HELP! I'm so close to getting a Mac It's not even funny

Sorry to hear this. My main problems with my Surface Book have been the "hot bag" issues where it won't sleep and I reach for it in my laptop bag and it is either hot from running or a drained battery. With the Creators Update, Windows Hello is OFF THE CHARTS when logging in but often, the screen wont come back on unless I detach screen and reattach.

I've considered selling mine for an Alienware but hard to let go of this since it is indeed a very nice machine.
While I don't do music work, I do use my laptop a lot for university research and data-heavy work. Last year I switched from an HP Elitebook to a Surface Book. I have mixed feelings. The Surface Book is great as a 2-in-1. But Microsoft's hardware and drivers are somewhat unreliable. The Surface Book occasionally bugs up forcing me to perform a restart (I'd say 1-2 times a month), vs my EliteBook which only crapped out 2-3 times a year. The only reason I'm sticking with the Surface Book is for the detachable screen. If I wanted a more reliable device, I would recommend you go with laptops designed for business, which are a lot more reliable (both hardware and drivers) than consumer-grade laptops. So stuff like HP EliteBooks, Dell Latitude, Lenovo Thinkpads.
While I don't do music work, I do use my laptop a lot for university research and data-heavy work. Last year I switched from an HP Elitebook to a Surface Book. I have mixed feelings. The Surface Book is great as a 2-in-1. But Microsoft's hardware and drivers are somewhat unreliable. The Surface Book occasionally bugs up forcing me to perform a restart (I'd say 1-2 times a month), vs my EliteBook which only crapped out 2-3 times a year. The only reason I'm sticking with the Surface Book is for the detachable screen. If I wanted a more reliable device, I would recommend you go with laptops designed for business, which are a lot more reliable (both hardware and drivers) than consumer-grade laptops. So stuff like HP EliteBooks, Dell Latitude, Lenovo Thinkpads.

I love the look, feel and idea of my Surface Book. Sadly, I am getting frustrated (as mentioned above) with the sleep problems lately. The resale value isn't too bad and thought about selling mine for one of the new Alienware laptops.
Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

I'm sure you do, and of course your references are all correct. Yes, I do read the contracts. Two days ago, after having my Surface Book i5 256GB go crazy with the Creator's update, I took it back to my point of purchase. The problems were all too familiar to them, and we had a very pleasant chat. In essence, I was given multiple options, and all were new equipment. I ended up adding to my credit ( purchase price ) to transfer to a Surface Pro 4 i7/16GB/512GB. I could have exchanged for a current release Book, or made other choices.

To me, it is all about attitude. I only purchase from that store, and they have always been very supportive. As the sign on the mall entry states, it's much easier to smile than frown, and I carry that attitude into the store whenever I enter it. The staff changes, but they are always wonderful, well informed, and have heard it all. They know the problems which can exist with the equipment, and willingly work with me if an issue exists. However, with most of my purchases, no problems ever come up.

So, your point is it's "at their option". Well, approaching them with a smile, precise facts, and a willingness to listen gives them reason to exercise an option in our best interest. It also helps to be there face to face with the device in hand.
To me, it is all about attitude. I only purchase from that store, and they have always been very supportive. As the sign on the mall entry states, it's much easier to smile than frown, and I carry that attitude into the store whenever I enter it. The staff changes, but they are always wonderful, well informed, and have heard it all. They know the problems which can exist with the equipment, and willingly work with me if an issue exists. However, with most of my purchases, no problems ever come up.

So, your point is it's "at their option". Well, approaching them with a smile, precise facts, and a willingness to listen gives them reason to exercise an option in our best interest. It also helps to be there face to face with the device in hand.
I completely get it. I took a SP3 that had been replaced four times, that I'd purchased on launch day, into the Atlanta store, added a handful of money to it (got full credit for purchase price of SP3 and keyboard), and walked out with an i7/16GB/1TB Surface Book with Performance Base. You talk nice to them, they talk nice to you. But still, it is at their option.
I completely get it. I took a SP3 that had been replaced four times, that I'd purchased on launch day, into the Atlanta store, added a handful of money to it (got full credit for purchase price of SP3 and keyboard), and walked out with an i7/16GB/1TB Surface Book with Performance Base. You talk nice to them, they talk nice to you. But still, it is at their option.
I wasn't aware you could trade up. How does that work?

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FYI, I had presented Microsoft via a Notice of Demand letter last month about my countless amount of hours wasted between tech support via the store & answer desk to no resolve. I even cited what you cited above. I did finally get a call from Global Escalations after they received my overnighted FedEx envelope with my Demand letter, 3 page letter of my detailed experience and opened support cases and even at that level they did absolutely nothing. They just wanted to give me another Surface book (refurb, even though the store replaced it with a new one) that was also defective. (I have the global escalations test report that they performed did in writing and shows the defect.) I even reached out to Anibal Sousa, Director of Engineering and he said he just passed my info along to Customer Support and that went into a black hole as well.

Needless to say, after fighting with the supervisors they agreed to take back my Surface Book outside of the return window and I did just received a refund for it even though the amount they refunded me was incorrect. That is another battle I'm going to have to fight now.

These guys sell the idea of a premium device at a premium cost but with very little testing and QA. I was very supportive of Microsoft from the early days of Windows phone but their devices are terrible.
Just a brief update on my current situation... having received my 5th replacement SP4 on Monday, although it's early days and I will take some time before I trust it, the replacement is so far all good. Screen is perfect, and it's been reliable so far... which isn't long I know - but longer than the others have managed! Fingers crossed it's 5th time lucky!

I'll be watching it like a hawk for the 3 months remaining on my warranty.

I still won't be recommending the device to anyone due to my experience getting to this stage - but happy for now that I can use what is a fantastic device, if your lucky enough to have a good one!

Will report back if bad things happen.
Hey everyone. Thanks to Jenn I was finally able to replace my Surface Book with a brand new unit. This time it booted up just fine, there's no disconnecting and reconnecting issue and it's performing solid. Thanks to everyone at Microsoft for helping me stick with Windows.

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Hey everyone. Thanks to Jenn I was finally able to replace my Surface Book with a brand new unit. This time it booted up just fine, there's no disconnecting and reconnecting issue and it's performing solid. Thanks to everyone at Microsoft for helping me stick with Windows.

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Glad they were able to get that done for you in the end.

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