Hi, I'm iPhone Rene, and You're Windows Phone? -- Round Robin

3) its definitely a place holder, which is really annoying to be frank. Even though people are waiting for WinMo7, for an enterprise user (like myself), MS is telling us to wait until WinMo 8 (yes, 8!) before we can have the secure enterprise experience that RIM is already offering. (and while I've used BBs in the past, I'm waiting for WinMo to get its act together so I can get a TouchPro2 or whatever version they're on before my work allows them onto the network)

As a filler, its to not lose too much marketshare to Android, and also to show that MS hasnt completely given up on the platform. (and until it now, it seems like it practically did)
Wow, this is STILL going on. I'm pretty sure that the contest threads are supposed to be closed when the contest is over, or at least that's what all of the other sites have done.
Windows Mobile - On Hold for 7

Personally, with the apparent leap in hardware requirements coming with WM7, I don't see any compelling reason to buy a WM phone at this point. I personally have a Fuze and with the custom ROMs it is still working like a champ. My contract expires towards the end of the year and I really would like to see what next year brings in devices. I think the HD2 is the one I am drooling for now, but if that is the HW minimum for 7 then I want to wait for a better model.

The thing that irks me about the WM ecosystem is that once you buy a device, your support pretty much ends. There are few software updates and you can usually forget about getting an upgrade to a totally new version outside of the enthusiast community. I am really worried about HTC and the other companies clamping down on the software leaks. At least with Android the source is more or less out there for people to use. I really hope MS fixes this with 7 and that they start marking devices with an software update assurance for a certain time. Of course by the time we get the new devices, they have been around for such a long time that they are no longer the newest ones available. Hopefully MS and the other OS comapnies force the carriers for a little better support.
I heard this is supposed to be over on Thursday, or at least that's AndroidCentral's plan.
Build quality is on par with any other operating system and I liked my t-mobile shadow and hopefully once the HD2 comes to the states that would be awesome.

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