Has Microsoft lost faith in Windows Phone?

Is MS making money off of Android tablets? I thought it was just from Android phones. It makes sense that their licensing agreements extend to all device types, but every article I recall ever reading about it made no mention of tablets.
I think it's a bit early to write off WP7. If microsoft doesn't have positive growth in market share by the end of 2012 we should be concerned at that point.

Sent from my Windows 7 Phone using Board Express
Your first paragraph is strong and accurate. But then you partly contradict yourself with the beating and the killing notions. MS makes $5-10 on huge android phone sales from patent licensing alone. They could try to kill this Goose, but they are more likely to feed it. You have it: MS is overwhelmingly, though not exclusively, a software and services company, and to MS, a sale is a sale -even if not all sales are equal, of course. ;)

BTW, in phones, Apple has already lost its "gargantuan lead" to Android.

You're also right-on with your sum vs. either/or response. As a shareholder of any of these companies, I want as many revenue streams as possible. :)

Not. The iPhone outsell every android model trivial. There are like a dozen android manufacturers producing dozens of devices.

Apple sells. More devices than every individual android manufacturer.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
I'd say Microsoft, for the first time, actually HAVE faith in their mobile OS.

I'm surprised people are actually discussing this. . .

. . . as you were. :P
Because, Who the **** is going to buy Office for a Mac and Win8? For consumers, if you by Office for a mac, you are not going to by it for windows also...unless you have too much money!

I have Office for Mac and i also have Windows, just not Office for Windows. Many people that have Macs these days run Windows as well.
You just proved his point. Office is too expensive to buy for both platforms unless you need it for work. Most mac users just use iWorks and iLifr, buy an iOS devices, and call it a day.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
You just proved his point. Office is too expensive to buy for both platforms unless you need it for work. Most mac users just use iWorks and iLifr, buy an iOS devices, and call it a day.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk

no one I know with macs uses that garbage...

I had a macbook pro for a few years and always used office stuff.

the mac attempts at word/excel pale in comparison.
You just proved his point. Office is too expensive to buy for both platforms unless you need it for work.

Well no, if you read his post he gave 2 options:

Mac OS + Office = $150 for Office
Windows OS + Office = $300 for Windows and Office.

I'm saying the sale of Office for Mac is often just as good because many Mac users run Windows as well if only for Windows-specific applications, this creates the third option:

Mac OS + Office + Windows = $300 for Windows and Mac Office.
Sheesh! I think you guys are overreacting... :lol: I guess that's what happens when you don't have much to complain about with a really great platform - make something up... :confused:
Yeah, I also think this thread is an overreaction. I've never had a Mac (and probably never will), but I go to a school where nearly everybody has a Mac, and I have never seen one that didn't have Office.

Sent from my Windows Phone using Board Express
Heck, I don't think MS has lost faith in WP7. My entire discussion was with the guy who thought MS would never release Office for the iPad because keeping it exclusive would drive Windows 8 tablet sales.
I think the disappointment, if there is one, is the notion that the MS services + a WP7 phone are not enticing enough as a pair to sell the platform. So since MS must know this, they are doing the next best thing and just throwing any/all of their services across platforms. Sell the ecosystem first, then perhaps WP7 has a chance. Like I said, it's sort of Plan B.
I think the real point here, as I tried to explain to n8ter, is the WP7 versions are always going to be better than the other platform versions.

Just look at Google maps on Android vs iPhone to see what I mean. The Android version of Google maps has far better features and also provides a turn-by-turn option. Let's not get into a turn-by-turn battle here as that is not the point.

The bottom line is that software companies, like Microsoft and Google, make money off of getting people into their ecosystems. They can then use the ecosystem to sell products. App stores are new to this equation and not as all-telling as some people might think. There is no reason to believe that Microsoft will not be successful with WP7. Any real success takes perseverance. That does not seem to be an issue for MS.
lol... well that's KINDA true, but that logic doesn't work in the same way it does for Microsoft... I mean it's not like Google is struggling to get marketshare or anything... Regardless of that though, I still stand by my lengthy explanation.

Yeah there not struggling at all. Look at the percentages in smartphone market share, sure android is on top but there are HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of android phones! High end Low end Mid range, and ALL the people that see a cheap smartphone are like DANG it's FREE? Sure Android may be up top but the real winner here is Apple, 5 phones in total and one manufacturer and there just below android and google. We WP users are at the bottom right now but were on our way up.
Apple sells. More devices than every individual android manufacturer.

I'm pretty sure that Samsung is the world's leading OEM. The iPhone may be the best selling individual model, but Samsung's combined sales are greater than Apple's.

As far as OS market share, Android has more than all other OSes combined.
Is MS making money off of Android tablets? I thought it was just from Android phones. It makes sense that their licensing agreements extend to all device types, but every article I recall ever reading about it made no mention of tablets.

Yes, Major: it has reportedly signed agreements with tablet manufacturers as well, some -probably most- of which are quite small. My understanding is that the pertinent infringement claims involve products that are computing devices, and maybe more specifically mobile computing devices.

BTW, Apple has also sued android manufacturers, but I know even less about that. ;)

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