Having trouble sending videos on Whatsapp


New member
Jun 29, 2015
Back in the days where it still has a 16mb limit I can send videos easily in just 10 minutes or less but since they removed that limit and allow us to send big files I cannot send videos easily anymore. I'm trying to send a 45mb video but 1 hour has passed it still not sent. It only shows my video with the "X" on the center but the "bar" below is already full. If i press that X it will cancel sending.. anyone have the same problem as mine? it really pisses me off cause our internet connection is so fast but it still shows that it is sending.. :crying: :crying:
Back in the days where it still has a 16mb limit I can send videos easily in just 10 minutes or less but since they removed that limit and allow us to send big files I cannot send videos easily anymore. I'm trying to send a 45mb video but 1 hour has passed it still not sent. It only shows my video with the "X" on the center but the "bar" below is already full. If i press that X it will cancel sending.. anyone have the same problem as mine? it really pisses me off cause our internet connection is so fast but it still shows that it is sending.. :crying: :crying:

if your connection is fast (and unlimited?) try exiting the app and going back to the chat and checking
it's just as painful as downloading a video that is 3GB in size and it freezes at 99% and you don't have resume capability - start over and be strong

I'm tired of starting over. its eating my battery from 59% now it;s only 27% but the file is still "sending" :(
this does not happen before the update tho.. only happened after the new update :(
I'm tired of starting over. its eating my battery from 59% now it;s only 27% but the file is still "sending" :(
this does not happen before the update tho.. only happened after the new update :(

new update for whatsapp? find a charger and use it
I'm using a power bank at the moment. I'm gonna wait until it's gonna send.. i cant believe it. it's just a 45mb file. it's not that big to be sent. -_-

It seems like WhatsApp"re-encodes" any video file larger than 16mb. It firstly re-encodes it then it sends it, and it makes the file even bigger than the original file. I wouldn't be surprised if you found out that the video has increased in size and it around 2x larger. Check it in your "Photos" app and you'll find the "re-encoded" file and check it's size.

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