Here is why I think that Windows 10 is Microsoft's last chance

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I'm here 100% because of Nokia and if they leave MS, I have no choice than to follow my most qualified tech. giant, Nokia! Waiting for Windows 10 for phone for a fate that will determine my staying with MS come 2016. Grossly waiting and calculating!

This makes absolutely no sense at all. Zero. It's not a bunch of letters that make a product. It's the engineers, the processes, the working environment and working culture that make a product. All those things are still around, in the exact same place they've always been. Those folks that made the devices you loved are still doing their jobs, but now they are being paid by MS. That's it. If you want Nokia devices, you'll want MS' smartphone products. Those devices with the "Nokia" label on them will actually be engineered by completely different people, and produced in completely different factories.

I don't get how people can attribute so much meaning to a bunch of letters and completely miss what is actually important.
@Stenson625 On a blunt note, you seem amazed by an OS with static widgets. Each to their own. I bought a Nokia for WP. I would have purchased a HTC if they would have shown the same support and features. Other than that, the Nokia hardware is meh. Really not sure about all this Nokia sentimentality. As for Android, not hard to go to the top when your model is anti-competitive. Looking forward to the EU putting Google back on level terms. Where would MS be if the courts didn't handcuff them for years?
What was the last pre-WP Nokia flagship? Anyone know?

**Edit** I read that backwards LMFAO....I thought you asked Last pre Nokia WP Flagship......sorry my Old eyes got me......

As to a Nokia Flagship was the 808 Pureview that ran Symbian.......or was it the N9

That would be the HTC HD2 WinMo 6.5, the most loved phone over at XDA forums.
I think ( and I could be wrong) the Titan and Titan II were WP7 As was the HD7 and a WP7 HTC with a slide keyboard.

Then they tried to copy Nokia into funky colors with the 8x and 8s but sadly stopped and switched to Android to almost go belly up, and in an effort to regain some buyers took an Android and dumped WP8 on it the M8 for Windows.

Did I miss anything????
Windows really needs more apps, and different varieties of them. I hope they've got something appealing for devs on windows 10. The apps and games on the store right now just don't seem enough to me.
This is like the 12th thread I've seen about "WP10 better be good or it's all over".

Let me make this simple for you: Go to Android now. There's no feature list for 10 yet and I've already seen an impossible number of expectations from users here. Everybody whining wants something radically different- It will never live up to these impossible standards.
If you're not happy with WP as it is, then please just leave, and spare us the "leaving for android" thread on your way out.
Why can Nokia do this? Didn't Microsoft buy Nokia?

No, Microsoft bought the phone and devices division, Nokia as a company still exist, and after sometime 2016 if they want they can go back into the phone market, but as they don't have the phone and devices division they will probably do what they have done with the Android tablet they have just announced and just farm it out to other makers like Foxcomm.

I have no issues with people liking Nokia, but they should realise the world has moved on, if they hate MS, by all means do so, but please find somewhere else to moan.
I don't think the fact that Windows needs more apps, for their mobile platform is a surprise to anyone. There are more apps being made all the time and quality ones at that. The bigger focus has been on a universal approach that will create more opportunities and give developers more reasons to make apps if anything other than for the desktop and laptops running Windows 10 which will spike once Windows 10 is released. Mobile Windows however has an opportunity to assume the role that Blackberry claimed when it came to enterprise, especially at the governmental level since they're heavily entrenched in the ecosystem. While I feel windows 10 isn't a last straw for MSFT ultimately, it may be their last straw at being in a position to greatly change the landscape of the industry.
This is like the 12th thread I've seen about "WP10 better be good or it's all over".

Let me make this simple for you: Go to Android now. There's no feature list for 10 yet and I've already seen an impossible number of expectations from users here. Everybody whining wants something radically different- It will never live up to these impossible standards.
If you're not happy with WP as it is, then please just leave, and spare us the "leaving for android" thread on your way out.

Well, I bought my 920 for the OS. But I love Nokia as well and am going to miss it too. But the new Nokia is not quite the Nokia I liked, or the Nokia that has been existed for years. It's completely different now, as the devices will be manufactured by Foxconn, and most of the staff from the old Nokia gone to Microsoft. So the new Nokia is basically different company with only the name Nokia. Even the design of the upcoming N1 tablet is different to what Lumias had. So I'll just stay with Microsoft and Windows.
it [W10] may be their last straw at being in a position to greatly change the landscape of the industry.

As long as there is money and a will, there is always a way. There is no such thing as a last straw. Ever! EVER! The only thing that changes is how disruptive a new product/service must be to turn things around. Apple went from being broke, to being the most powerful device manufacturer in the world, by way of a single product. That is far more dramatic than the situation MS or WP is in.

I doubt W10 will be the big messiah many here are expecting/hoping it to be. I expect W10 will put WP on much better footing, but that is only when the real battle begins. I think W10 represents the end of the beginning, more than it represents the beginning of the end.
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Anyone thinking that Android is not the best OS now is dreaming.

Or maybe they just have a different opinion than yours? I would go back to BlackBerry before I used an Android device, and I'm speaking from a place of knowledge; I've owned several Android devices, and I just don't like the OS.
I'll be the first to admit, I've come to know Nokia late in the game so it reads like, at least according to the OP, WP people are chomping at the bit to run to android powered Nokia or in other words, its Nokia no matter the OS. Do you have an opinion on why they are still here? What was the last pre-WP Nokia flagship? Anyone know?

There are 2 kinds of ppl,one who adopted WP initially owing to its design, and is familiar with MS not Nokia,(predominantly from US) where Nokia was long dead anyways. but US has not much contributed to WP share, there were WP7 non nokia models bought but not many in numbers.

And then there are Nokia fans from countries where Nokia was huge in terms of brand value, Nokia N8 was the pre Wp flagship n was a great phone. n then N9 happened but Nokia under elop never brought it to many countries since they wanted WP to be preferred and they brought L800 & L900, most ppl outside US would have brought these only for Nokia & not for WP. yes WP is smooth and fluid without lags but are these WP's selling points? or is it the camera & pureview tech that got the recognition for WP devices?

OP is not wrong if he says Nokia can be successful with an Android.
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There are 2 kinds of ppl,one who adopted WP initially owing to its design, and is familier with MS nut not Nokia,(predominantly from US)
recognition for WP devices?.

I agree with all your points except that the initial adopters were primarily from the U.S. Just as many, if not a bit more (per capita) reside in western Europe, and chose WP for the same reasons those in the U.S. did.
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Me and my 4-5 friends all use Lumias just because it's a Nokia product, if Nokia would have gone Android way in their early days most people won't even know WP exists.
I tried WP just because of Nokia, I like OS but there are too many compromises, I'm not taking about app gap, I'm taking that most apps perform better on rival OS's heck even Microsoft's own apps, I'm trying to live with all the compromises just because i was getting top notch Nokia hardware ( I know Microsoft will be using everything same so won't be a problem) but how long will this software sufferings continue, there's a limit and windows 10 is that limit for me. They deliver on par with rival OS I stay, otherwise bye bye Microsoft.
OK, I've read the replies - some made sense, some were, let's say less than sensible.

As far as Nokia (eventually) making an Android phone - NOT for me, even though I've been w Nokia from the Symbian days. I bought unlocked Symbian (Nokia E71, N8) phones for use on dumbphone unlimited data plans. While Symbian was not gonna make the grade (too many issues converting to touch, etc.) it had all the bells & whistles - and what it didn't have was supplanted by a rabid developer base. BUT, that's history.

Moved to Windows Phone for several reasons:
- It was championed by Nokia & I liked the solid devices Nokia was shipping
- It wasn't Android. I still think the next large breach, will be via Android devices in the hands of certain clueless (approx. 50% of) Android users. 50% of Android's installed base is significant numbers. The openness of the OS is a double edged sword.
- It wasn't Apple. Simply locked down phones that are very expensive. I know Android flagships come out @ the same prices, but, ultimately that price falls. There are myriad levels of Android, the iPhone 5C was a disaster, thus just Apple flagship - iPhone6 (& flagship -1, iPhone5S).

As far as last chance, Microsoft has deep pockets - they could (highly inadvisable) reset yet again. The gap between WinPhone & iOS / Android features is closing rapidly. Microsoft doesn't have to innovate, just play catchup (very quickly) - however, if Windows 10 were to have a must have / new & exciting feature (on their phones), it could take off.

Alternatively, MS is making more $$ from Android (licensing) than WinPhone, so you always follow the money.
This is like the 12th thread I've seen about "WP10 better be good or it's all over".

Let me make this simple for you: Go to Android now. There's no feature list for 10 yet and I've already seen an impossible number of expectations from users here. Everybody whining wants something radically different- It will never live up to these impossible standards.

If you're not happy with WP as it is, then please just leave, and spare us the "leaving for android" thread on your way out.

You completely missed my point. I'm at the moment pretty happy with Windows Phone 8.1. And thanks to the promised update to 10, I have no plans to leave. For now.

But if Microsoft can't deliver with 10 AND Nokia offers a competitive Android phone, I think Microsoft has a very big problem.
I'm here for Lumia. Notice I said Lumia. Provided that my phone has the same Lumia look and feel with amazing camera I don't care who makes it :)

I'd never blindly follow an oem no matter the os. That just screams worse than Apple fans tbh.
Yes, it will have some effect. But I am unsure if that business model is going to work at all.

While it is not fully disclosed, one can read between the lines that Nokia is only taking % of sales for the devices for selling the brand. Well possibly some more, but mostly irrelevant stuff (like that launcher and some decisions in product features, but again not real engineering).

As Nokia always sold cheap phones (even in Lumia series nothing but 520 didn't sell), one can wonder how many phone makers would be willing to give Nokia a % for labeling its name on the cheap phones as there is nearly no profit in that products anyway.

And if Nokia is to try to sell the high-end phones with its branding it really shouldn't concern Microsoft, as Microsoft is not selling such phones anyway and as you can see it mostly shifted resources to lower and mid range phones where it has some traction. And those high-end buyers can in most cases figure out the difference between Windows Phone and Nokia anyway.
Yes, it will have some effect. But I am unsure if that business model is going to work at all.

While it is not fully disclosed, one can read between the lines that Nokia is only taking % of sales for the devices for selling the brand. Well possibly some more, but mostly irrelevant stuff (like that launcher and some decisions in product features, but again not real engineering).

As Nokia always sold cheap phones (even in Lumia series nothing but 520 didn't sell), one can wonder how many phone makers would be willing to give Nokia a % for labeling its name on the cheap phones as there is nearly no profit in that products anyway.

And if Nokia is to try to sell the high-end phones with its branding it really shouldn't concern Microsoft, as Microsoft is not selling such phones anyway and as you can see it mostly shifted resources to lower and mid range phones where it has some traction. And those high-end buyers can in most cases figure out the difference between Windows Phone and Nokia anyway.
Microsoft is not shifting to low and mod range phones. They will always sell them but high end is part of their strategy as well. Unfortunately they were designing a high end phone (McLaren) that didn't pan out the way they wanted so they scrapped it leaving no high end phone other than 1520 this holiday season. (and 930 for non us).
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