Help! Plugged in, not charging issue..


New member
Jan 6, 2014
Dear all,

I just bought a surface 2 last night and there is an issue, I plug in the power cable, but when I see the battery indicator, it shows "plugged in, not charging". The tablet turns off if I unplug the power cable..

I've tried the following workarounds that I found online:

1) shut down the tablet, unplug the power cable and leave it for few minutes, plug in back the power cable and let it charge for few minutes, turn it on.

2) shut down the tablet, press volume up + power button for 10 seconds, leave it charging for few minutes, turn it on.

3) Performed a full system recovery.

But sadly these didn't help. I would like to ask is there any other workaround I can try? Because today is weekend and I couldn't call microsoft for help..there's no microsoft store in my country..Malaysia.

Thank you.
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If you bought it yesterday, it is still under store warranty. Bring it back to the store.
I remember that. Umm my surface doesn't do that anymore. It used to, but stopped after a while. I think it's just a glitch. Talk to Microsoft.
by the way, where are you plugging it in? on PC's USB port or wall charger? It won't charge on PC's USB port. Not enough amps.
Sounds like you have some sort of eco mode enabled ... My laptop will only charge to 80% & say "plugged in not charging" with eco mode enabled ... Check your settings.
its to prolong the battery's lifespan

my laptop does that, it stops charging when its near full or so
Did you try flipping the connector around? I have mines so the light is up top cord hangs down. Leave it over night. Otherwise I agree return it to store, disregard what was in the box as it does say to call manufacture, but if purchased in the states you get a store warranty too. If you purchased with a credit card you card has some protection for a min of 60 days to dispute the charge.
Thanks for all of ur replies. The problem was gone after I kept doing the following steps:

Turned off the tablet, unplugged the charger and kept the tablet off for about 30 minute to one hour, plugged in back the charger, my tablet automatic turned on once I plugged in and turned on the electric switch. After that I saw my tablet started charging.

I immediately updated all the security, driver and firmware updates when I was able to. Hopefully after all the update the problem won't come back.

Now I'm satisfy with my tablet :)
Now that I think about it, I also did that. I'm sure that weird problem will go away. I haven't seen it happen to me in a long time.
I had the same experience, shake it, jiggle it around, change power plugs, and eventually it will show its charging - until next time...

Well, its a shame that microsoft hasn't got out in front this problem - no permanent solution!


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