Stop being blind by your own fortune that you in fact got a GOOD Surface Book. MANY people haven't, and its more than a normal amount who are getting dud Surface Books. Get off that "Microsoft will come through, just keep waiting and stop whining" mentality and accept the reality. Go to ANY forum that has Surface Book posts. You will find the same exact issues. It's buggy, it is NOT ready for prime time. You're completely delusional if you think otherwise. Again, I don't know how anyone can be fine spending $2,000+ to be a beta tester for Microsoft. All these people defending the product, saying just to wait for fixes, that you're a whiner if you complain. Give me a fricking break. This thing cost $1500+ before tax. You want people to not complain about it and not return it if it doesn't work. To be OK with waiting for fixes for something they just spent $1,500+ on? Is this just the normal pattern for every Microsoft release? To just accept a dud product and wait for software updates that are months out from release? What in the actual f#ck....?
They can make the customer happy, by not releasing a beta product. I tried two Surface Books, one I bought, one I was going to buy as the replacement before I left the store. Both were fully updated, both had plenty of crappy bugs. Theres no way in hell people are just going to keep returning Surface Book's, over and over, and be OK with it. This is the shi-t-t-iest product release I've ever seen, PERIOD.
You keep bashing peoples responses that don't coincide with your thought process, with your opinion, well, I'm glad we all have our own say and can ignore your high horse comments, saying people should bite their tongue and just get a replacement until they get one that works. THAT ISN'T NORMAL.... it is not OK to keep getting replacements until "one finally works" without bugs. Can you not see the irony in what you and some other folks are saying?
I'm really glad this thread is staying on top of the Surface Book forum and I hope a lot of potential buyers read it and DON'T buy it. Save themselves the heartache and disappointment until they can fix their quality control and release drivers that fix all the issues across the board. Yeah, the select few had 100% bug free products, but the three I tried in person at the Microsoft Store and the one at Best Buy at all the same exact crappy bugs along with the three people I saw returning theirs for the same exact issues.
Oh look, more issues after the latest firmware update:
Wow. Either you can't read, are blinded by your own hatred for this product because of your problems, or are purposefully ignoring what I am really saying. I am in NO WAY blind by my good fortune, as you call it. I fully acknowledge the problems people are having (in fact, as I have said at least FOUR times now, I am having some of the same problems), and really want Microsoft to fix them as quickly as they can.
What I am saying, and HAVE BEEN saying this entire time, is to please stop stoking the pot and bag on a product that has just been released. Again, REGARDLESS of price, this is a new product for them and the market, and as such is going to have problems. I am sorry that you expect everything to be perfect on a 1st gen product, but that is holistically naive, and fails to take into account the realities of how a product is developed.
Please stop blowing the situation out of proportion. Please stop vilifying Microsoft for releasing this product and providing users with a negative experience. DON"T BUY THE EFFING PRODUCT!!!! I will continue to contend this situation is your fault for not understanding what you were getting into in the first place. Are there problems with the devices? ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY!!! Does that mean Microsoft has terrible QC, and makes terrible products? ABSOLUTELYNOT!!!! It means they broke a mold when they released this product and have a few bugs they will most certainly deal with. YOU SHOULD HAVE REALIZED THIS WHEN YOU BOUGHT THE PRODUCT!!!
I bought the original Surface Pro way back when fully knowing there would be problems, and boy were there! By 2 or 3 months in, that was a great product (if not poorly designed looking back at it now, having seen the Pro 3 and Pro 4). I bought the Pro 3 fully knowing there would be problems with that one too, and why? Because even though it was a gen 3 product, technically, they again did things to the hardware that no one in the industry had, so yes there were going to be problems. I bought the Book fully understanding there would be problems, and again, boy are there. But I fully understand that and am willing to deal with it. Why? Because as you can see from my past experience, MICROSOFT HAS GENERALLY FIXED EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM.
I am certain you have had a bad experience with this product, and for that I am sorry, because Microsoft has probably lost you as a customer, and that is unfortunate. All that I am asking, and have been asking, is that you take a little responsibility in the situation and realize what you are buying BEFORE you buy it. Don't hate on Microsoft for something you should have expected (regardless of what your idealistic opinion of what spending $2k on a product actually means), and should have been willing to deal with, realistically.
**Officially off soap box from this thread. I am tired of explaining my point to you and everyone else, when clearly you do not understand, or fail to see, what my ACTUAL point of view really is**
EDIT: Oh, and by the way before you respond, YES it is also my fault for buying this product and having problems. But again, I am willing to deal with them until Microsoft fixes them, and if they do not, return the product or sell it, and not complain publicly about it (instead I will do something far more useful: Work with Microsoft as a customer to resolve these problems, which I have been working with their support team on these issues).