Here is why I think that Windows 10 is Microsoft's last chance

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Microsoft mainly survives off of software, so if they failed in the software department, they'd probably still survive.
Oh cmon guys. Do MS ever succeed with their phones project? Do we need is not more apps, but a solid and functionally os. Even sometimes we still have to wait for resuming and never ending loading screen in our 2gb of ram wp phones. This is really annoying and very ugly os performance. And sometimes, if we download something from browser or attached file in email, the file never found in our wp phone. Althought now we have file manager but that case still exist and MS can't fix this problem since wp 8.
The main great reason in wp is just Nokia Lumia, because Nokia's camera technology.
So i agree if this wp10 project is the last chance for MS. But i doubt they will success because the curse and tradition that MS never success in phone business.

So, leaving out the hardware side all together, even if microsoft succeeds on the software side, they'll still be a failure in the phone business? Last I checked their services were pretty heavily used on both android and ios.

Also, it's pretty ridiculous that people keep saying that it's only Nokia's brand that even makes WP good. The internet has been filled with uses who talk more about the OS than Nokia; though, those guys are pretty loud as well. I imagine had Samsung ever really pushed WP, they would have had just as much success if not more.

Briefly looking at the brand rankings, Microsoft really isn't that bad. Microsoft Brand Ranking | All Brand Rankings where Microsoft is listed!

To the point about multitasking, I can't really disagree. This has been somewhat of a sore spot for me as well.
Mods can now close this thread. Didn't wanted another generic "time-is-running-out" thread, just wanted to add an argument why I think "wait for Windows 10.1" won't cut it this time for a broad group of people.
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