Hey Cortana

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Jun 9, 2013
So with Denim rolling out for Lumia's and bringing Hey Cortana (Much like Ok Google) is it a big miss for the M8?

For me I rarely use Cortana but features like this that are bound to be advertising fodder need to be WP generic. Now differentiation is not nearly as important as market expansion. Do we need to hammer MS or HTC for not stepping up?

Until further notice, it's a Nokia / Microsoft exclusive feature, not a feature in the OS.

Unless Microsoft is sinking their own platform on purpose, they will not do such a thing. You don't spit in the face of OEMs when your market share is dwindling.

Especially since Cortana has never been an OEM exclusive feature, so hooking into it being limited to Microsoft is an abuse of position and asking OEMs to abandon the platform. OEMs will not support a platform where they cannot make a profit because Microsoft holds back the best features. If they are smart (and they are), they will expose the API for everyone.
I see the lumias much like the Nexus was supposed to be...a beta test bed. I'm sure that they will release for the general public when they figure out what to use as a sensorcore substitute on other devices. Until then, swiping down on my case or pressing the search button will be fine for me. I love being able to access it from my case. It makes driving an awful lot safer.
So how is "Hey Cortana" different from "Cortana", which I have on my Verizon HTC One (M8) ?

It's passive and always on, just like "Ok Google". All you have to do is say hey Cortana and she wakes and awaits input. Saves you handling the phone to play music for example. Thou technically I have this in the car already, it's a work around but Cortana has a number, voice dial it and hey presto, same thing.
Seriously, put down the flag and realize what you just said... It is an exclusive feature right now, just like Microsoft confirmed that all Windows 8.1 Lumia devices will get Win 10 and everyone jumped in with "so will the M8"... Even though HTC has NOT said that, yet...

There are a TON of features/Apps that are Lumia exclusives - SMS/Call Block, Lumia Camera, Video Uploader, Mix Radio, etc...

Microsoft is building the OS, not the Apps that run with it. HTC has done pretty well getting the DuoCam software, Video Highlights (Zoe), Sense TV and BlinkFeed ported over to Windows Phone. There comes a point in time that they will end up cutting their losses unless Microsoft helps them out - and unfortunately, I doubt the M8 for Windows has done well enough to justify the M9/Next Gen to do it again.

Hopefully I am totally wrong, because I am really hoping to see Mix Radio and some other features come to the M8, but for now, I am extremely happy with the M8 and everything that goes with it.
Look, HTC has been with MS making Phones since Windows Mobile 5. They are not going anywhere. And all Windows Phone OEM devices will get windows 10 and assuming they have the proper hardware all the same OS level features, like Hey Cortana, as MS own Lumia phones. Hell, even most Lumia devices aren't getting Hey Cortana. But feel free to continue believing what you please. It's a free country.
Seriously, put down the flag and realize what you just said... It is an exclusive feature right now, just like Microsoft confirmed that all Windows 8.1 Lumia devices will get Win 10 and everyone jumped in with "so will the M8"... Even though HTC has NOT said that, yet...

HTC hasn't confirmed Win10, but they have promised 2 years of software updates for the M8. From their website: "You?ll get the latest software updates for up to 2 years automatically." They are opening themselves up for legal pain if they don't deliver...

HTC Customer Advantage | HTC United States
HTC hasn't confirmed Win10, but they have promised 2 years of software updates for the M8. From their website: "You’ll get the latest software updates for up to 2 years automatically." They are opening themselves up for legal pain if they don't deliver...

HTC Customer Advantage | HTC United States

I would be very careful about that. There's a distinct difference between Update and Upgrade. MSFT continued to Update XP 10+ years after it's release, but that didn't mean you were eligible to receive Vista or Windows 7. Updates to me means updating Sense, corrective patches and HTC apps, not the OS itself.
I would be very careful about that. There's a distinct difference between Update and Upgrade. MSFT continued to Update XP 10+ years after it's release, but that didn't mean you were eligible to receive Vista or Windows 7. Updates to me means updating Sense, corrective patches and HTC apps, not the OS itself.

I don't disagree with you. It would be great for an author at WC to write an article about this and seek clarification from HTC.
That's been the big question. The 'official' word came from the Lumia Twitter account but it did not specify if it was only Lumia phones with WP8 or all devices with WP8. I would imagine it would be up to each OEM to decide if their respective devices will support/receive WP10, but again who knows. For me personally, it's not really an issue. I ordered the M8 because I like the way it is right now. I go through phones pretty fast so if it turns out it won't be receiving 10 or Hey Cortana, and there's something in 10 that I cannot live without, I'll figure out a new plan then.
I would be very careful about that. There's a distinct difference between Update and Upgrade. MSFT continued to Update XP 10+ years after it's release, but that didn't mean you were eligible to receive Vista or Windows 7. Updates to me means updating Sense, corrective patches and HTC apps, not the OS itself.

Hold up. Those are paid software packages, not phone firmware. Apples to oranges, big time.
Unless Microsoft is sinking their own platform on purpose, they will not do such a thing. You don't spit in the face of OEMs when your market share is dwindling.

Especially since Cortana has never been an OEM exclusive feature, so hooking into it being limited to Microsoft is an abuse of position and asking OEMs to abandon the platform. OEMs will not support a platform where they cannot make a profit because Microsoft holds back the best features. If they are smart (and they are), they will expose the API for everyone.

I agree. Also to add I have a L920 according to rumors/sources it will not receive the feature because the hardware does not support it so I don't think its exclusive the nokia or ms branded lumias. I am sure ms will roll out some update to activate hey cortana to other oems
Hold up. Those are paid software packages, not phone firmware. Apples to oranges, big time.

My point exactly. An Update (which the HTC statement reads) in my mind means firmware, app updates etc. Not an Upgrade to the OS.
Idk why people keep claiming that the feature is coming to m8. Isn't one of the key components the hey Cortana feature is sensorcore which is a LUMIA ONLY hardware aspect.

Meaning only three phones are actually capable of it right now. Unless the m8 has sensorcore why do you guys keep saying it will get it.

Having finally gotten my hands on the 930 unlocked and with denim I have to say the fact I can launch it without touching it is making me weep I am still on cyan and not denim with my 1520. It's an awesome feature

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