Has anyone else noticed that...(7392 security update lag)


New member
Jan 30, 2011
There was a slight drop in performance with the 7392 security update? I have an HD7 will fellow HD7 users that have the update let me know how their device is performing? I'd also like to hear from all other WP7 users that have updated to 7392 how their performance has played out compared to 7390... I'll list a few examples of what I've experienced since updating to 7392. First off my browser has crashed about four times, the first time it was merely a slow down in performance I pressed the start button and went back and it loaded up shortly thereafter. The second time it completely crashed and when I went back in it loaded the site that I was on before the site that it crashed on, and the other two times it was complete failure to the point where I had to reboot to fix it. Unfortunately I didn't make a note of what sites I was on. I do remember that I was on the Twitter help website one of the times that it crashed to the point of having to reboot. The order I listed it in was not the order it happened in either the first and third times were the minor crashes while the second and last time were the ones requiring a reboot. Another thing I experienced for the first time was when I was web browsing and the site was like 1/4 of the way loaded and I went to the start screen to check an email and it stuttered horribly to get there, like the animation I mean, from when the screen is black to where the tiles "wave" in from the left, they kinda stutter once or twice then its fine. And the last thing I've experienced is when I'm playing a game and then press the start button it has the same "stutter" as when coming from the browser. This has happened while both playing music in the background and not playing anything at all, but when I am playing it, it'll skip a split second when going to the start screen (if it stutters that is). It doesn't ALWAYS do this but I'd say maybe about every one out of twenty times it'll do this. I've even done a full factory reset and re-setup everything, but it still happens. Any ideas?

Edit: it happens less often than 1/20 I can't put a number on it quite yet but it has happened a few times already.
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New member
Dec 6, 2010
Did this start happening after your recent OS reinstall? I'm on AT&T and we don't have the update so I can't say it's happening to me too... Did you try clearing your browser cache? Or maybe it is a particular site or an embedded ad or something making it crash.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
Did this start happening after your recent OS reinstall? I'm on AT&T and we don't have the update so I can't say it's happening to me too... Did you try clearing your browser cache? Or maybe it is a particular site or an embedded ad or something making it crash.

It happened both times before and after the wipe. Not sure about the website as I visit fairly the same sites as I would with 7390. The hiccups in performance I can understand as this still isn't a multitasking platform, and the hiccups happen mainly when I'm heavily using the device (heavy 3D gaming session) and I'll abruptly hit the start button I can understand that and I don't mind it as it is very rare. Ironically what bugs me is the browser crashing issue even though quite technically this issue is less frequent than the hiccups. Its very reminiscent of the marketplace bug that was in the launch software, only difference is it happens while in the browser (obviously) and while I'm scrolling it'll just freeze and the start button won't even work turn it automatically goes to the start screen and when I try and relaunch it, it'll give those infamous "white loading dots" with the word "loading" right above it and then go back to the start screen in which only a reboot can fix. I'm starting to wonder if Microsoft dropped the ball on this one given that 7392 was specifically for IE security issues...


New member
Jan 20, 2011
when I try and relaunch it, it'll give those infamous "white loading dots" with the word "loading" right above it and then go back to the start screen in which only a reboot can fix. I'm starting to wonder if Microsoft dropped the ball on this one given that 7392 was specifically for IE security issues...

Oh no no no. That's how Microsoft intended for the update to work. When it detects a bad site, it decided you shouldn't proceed instead of asking you if you would like to proceed. It just crashes the browser entirely and then forces you to get annoyed never visiting that site again.

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