Has 8.1 been released in Australia ?

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Nov 18, 2012
The other day I hard reset my 925 which is now my wifes phone.
I put installed developer preview app so she could have 8.1 but I never got around to registering hers on the developers forum so the developer preview is inactive, though I did trying logging in on her outlook account. Later on during the day I noticed my wife had switched on show more tiles. So I'm thinking has this phone updated to 8.1, sure enough check the about phone and its windows 8.1.
So unless the preview developer app some how managed to work without being registered, it updated the phone to 8.1 or Australia is getting the update or Its been available for a while and haven't realised since I am on the developer preview.
I did a hard reset but I had 8.1 from developers preview beforehand. So I can't say. I know though that 8.1 isn't or yet.
Ah I see what happened.
The hard reset won't roll the OS back so 8.1 as the most recent would still be the phones latest incursion.
I would have thought there wouldn't be any info left on the phone specially with a new account log onto the phone.
I wouldn't think it would know that 8.1 was installed on it.
Hi Javadevil, thread OP for the Lumia Cyan Rollout here. I'm in Australia too, so as soon as I see something I will PM you and update said thread.
It's definitely not here yet (Australia). I've been talking to both Optus n Microsoft n they expect it to be rolled out in the next couple of weeks;)
Vodafone will have had two weeks of testing 8.1 for the 925.
Other windows phones are still waiting for the software.

Hopefully tomorrow when they update their software blog the other phones status may have changed.

We could be lucky and receive it by the end of July but its more likely that its a mid August release for the non 925 owners.
I haven't received it yet n my phones unbranded which usually means I get it first although I already have 8.1DP. Haven't checked for a while so I'll do that now n get back to u
Sent from my Lumia 925 8.1
Lucky vodafone 925 users are now just waiting for rollout according to the blog.
Testing is completed and awaiting rollout details

Probably includes Optus users as well since they share a network.

Other Win phones are still waiting for software to be tested.
Lookin more likely that August will bring 8.1 to the rest of us.
I always get my phones from Harvey Norman, meaning they're unlocked n I usually get em 1st but this time it seems like it's the other way around!
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