I'm typing this on a perfectly working Surface Book, which is probably a refurb, as I purchased it as a broken item and paid for a fix. It's never crashed. Not once. The moment I opened the box I did the usual setup stuff then refreshed Windows 10. Updated, tweaked, no issues at all.
Even if you move to HP, Dell, or Apple, the machine lottery is in play. Check out the apple forums for issues on that side (That's if the admins haven't erased them).
It matters not if you're on Windows, or oSX, when creating music, as you're using applications so your choice should be based on that. There is a magical distortion field, when it comes to Apple, that makes me laugh. A lot of people, who've moved across, often compare a £350 HP to an expensive mac. We use windows all day, every single day, so I know that there can be issues but, for the most part, Windows is fine. So are macs. Neither afford the owner anything really special over the other. To think otherwise is a 'personal' opinion.
-Refresh Windows, update until no updates remain. Done (You've done this.)
-If that doesn't work then return for a replacement. (Time to return it)
-If you still have no joy you can at least SELL as brand new.
P.s. To repeat... There's nothing overly special about macs. They're not cool. Try not to be suckered by marketing.