Your first paragraph is strong and accurate. But then you partly contradict yourself with the beating and the killing notions. MS makes $5-10 on huge android phone sales from patent licensing alone. They could try to kill this Goose, but they are more likely to feed it. You have it: MS is overwhelmingly, though not exclusively, a software and services company, and to MS, a sale is a sale -even if not all sales are equal, of course.![]()
BTW, in phones, Apple has already lost its "gargantuan lead" to Android.
You're also right-on with your sum vs. either/or response. As a shareholder of any of these companies, I want as many revenue streams as possible.![]()
Because, Who the **** is going to buy Office for a Mac and Win8? For consumers, if you by Office for a mac, you are not going to by it for windows also...unless you have too much money!
You just proved his point. Office is too expensive to buy for both platforms unless you need it for work. Most mac users just use iWorks and iLifr, buy an iOS devices, and call it a day.
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You just proved his point. Office is too expensive to buy for both platforms unless you need it for work.
lol... well that's KINDA true, but that logic doesn't work in the same way it does for Microsoft... I mean it's not like Google is struggling to get marketshare or anything... Regardless of that though, I still stand by my lengthy explanation.
Is MS making money off of Android tablets? I thought it was just from Android phones. It makes sense that their licensing agreements extend to all device types, but every article I recall ever reading about it made no mention of tablets.