Help Me Choose!


New member
Feb 21, 2011
I'm currently deciding which Win7 phone will be best for me.

I've essentially limited it down to the Samsung Focus (in a deal with AT&T currently), and the Dell Venue Pro.

I heard the Focus has an incredible screen.

Also, the Venue Pro is much thicker; but I don't think this will bother me as it's only about 0.5mm thicker than my current Blackberry.

I usually will only opt for a phone with a physical keyboard, but the Win7 virtual keyboard seems to work quite well.

My question is, should I go out of my way to get a Venue Pro so I can have that physical keyboard to fall back on? Is Super-AMOLED That much better than AMOLED to be a deciding factor?

I've heard the Venue Pro has a very, very well-built and high quality feel to it (from textured backs to rounded glass) while the Focus is the polar opposite.

Oh yeah, and is waiting for a "touched up" version of the Venue Pro a more viable option? (Dell Wrigley revealed in Dell 2011 Roadmap! [Exclusive] | wpcentral)

These don't have to be answered specifically, I'm looking for some opinions! (and maybe some facts would be nice, too ;) )

(P.S. My bad if this is the wrong subforum, I spent a good 10 minutes trying to figure out if it goes in the Samsung, or Dell subforum, haha)

First I would figure out, which coverage (ATT or TMO) would work best for you. But if we assumed they were both on the same network, I'd personally go with the Focus (although I currently own the Surround). I used to be one of those people that say I'd never get a touch only device and absoloutely need a keyboard for long emails and such. But as you've pointed out, the WP7 keyboard is an excellent replacement for a physical one and has since changed my views.
I would love love love the Venue Pro......but it's had terrible quality control issues. It's been very hard to get one, and Dell basically cancelled it until they can fix everything.

I love the way it looks, and the curved screen is neat.

But yeah...if you can wait....I would highly suggest waiting until Dell launches a refreshed version that not longer has quality control issues. I don't know if WPCentral did an official review...but Engadget had one, and Josh Topolsky said it was almost unusable.
First I would figure out, which coverage (ATT or TMO) would work best for you. But if we assumed they were both on the same network, I'd personally go with the Focus (although I currently own the Surround). I used to be one of those people that say I'd never get a touch only device and absoloutely need a keyboard for long emails and such. But as you've pointed out, the WP7 keyboard is an excellent replacement for a physical one and has since changed my views.

I won't be surprised if Dell eventually released a GSM unlocked version that works on either network. You can actually choose the regular Android Venue for either network right now.
I was afraid of virtual keyboards and had to have a physical. But I like the samsung focus enough to take the virutal keyboard plunge and I must say, i have no regrets. The virtual keyboard is great. The focus IMO is the best WP7 phone out there. But thats just my opinion. :-) Ditch the physical keyboard and go for it. :-)
Yeah, After using a BlackBerry Bold and a HTC touch pro 2, I vowed never to go to a virtual keyboard again. Well a year later, I'm carrying a Focus, and I don't think I'll ever go back to a physical keyboard. The screen on the Focus is amazing.
Well what I'm hearing is the Focus is the way to go. I don't need to switch phones this immediate moment, but I could wait a short number of months for a revised Venue Pro.

What I'm imagining is that I'd mainly use the virtual keyboard on the Venue Pro anyways, but it would seem that it'd be nice to always have that physical keyboard to fall back on (and coming from Blackberry Bold 9700 I'm comfortable with the vertical keyboard) for long emails and other word processing.

I don't really mind the extra bulk, and I think it's easily made up for in style.

Service provider isn't much of an issue, as I'd be purchasing the device off-carrier anyways (long story)(and the Venue Pro should soon be able to connect to nearly all networks).

From what I've seen it seems like most replies have one or the other. Does anyone here actually own both or have spent a good amount of time getting a feel for each? I'm actually strongly considering waiting a month to see if any new hardware comes out with an update and just buckling down with my dying phone till then.

My bad if this is a lot of questions, but these things are downright expensive and I just don't want to regret a thing once I get one :) .

I have used the Samsung Focus since Nov 8th until Jan 22, I than Switched to the Dell Venue Pro since I just though ATT was was to much money, So I have used both phones, they are both great phones once you switch out the sd card on the venue pro but the samsung focus was an Awsome Phone, 1 it was so light I sometime did not even know it was in my pocket, 2nd the screen and quality of the phone is fantastic along with the WP7 Software the phone never locked up on me, I like the venue pro too but I never use the keyboard and I was always a keyboard user until the focus and not its a wate of time the on screen is just way to easy ...
the problem with the dell is the weight, its just way to heavy for me ...
the focus is the way to go Rosey..
WP7 is awsome

Rosey, what phone are you moving from ?
I'm coming from a Blackberry Bold 9700.

I honestly don't think too much weight will be a problem, I think some heft adds to a high quality feel of a device.

It seems now like I'm going to need to take a trip to the AT&T store and check out the Focus and the T-Mobile store for the Venue Pro (which they most likely will have for display, correct?).
I don't know if WPCentral did an official review...but Engadget had one, and Josh Topolsky said it was almost unusable.

I can't seem to find this review, the one I could find was by Joanna Stern and the review had a pretty positive connotation.

I was afraid of virtual keyboards and had to have a physical. But I like the samsung focus enough to take the virutal keyboard plunge and I must say, i have no regrets. The virtual keyboard is great. The focus IMO is the best WP7 phone out there. But thats just my opinion. :-) Ditch the physical keyboard and go for it. :-)

I was afraid too. I liked having buttons to press rather than taping on a piece of glass. Over time I saw how much more complicated using a BlackBerry scroll wheel was to perform some tasks that would be super easy on a touch screen. But I'd say at this point with auto correction, I type almost as fast compared to having a physical keyboard.
I'm coming from a Blackberry Bold 9700.

I honestly don't think too much weight will be a problem, I think some heft adds to a high quality feel of a device.

It seems now like I'm going to need to take a trip to the AT&T store and check out the Focus and the T-Mobile store for the Venue Pro (which they most likely will have for display, correct?).

AT&T will have the Focus, TMo does not have the Venue Pro. Only place you can preview one is the few Microsoft stores.

I've got a DVP, I replaced the SD card with a Class2 32Gig and the phone is rock solid now. The keyboard is outstanding, the heft is there but not a big deal, and you're right, the thickness is comparable to a blackberry.
If it absolutely has to be AT&T then the Focus is Amazing. If T-Mobile is an option then the HD7 isnt bad I have it and love it. There is the newly announced... ahem, newly confirmed, my bad, CDMA WP7 devices, but let's face it CDMA SUCKS!!! crap download speeds without the Voice/data simultaneous thing? (a lot of people don't see this as a big deal but again a lot of people do, at least enough to mention it and for AT&T to use that as their new iPhone campaign to "try" and prove that it's better than Verizons lol) ok sorry for the rant... AT&T right? Samsung Focus.
80% Sure

Thanks to all of you for your great input, and I think I've come to such a lean in opinion that I have to make a decision.

(If any of you object, now would be the time to speak, haha)

That would be to wait out for that touched up Venue Pro that should be able to access AT&T's 3G bands (MLK: Medialess License Kit?), or see what the Wrigley has to offer (Dell Wrigley revealed in Dell 2011 Roadmap! [Exclusive] | wpcentral).

I think the virtual keyboard is great, but I see no sacrifice that isn't worthy for a fall-back physical keyboard in the Venue Pro. Texts will be virtual, long emails will probably need that extra umph.

The style of it, from the squared edges (as opposed to the Focus' rounded ones), blackberry-esqe keyboard, and overall classy look screams that it's here and it means business is just what I'm looking for; and it has a stark (yet complimentary) contrast with the fun-appealing look of the WP7 OS (and hopefully some more keyboard integration features will come along as WP7 grows).

Now only if my wallet was as happy as me that I believe I made my decision


Edit: Still going to check out the Focus at AT&T, though
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Thanks to all of you for your great input, and I think I've come to such a lean in opinion that I have to make a decision.

(If any of you object, now would be the time to speak, haha)

That would be to wait out for that touched up Venue Pro that should be able to access AT&T's 3G bands (MLK: Medialess License Kit?), or see what the Wrigley has to offer (Dell Wrigley revealed in Dell 2011 Roadmap! [Exclusive] | wpcentral).

I think the virtual keyboard is great, but I see no sacrifice that isn't worthy for a fall-back physical keyboard in the Venue Pro. Texts will be virtual, long emails will probably need that extra umph.

The style of it, from the squared edges (as opposed to the Focus' rounded ones), blackberry-esqe keyboard, and overall classy look screams that it's here and it means business is just what I'm looking for; and it has a stark (yet complimentary) contrast with the fun-appealing look of the WP7 OS (and hopefully some more keyboard integration features will come along as WP7 grows).

Now only if my wallet was as happy as me that I believe I made my decision


Edit: Still going to check out the Focus at AT&T, though

Oh I guess I read too quickly or something... If you can afford to wait for the new Dell device down the road by all means do that! I mean if anything it'll also let you see if any other OEM's come out with better phones with the physical qwerty, at which point you'd have a better range of options. Oh and the cool "major" OS update (Mango I believe they are calling it?)
So what I'm getting here is "Wait for the Dell Venue Pro 'MLK'"?

Or have we heard anything else about this Wrigley that would make it essentially just a more developed DVP, and really worth a wait?

Oh yeah, and some spec sheets I found state that it already supports AT&Ts 3G bands..?

PPS. So what's the deal with the 512/256MB RAM Issue? and will it affect future software updates that may potentially include multitasking if it's the latter?
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I personally decided against the Venue Pro for the myriad of issues everyone was having with it. I went with and HD7, but thats not one of your options, so I would say the Samsung.

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