HELP! I'm so close to getting a Mac It's not even funny

Hi Christopher! Please check your PM's! I am with the Microsoft Surface Support Team, and we want to get you back to work and to love your Surface Book again! Look forward to hearing from you. -- Jenn
Oh Christopher! I feel your pain... I sent my Surface Pro 4 back yesterday... and am awaiting the fifth device to arrive. Screen defects, excessive bleed, odd electrical sounds and the latest would just blue screen every few hours - that one had supposedly been through additional testing specifically to address my repeat replacement problems. Refurb QA... pfffft.

Just for the record, I performed all trouble shooting as per Microsoft's request and they concluded they needed replacing and where not just software/driver issues.

Microsoft assured me it was unheard of to have this many replacements... seems Microsoft are telling me fibs! Who would have thought?!

I hate the device now - even though I want to love it - it's just let me down so many times, and I'm kinda dreading receiving the next one. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a perfect screen (and what a amazing screen it has when it's not defective!) and certainly no crashing... at the moment I'm enjoying my cheap budget £400 4 year old laptop more than the SP4 - a supposedly premium £1000+ device (i7, 8GB, 256GB model).

I'm expecting another refurb back probably at the start of next week now... so watch this space. But my patience is gone now, I've wasted so much time - whether it's troubleshooting, setting up new devices, or just hanging around for couriers.

If it is perfect... I will only have a few months warranty left before I'm on my own. It makes me very nervous!

Would I buy Microsoft hardware again... ha! - going to take more than just a perfect device replacement for that to happen, which is sad really - before this experience, I wouldn't have hesitated to recommend it.

I know there are a lot of happy Surface users out there, maybe it becomes a problem only once you get stuck in the refurb replacements cycle.
I gave up on my surface book and finally got approved for a return after I purchased it back in Nov. I consistently barked up the chain at all levels with Microsoft. Their batteries & QA process is extremely poor in addition to the atrocious technical support between the physical store, answer desk, supervisors and global escalations.
I've always been a Windows guy but I'm so fed up with my Surface Book and Microsoft I don't even know what else to do. I need my computer to do audio work at home and for weeks now I've been plagued with Surface Book issues one after another. I do music production and my SB kept crashing every single time any notification would come in. It would crash my audio drivers. It would crash my audio software. Just left and right crashes for no reason. I think I must've reset my computer 10 times with no results so I contacted Microsoft and they sent me a refurbished SB. The refurbished one never even booted up. I had to send it back and wait for them to process the return to get them to send a second replacement. They sent another replacement. It's been a week and haven't even fully set this new one up with my software and it's having ridiculous issues. The shutdown option in Windows suddenly just stopped working. It takes 5 minutes for it to boot. It takes like 30 minutes for it to reset and usually it BSOD with a power failure before it finally shuts down. The keyboard and touch pad completely stop working on it and occasionally come back on but only after about 20 minutes or so after the computer has been running. I reset it already twice and the power issue still persists. I'm tired of contacting Microsoft only to be sent broken refurbished SB's. I feel like Microsoft is doing everything in It's power to push me over to Apple. What should I do?

Hello, what program/ programs are you running? I use Adobe Audition CC and have no issues running various
Waves plugins at 96k 24bit. I've actually been using it instead of Protools for multitracking and mastering. I have a SB i7 512gb dgpu
Hi Christopher! Please check your PM's! I am with the Microsoft Surface Support Team, and we want to get you back to work and to love your Surface Book again! Look forward to hearing from you. -- Jenn

There's a glimmer of hope. Let us know how it goes!
I wonder it the user is downloading software illegally? That is one reason that programs can crash a lot, and there is a handful of people that download software illegally, and is having issues because the code is changed in order to get past the authentication phase of the app.
This may be unpopular, but after returning four, yes four defective Windows computers, I bought a Mac and haven't looked back. Full disclosure, though, I'm fairly OS agnostic and was already quite familiar with Mac OS. Why not switch? You'll get quality hardware that also has the flexibility to run Windows if you want.

A past Microsoft fan
I've always been a Windows guy but I'm so fed up with my Surface Book and Microsoft I don't even know what else to do. I need my computer to do audio work at home and for weeks now I've been plagued with Surface Book issues one after another. I do music production and my SB kept crashing every single time any notification would come in. It would crash my audio drivers. It would crash my audio software. Just left and right crashes for no reason. I think I must've reset my computer 10 times with no results so I contacted Microsoft and they sent me a refurbished SB. The refurbished one never even booted up. I had to send it back and wait for them to process the return to get them to send a second replacement. They sent another replacement. It's been a week and haven't even fully set this new one up with my software and it's having ridiculous issues. The shutdown option in Windows suddenly just stopped working. It takes 5 minutes for it to boot. It takes like 30 minutes for it to reset and usually it BSOD with a power failure before it finally shuts down. The keyboard and touch pad completely stop working on it and occasionally come back on but only after about 20 minutes or so after the computer has been running. I reset it already twice and the power issue still persists. I'm tired of contacting Microsoft only to be sent broken refurbished SB's. I feel like Microsoft is doing everything in It's power to push me over to Apple. What should I do?

I have the same issue. Even after one replecment, the unit is still faulty, noisy, freezes
Well, it's definitely not a Windows issue. It's a hardware issue. I would first test to see if the drivers of your I/O interfaces are incompatible with something.

I used to record/mix on a Mac PowerPC, but haven't looked back since I started building my own mid-level PC desktops. I've also recorded on $99 Walmart Nextbooks with no problem (with Reaper). To me the PC leaves you so many more (and cheaper) hardware, DAW, and plugin options. And I have all kinds of other programs running in the background while I'm running over a hundred tracks and dozens of plugins. No hiccups.
I wonder it the user is downloading software illegally? That is one reason that programs can crash a lot, and there is a handful of people that download software illegally, and is having issues because the code is changed in order to get past the authentication phase of the app.
I absolutely do not use illegal software.
This is really odd, as I just did an EP project on my base-level Surface Book and had no issues at all. I used ASIO drivers, shut off WiFi during recording and editing, and used Reaper with 40 - 50 plugins on a 16 track project with no issues at all. Never a crash, no audio issues...nothing. What DAW are you using? Which audio drivers? Plugins? Do you turn off your WiFi while working? What buffer rate are you working with?

I use either my default interface's drivers or the Steinbergs generic audio driver. I do not turn off my wifi and buffer rate I use varies based off of what I am doing. As for what plugins and DAWs I use. I own more than I have time to list but here's a portion of the things I own (I do not install everything on this list. As an example I own Bitwig 8 track because it came free with my Roli Rise but I do not use it. My DAW of choice is Cubase Pro 9)...
FL Studio Signature Bundle
Juice Pack (VSTi)
Edison WAV editor (VSTi)

Insight (Educational)
Ozone 6 (Educational)
DDLY Dynamic Delay
Music Production Bundle 2
Trash Expansion - Classic Textures
Trash Expansion - Edge

SynthMaster (FACTORY)


Komplete 10

V Collection 5

M1 Le

Electra 2



Rapture Pro

Cubase 9
Groove Agent 4
Steinberg Halion 6

Live Lite


Midi Translator Classic




Just to understand from a technical standpoint.
Do you use an external soundcard? Could it be a third party driver problem?
Did you do a full reset, via the defender security center?
Are you running latest version of Windows?
What settings do you have on 'non default' settings?
Did you do a clean boot to isolate the problem?
Thanks, I care for my SB and audio very much too, so happy to help resolve this!

I do have an external soundcard. My current SB issues occured without doing anything at all to in regards to the sound card. I bought it home, and let it update and that is all. I never even got to install my software or hardware into it. I updated from whatever came with it to the creators update and that is all. Yes I did clean boots and completely reset it. Both Microsoft support and I troubleshot it with no luck getting it from disconnecting and reconnecting.
I love my MS devices as well - including my Surface Pro.

However, I also record, mix, and master music. There is nothing that MS, or any other PC manufacturer for that matter, offers that can compete with the stability and ease of use of a Mac. I won't go into detail here but I'll just say that, strictly from an audio production standpoint, it's night and day. It's a generational leap in terms of ease and usability.

In 2007, I switched to an iMac strictly for music production. We have multiple PC devices I try to record on and it's just cumbersome and really ruins the creative aspect for me - there are too many barriers and annoyances. And this isn't coming from someone who just dabbles with Windows.

Again, I love my Surface but I wouldn't even think of using a PC for music production anymore.

I've never looked at a Mac before but I will admit the cool thing about macs is if I hated it I could always run windows on it anyway lol.
I would NEVER purchase a refurbished unit, nor will I accept one in exchange for a defective unit.
Except that in the case of a defective unit, you do not have a choice. The terms and conditions of the warranty are a legally binding document, and the T&C states (in section 3, subsection b):
If Microsoft or the retailer determines that the Microsoft Hardware or Accessory malfunctioned due to a defect in materials or workmanship during the Warranty Period under Normal Use Conditions, Microsoft or the retailer will (at its option) repair or replace it, or refund the purchase price to You. Repair may use new or refurbished parts. Replacement may be with a new or refurbished unit.

If the user has the Microsoft Complete extended warranty, here is the applicable portion of the contract:
(Under Definitions)
13. “Repair”: the actions We take to mend, remedy, or restore Your Product to a sound functioning state following a covered Breakdown. Parts used to Repair the Product may be new, used, refurbished or non-original manufacturer parts that perform to the factory specifications of the original Product.

I have worked in the insurance industry, specifically in the area of extended warranties for computers and related electronic equipment (peripherals, cameras, etc.), and the document is binding. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

The key takeaway from this should be "Always read your contract."

Microsoft Surface Warranty Documents
I'm typing this on a perfectly working Surface Book, which is probably a refurb, as I purchased it as a broken item and paid for a fix. It's never crashed. Not once. The moment I opened the box I did the usual setup stuff then refreshed Windows 10. Updated, tweaked, no issues at all.

Even if you move to HP, Dell, or Apple, the machine lottery is in play. Check out the apple forums for issues on that side (That's if the admins haven't erased them).

It matters not if you're on Windows, or oSX, when creating music, as you're using applications so your choice should be based on that. There is a magical distortion field, when it comes to Apple, that makes me laugh. A lot of people, who've moved across, often compare a £350 HP to an expensive mac. We use windows all day, every single day, so I know that there can be issues but, for the most part, Windows is fine. So are macs. Neither afford the owner anything really special over the other. To think otherwise is a 'personal' opinion.

-Refresh Windows, update until no updates remain. Done (You've done this.)
-If that doesn't work then return for a replacement. (Time to return it)
-If you still have no joy you can at least SELL as brand new.

P.s. To repeat... There's nothing overly special about macs. They're not cool. Try not to be suckered by marketing.
I'm typing this on a perfectly working Surface Book, which is probably a refurb, as I purchased it as a broken item and paid for a fix. It's never crashed. Not once. The moment I opened the box I did the usual setup stuff then refreshed Windows 10. Updated, tweaked, no issues at all.

Even if you move to HP, Dell, or Apple, the machine lottery is in play. Check out the apple forums for issues on that side (That's if the admins haven't erased them).

It matters not if you're on Windows, or oSX, when creating music, as you're using applications so your choice should be based on that. There is a magical distortion field, when it comes to Apple, that makes me laugh. A lot of people, who've moved across, often compare a £350 HP to an expensive mac. We use windows all day, every single day, so I know that there can be issues but, for the most part, Windows is fine. So are macs. Neither afford the owner anything really special over the other. To think otherwise is a 'personal' opinion.

-Refresh Windows, update until no updates remain. Done (You've done this.)
-If that doesn't work then return for a replacement. (Time to return it)
-If you still have no joy you can at least SELL as brand new.

P.s. To repeat... There's nothing overly special about macs. They're not cool. Try not to be suckered by marketing.
It's not that I believe Macs have some sort of magical components or anything like that. I only considered Macs because I'm not getting things done and I need current reliability.

Sent from mTalk
If I didn't mention before. My Surface Book is the i7, 512GB SSD, 16GB RAM, with dGPU version, which I understand isn't there most popular configuration due to it's pricing and tier.

Sent from mTalk
I've always been a Windows guy but I'm so fed up with my Surface Book and Microsoft I don't even know what else to do. I need my computer to do audio work at home and for weeks now I've been plagued with Surface Book issues one after another. I do music production and my SB kept crashing every single time any notification would come in. It would crash my audio drivers. It would crash my audio software. Just left and right crashes for no reason. I think I must've reset my computer 10 times with no results so I contacted Microsoft and they sent me a refurbished SB. The refurbished one never even booted up. I had to send it back and wait for them to process the return to get them to send a second replacement. They sent another replacement. It's been a week and haven't even fully set this new one up with my software and it's having ridiculous issues. The shutdown option in Windows suddenly just stopped working. It takes 5 minutes for it to boot. It takes like 30 minutes for it to reset and usually it BSOD with a power failure before it finally shuts down. The keyboard and touch pad completely stop working on it and occasionally come back on but only after about 20 minutes or so after the computer has been running. I reset it already twice and the power issue still persists. I'm tired of contacting Microsoft only to be sent broken refurbished SB's. I feel like Microsoft is doing everything in It's power to push me over to Apple. What should I do?

If you live in Europe and, because that seems, somehow, an intermittent issue, the tech support does nothing. You send it and they return it with a "No Issue Found" on the report like they do with Lumia Smartphones. I guess you are not in Europe so, I think you have more luck than us, at least Microsoft is doing something like replacing your device. If after those replacements your problem persists, move to Apple and make sure they know about it. If you do work with audio, Apple is the best choice. I'm still a Microsoft guy, but I have to admit that Microsoft's Tech Support is the worst ever here in Europe.

BTW, have you checked that issue with Sound Blaster's guys?
joaoalbuquerque, I'm in Europe (UK) and return my Surface Pro 4 to Germany under the standard warranty - I'm just awaiting the return of my fifth device so have a fair bit of unwanted experience on this side of things! (separate story, see further up the thread).

What has been the problem you've sent your device back for?

As much as I am furious and frustrated about my experience with the device, and the QA on the refurb devices I've been sent... the actual replacement process has been quite easy in my experience so far - after talking to MS Support online and doing any requested trouble shooting, I drop it off at the local UPS depot, and usually within 5 working days of that I have a different refurb device delivered, no further questions asked.

I've also been offered advanced replacement (they send me a refurb device and then I return the existing device) on at least one occasion, although didn't take up the offer.

[Microsoft - if your reading, these positive comments do not mean I am a happy customer - it means thanks to the convenience of a process I should never have to experience, my anger levels haven't gone super sonic, but be assured they will if device five does not meet my expectations!]

Here in the Europe the process seems to be outsourced to a company called iQOR.

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