Google gives it away for free and that's why so many vendors use it. Without a license fee to pay on 30 million phones, your margin is obviously much better. It's harder for Microsoft to convince vendors to license their burgeoning, less profitable OS.

This, in effect, is Microsoft proving that Android is not free, it's infringing on intellectual property, and it's not the slam dunk Google thought it was.

Also, remember the Oracle lawsuits are actually COPYRIGHT lawsuits on actual used code. These Motorola patents won't do anything for them.

Apple was already suing Motorola anyways. Microsoft was already suing Motorola anyways.

I'm not at all even sure what the **** this was for. This isn't gonna scare off the big dogs.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
When Google "gave away" their OS for free to the OEM's...the OEM's where the ones being sued by Apple and Microsoft. If this purchase is approved that in fact means Google not only makes the hardware but OWNS the OS. The "bread crumbs" lead right back to Google for infringing on IP's. Bad business move on Google's part. The lawsuits will now land directly at Google's feet.

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